The chakra of the nine-tailed beast was grabbed by Naruto and dragged out together with the body of the ten-tailed beast.

Obito's exclamation stopped abruptly.

Losing the Tailed Beast Chakra, not only did he lose his strength, but his life was also cut off drastically, so he couldn't live for long.

"You're done." Naruto said.

Look at the half of one-tailed, half of two-tailed, half of three-tailed, and half of four-tailed.

Half five tails, half six tails, half seven tails, half eight tails, a little nine tails chakra.

And lost these chakras, degenerated back to the original golem.

Turning his head, looking at Sasuke beside him, he showed a smile: "Welcome back."

Closing the door of death, only a little bit of Hitomi was exhausted, Sasuke, who was gradually recovering, sighed tiredly, and ignored Naruto.

He chose to stand on Naruto's side, but it doesn't mean that he has no objection to Naruto's concealment.

Seeing that Sasuke ignored him, Naruto rolled his eyes.

Glancing at Obito who was screaming in pain but unable to get back up, he focused his consciousness on the system and clicked that woman's button.

From the inside to the outside, the body has turned into a woman.

"Welcome back, Sasuke."

Sasuke moved his ears, and before he could tangle or hesitate, Naruto walked around to him and held his hand.

Blonde shawl, cute round face, strange eyes.

The same six beards on his face, plus this handsome Nine Lama pattern coat.

Naruto, who has turned into a woman, is also super handsome, but in addition to this handsome, there is an added beauty, which is cute.

"It's settled. When I'm a woman, I'm the girl of my dreams, the object of my crush. I'm not allowed to have any real actions. The most is to shake hands. I have to shake you, you can't shake me." Naruto said.

Sasuke was silent.

Naruto knows, this is the default.

I can't help feeling in my heart, this is the difference between brothers and women.

If he was a brother, then Sasuke would definitely not give up and kill him.

Just because he now has an extra girl, Sasuke's attitude immediately changed.

Sure enough, Sasuke's favorite person is Naruto.

"It's over?" Sasuke asked.

"No, this is just the beginning." Naruto said.

That's right, whether you can get the six-path mode depends on the next step.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Sasuke! You bastard! Why did you betray me?" Obito said, "I can help you avenge, help you revive Itachi, parents, people of the same clan, you"

"Revenge, I can do it myself. Itachi, parents, and the family don't need to be resurrected." Sasuke said: "Don't do things that you think are good for me and good for me. My business is up to me."

In the plot, Sasuke said this.

I don't want you to feel, I want me to feel.

It is a good interpretation of Sasuke's attitude and behavior.

Itachi didn't believe him, chose to bear everything alone, and arranged the way ahead for him.

Sasuke hates this.

Don't be afraid when you have difficulties, face them together, the worst is death.

Obito got it a little wrong from the start.

He thought he was the best way to treat Sasuke, but he didn't know that this attitude was exactly what Sasuke hated, hated, and rejected the most.

"Heh, heh heh." Obito smiled painfully and self-deprecatingly.

Failed, persisted and worked hard for so long, unexpectedly, the result is like this.

Facing Naruto and Sasuke alone, even if he loses, he will not lose so badly. If he wants to run, he still has a chance.

The mistake was that I believed Sasuke, and when I saw Sasuke attacking Naruto, I thought Sasuke was on my side.

Unexpectedly, Sasuke was on Naruto's side from the beginning.


The Chakra chains binding Obito were withdrawn, Naruto shook his fists and walked slowly towards Obito.

Pay attention to the speed, neither fast nor slow.

"Because of you, I killed my mother, and indirectly caused me to lose my parents. Since I was a child, I have endured such a dark life. I have held on to my dream for nearly ten years, which is to kill you one day. Now is the time. "

Naruto gradually increased his speed, and his emotions were also raised to the extreme.

"Go to hell!"

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