Beach pants, sandals, sunglasses, nothing out of the ordinary, why are so many women coming to strike up a conversation?

Looking down, suddenly.

The gold chain around the neck, the three diamond rings on the ring finger of the left hand, and the gold watch on the left hand all look like rich people with mines at home.

And this face value is super handsome.

Tall, rich and handsome?Uh, Naruto is hard to say.

Go to places where there are few people and avoid these strike-ups.

There is nothing wrong with being popular, but firstly, he has three girlfriends, secondly, he has long been tired of seeing beauties, and thirdly, these women wear very fragrant perfumes.

The only thing Naruto couldn't stand was the strong smell of perfume, which made him uncomfortable.

Anyway, Sakura and the others have the ability to perceive, no matter where he hides, they can find him, so Naruto tries to go to places with few people.

"Huh? Is someone following you?" Naruto was stunned, without looking back, and walked on his own.

Slowly, the people behind approached lightly, holding up the wooden stick in their hands.

Seeing that the distance was enough, he immediately rushed forward, aiming at the back of Naruto's head with a sap.

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through Naruto's mind.

Should we cooperate with pretending to pass out and see what these people want to do?Or use strong means to subdue directly?

Thinking about it, thinking about it, Naruto let out an uh, rolled his eyes white, and fell to the ground.

"Get a big fish, hehe."

"I discovered this first, so I'll give you a little more share."

"Idiot, is this the time to worry about this? First tie him back, investigate his family background, and then decide how much to extort according to the actual situation."

"Kidnapped?" Naruto thought to himself.

Speaking of which, the ninja world is not limited to the five major ninja villages, the five major countries, and various small and medium-sized ninja villages and countries, which are divided into many different types.

There are only a few countries with ninja villages, and more countries do not have ninja village power at all.

At most, when necessary, spend money to hire ninjas from regular Da Nin Village, or use less money to hire rebellious ninja and wave ninja.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Jianghu is just a general term, and it refers more to society, the law of the jungle, and the law of the jungle.

Akatsuki is not the only rebellious ninja organization in the ninja world, Akatsuki is just the one who made the biggest name, and there are countless other rebellious ninja organizations.

In the plot, there is a villain named Kado who appeared in the early days, who is a typical example of evil in the ninja world.

He is obviously an ordinary person, but because of his huge wealth, relying on a group of hooligans and a small amount of rebellion and forbearance, he can make waves and force a country to its end.

Kado is just a microcosm of the ninja world, and there are many, many such people in other places.

Thinking of the way of making money that Sakura mentioned, Naruto had an idea.

On the other side, among the four swimsuits, Sakura was hesitating, not knowing which one to wear.

Noticing that Hinata was standing in a daze, and her white eyes were still open, she asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Hinata?"

"Naru, Naruto, he was taken away." Hinata stammered.

"What!" Sakura frowned.

With a click, the ground under his feet split and the cracks spread.

Ino, who was blowing air on the swimming ring, couldn't help but stop.

"What's going on?" Sakura said, and Li Sakura had already come out of her body, chasing after Naruto.

"Make an appointment, who the hell is it?" Ino complained.

Not caring about changing into her swimsuit, Sakura grabbed her handbag and ran out quickly.

Dawdling, Hinata, who hadn't touched her clothes because of her shyness, quickly caught up.

And Ino, who had already changed into his swimsuit, slapped his forehead, took out a gown from his bag and put it on, barely reaching his thighs, shouted to wait for me, and chased him out.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Wow, the gold content of this gold chain is so high, let alone hundreds of thousands."

"Ah, I'm dead. This gold watch is inlaid with twenty-four diamonds and this logo. It's that world-renowned brand. Isn't this a limited edition? Hiss."

"No, these three rings are glued to his fingers, so they can't be taken off."

"Why don't you chop off your fingers together?"

"Idiot, this is a precious silver ticket. Seeing how expensive he is, he will redeem it for any money. What if you hurt your finger? We are villains, and they are also principled villains. We can chop it up when we get enough money. "

Hearing the chattering noise, Naruto felt extremely irritable.

Sigh, hurry up and go to the lair, don't waste any time.

Finally, Naruto didn't have to wait too long.

These people seized valuables from Naruto, tied them up, blindfolded them, put them in sacks, secretly sent them to the boat, and set out to sea.

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