Before these ninjas could react and sound the alarm, Sakura immediately sent Ino to the West Island and Hong to the South Island with Flying Thunder God, and she herself appeared on the main island in an instant.

Hinata, who was still in place, opened Tenseiyan.

Tenseiyan chakra mode, on.

The body flew into the sky ignoring gravity, overlooking the East Island condescendingly.

The golden wheel exploded.

Bright golden light bloomed from the right hand.

With one blow, an island is sunk.

The people on the island have been brainwashed and are fanatical diehards. To avoid the resurgence of this organization, extinction is the best solution.

Hinata is gentle and kind, but that doesn't mean she has to do the same to her enemies.

Naruto's principle of dealing with things is that once it is determined that it is an enemy, it will be wiped out without mercy.

Sakura sees through Naruto and implements this very well.

Of course Hinata is no exception.

After sinking the East Island, Hinata immediately flew to the North Island, the repulsive force broke out, and the dense fog was repelled indiscriminately. Above the North Island, another golden wheel reincarnated and exploded, descending from the sky.

After the North Island is the Northwest Island.

There are a total of eight small islands around the main island. Those who can do more work, Hinata is responsible for a lot of islands.

Meanwhile, West Island.

As soon as Ino arrived here, he immediately untied the Yin seal, releasing the fat that had accumulated for more than ten days.

Activate the super doubling technique and turn into a [-]-meter giant again.

In this posture, he used the Ninjutsu, Earth Dun, and Earth Spear, which he found from Kakutsuna, to harden himself, and just jumped around the West Island.

Huge size, terrible weight, a phenomenon that cannot be described as disaster.

It's too high, and Ino can't see clearly what's under his feet. Whatever it is, the destruction will be over.

There are those who try to resist, use the weakening device, and try to weaken Ino.

Can't do it.

Ino is too big, several people are tied up, it is not as big as Ino's little toe.

This device is not omnipotent, it has distance limitations and individual differences, at most it can affect Ino's ankle, and it cannot reach further up.

If Hinata is the power of God, Ino is a monster, and Red is relatively normal, it is a normal ninja style of play.

As for Sakura, that goes without saying.

No one can stop the unsolvable spiritualization technique.

Without writing sharing eyes, reincarnation eyes, reincarnation eyes, and special pupil techniques, you don't even know what you were beaten to death.

Liying opened Wushuang and killed all directions.

Sakura, holding a three-meter-long chakra knife not counting the handle, only the blade, casts the chakra endowment.

The sea-blue water spirally wrapped around the knife, extending the blade to about seven meters.

This chakra knife, which weighs more than one hundred kilograms, is like nothing in Sakura's hands, and she is playing with it like a toy.

With a single blow, the house collapsed and the ground collapsed, and the huge main island trembled three times.

Terrifying strange power, combined with ninja tools, the power is even more frightening.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ahhh!" The perception ninja yelled in fright, and the people around him asked what was wrong. He was frightened and stammered: "Okay, so strong, my Chakra."

Not a sentient ninja, unable to experience the fear of a sentient ninja.

And soon, the others didn't have the time to think about anything else, and their eyes were filled with golden light.

Then, there is nothing left, including people, houses and islands, all wiped out.

Only the basic disk of an island remained, unable to withstand the blow of this terrifying force, it sank into the sea.

Eliminate the six islands in the shortest time possible.

Hinata glanced at Ino, who had finished her work, stepped on the sea water, walked up to the main island in a few steps, and joined Sakura.

Look at the South Island, which is still brightly lit, and many places are full of flames.

Fly quickly, lock on Teacher Hong, and start gravity.

Interferenced by the weakening device, his combat strength was greatly weakened. He was fighting with a few Chunin, fighting inextricably, and suddenly felt his feet off the ground.

Unexpectedly, he had already ascended into the sky and came to Hinata's side.

Then, seeing Hinata's right hand surrounded by several pitch-black balls, a golden light bloomed from the palm of his hand and swept down.



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