Temari smiled and didn't answer, but in his heart, it was somewhat uncomfortable.

Girlfriend, wife, those three.

As for her, she doesn't even have a title, and her identity can't be disclosed. She is really sour and angry.

country of wind.


This is the best place to try out recruits. Don't worry about any natural disasters and changes. If it hits the sky, it will be a sandstorm.

Naruto, Sakura, and Ino are all super perceptive, and Hinata has supercilious eyes.

After confirming that there was no one in the tens of kilometers nearby, Naruto said, "Stand by my side."

The three girls leaned over obediently.

Confirming that there is no problem, Naruto clasped his hands together.

Nine Lama mode, on.

Detonated the terrifying chakra in the body.

"Immortal method, really thousands of hands."


Great earthquake.

The desert exploded.

The sandstorm formed naturally in an instant, and was soon dispersed by a stronger force.

In the dark, it seems that there are many hands supporting and pushing behind.

With the support of these forces, Naruto only felt that the endless chakra in his body had a place to play and pour out, and poured it in without hesitation.



The unprecedented shock made Ino's scalp tingle, and she took Sakura's arm beside her.

Hinata opened her white eyes, observing Naruto, and at the same time observing all the changes in the surrounding details.

The field of vision changed, the desert was sinking, and he and others were rising at a surprisingly fast speed. Before Hinata could see anything, the altitude stopped.

"Are you kidding me!" Sakura pinched her cheek.

This is surgery?

"It's so high! This is higher than the ice tower! It's more than [-] meters!" Ino looked down and screamed.

Hinata saw clearly with her white eyes.

The place where I and others stood was on top of a wooden statue.

This wooden figure is sitting cross-legged on top of a big Buddha.

What's even more frightening is that this giant Buddha is also sitting, so it has a height of about [-] meters. It's unbelievable how tall it would be standing up.

In addition, Hinata turned her head and looked up, and saw that there were countless big hands on the back of this big Buddha, and each big hand was half the size of a tailed beast.

Hinata has never seen other tailed beasts, only three tails. According to her size ratio, a big hand can easily hold the three tails.

Hinata herself is the type of few words. At this time, because of the extreme shock, she couldn't even say a word, but she had a dazed look on her delicate face.

And soon, Sakura and Ino also discovered this.

Even if it is not as clear and accurate as Hinata's, a general perspective is still similar.

"This, depending on the tonnage, is also a big killer." Sakura dryly laughed.

Naruto separated his hands and exhaled, feeling okay, not particularly tired.

Think about it, no matter how strong Hashirama is, he is only one person.

Not only is Naruto not human, he also has nine tailed beasts as his backing.

It also has a deep understanding and assimilation, absorption, and fusion of Asura Chakra.

The amount of chakra alone is not explained by the rolling column.

Half squatting down, the right hand condenses the spiral pills, and presses on the top of the wooden dummy's head until the spiral pills disappear, and the top of the wooden dummy's head is still intact.

Naruto blinked, his right hand turned into a claw, chakra coiled around the nails, and with the sharp nails, he aimed at the wooden figure.


Sparks were wiped out, and four shallow scratches appeared.

I don't give you a chance to take a closer look, but soon, the scratch will disappear and it will be repaired automatically.

"Hinata, use your seeking jade to test it." Naruto said.

After hearing Naruto's explanation and description, Hinata understood.

Tenseiyan opens, controls a Dao-seeking jade to fly out, reaches the limit distance, stops at [-] meters, and opens.

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