The Uzumaki family of all ages, who awakened the Chakra chains, no one can compare with Naruto.

The quality of chakra is far worse.

The Nine Tailed Beasts are created by the Sages of the Six Paths who separated the Ten Tails Chakra, that is to say, if these nine Tailed Beasts are gathered together, and then try to fuse them together, it will become the Ten Tails Chakra.

Naruto does not have a heretic golem and cannot fuse the chakras of the tailed beasts, but this is already the closest to the complete ten-tailed chakra.

Except for Ten Tails Jinchuriki, no one can match Naruto's Chakra of higher quality.

The chakra chain composed of this terrible chakra is so powerful and strong that one can imagine it.

"The strongest spiral pill I have now is the six-star spiral pill, that is, the spiral pill composed of one master, the immortal magic jade spiral pill, six assistants, and the chakras of six tailed beasts." Naruto secretly said.

Higher seven-star, eight-star, and nine-star chakras need stronger and superior chakra control, which is not yet possible.

And this chakra chain has carried Naruto's highest level of chakra since it came out.

"The strongest technique?" Naruto thought, scattered the spiral pill on his right hand, put away the chain protruding from the heart of his left hand, put his hands together, and thousands of shadow clones appeared.

All shadow clones, as soon as they appeared, immediately attacked at full strength.

Naruto has no separated hands, chakra erupts.


The chakra chains protruding from all over the body swept across all directions indiscriminately.

Using the Chakra chain as the birth of the tree world in the first generation of pillars, the effect is surprisingly good.

Naruto was delighted to see the shadow clones falling down and disappearing.

It can attack, it can defend, no, defense is fine, it can bind people and trap enemies.

"That's right. From this point of view, even without the sealing technique, this chain is still a powerful weapon." Naruto thought to himself.

At least until he completes and masters the Nine Star Spiral Pill, the Chakra Chain will be his strongest technique.

At the beginning, he only used the Chakra chain as a seal, and he was really reckless.

With new discoveries, Naruto couldn't wait to run to Sakura, and Hinata and the others showed off.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Obito attacked Yumuren.

Yumuren has no family members, but she has disciples and students.

Obito repeats the old trick, using these hostages to force Yumuren not to commit suicide, but to perish with the tailed beast in his body.

Although the probability is very low, Obito really can't afford to lose. Once it happens, it means that the plan will not progress for several years.

Anyway, it's easy to catch a few ninjas.

The process of fighting and talking is not shown. In the end, the wooden man did not escape the fate of being captured by the tailed beast.

And just when Obito got Erwei and was about to kill Yumuren's students, these witnesses, a familiar scene happened.

Space distortion, Naruto, Sakura, the two appeared together, caught him off guard.

After that, Sanwei was very lucky, and took soil to the seaside to wait for the absolute investigation, and then

Hearing the sea monsters mentioned by nearby residents, the fishermen who went out were too scared to go out to sea.

Obito thought, no way, and rushed over to see that Sanwei was floating on the sea, basking in the sun.

"" Take soil.

Four Tails is rebellious, has no family, relatives, students, apprentices, and is truly single.

For him, Obito imagined three countermeasures, how to capture the four tails completely and safely.

The reality taught him a lesson, let him know what it means to lie and win.

Lao Zi was hiding in the cave very weakly, and his combat power was severely lacking. After the four tails were over, he didn't help Lao Zi, and even quarreled with Lao Zi.

The process of getting the tailed beast was so smooth that Obito felt uneasy. He thought about it carefully, considering various possibilities and problems.

"The arrow is on the string, it has to be fired, even if there is a problem, we still have to." Obito secretly said: "Go ahead."

After that, Obito bit the bullet and successfully obtained five tails, six tails, seven tails, and eight tails, each time getting weirder.

These tailed beasts don't know how to resist at all, just like being stupid.

Although it's useless to resist, don't resist, please call twice.

Finally, it was over for the time being, and Obito suppressed the uneasiness and strangeness in his heart, and set off for the Temple of Fire.

Nine-Tails Jinzhu is too powerful, and there are many companions who master the technique of time and space, facing each other head-on, there is no hope that they can grab Nine-Tails.

Obtain Nine-Tails Chakra from other places, just make up the minimum.

"After I become a Sage of the Six Paths, I'll go grab those chakras. Now, let's make do with it." Obito secretly said.

He looked down at his heart.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, the one on his heart, the spell set by Madara.

In the process of fighting Naruto when acquiring Eight-Tails Chakra, the nails on the hand penetrated by Naruto were destroyed.

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