"The next step is the final decisive battle. As long as you get rid of the fish that slipped through the net, the world will be able to rest in peace."

"Yes." Naruto nodded.


The Obito corpse possessed by Heijue, his right hand stabbed in from the back, protruded from the front, and penetrated Madara's heart.

"Blade, you are not the savior. There is no peace in this world, let alone beautiful dreams. That's right, you are just immersed in the beautiful dreams I described for you." Hei Jue said.


what happened?

Why does Heijue do this?

Why, he can't move?

"Ha, do you understand now?" Naruto said with a smile: "You, from the very beginning, were a loser. From the moment you chose to bear everything alone, you were doomed to fail."

Madara's defeat is because he is not absolute.

Or, you believe in your companions and friends wholeheartedly, and work hard with Hashirama.

Or, you don't believe in anyone, including the life you created.

No matter how bad it is, you can still cultivate a loyal ninja army with your own skills, just like Orochimaru.

There can be many reasons for it, and when it comes to this point, it is meaningless to look for the reason.

"Goodbye." Naruto waved his hand.

After Kaguya is sealed, we will be able to meet again, very soon.

"Ahhh! Hashirama!" Madara roared, being filled into a balloon by the chakra gathered from the Zennin world.

"Get ready, Sasuke." Naruto said.

The six-way mode is turned on, the center of gravity is lowered, and the action of preparing to sprint is ready.

Sasuke took a deep breath and touched his heart with his right thumb.

Thanks to the soul transmission of the Sage of the Six Paths, the pupil power consumed by Obito was restored.

Now, he can open the door of death again.

"This chakra! This soul! So strong!" Cold sweat broke out on Sakura's forehead, she gritted her teeth and stood still.

Hinata's pressure was also not small, and a sense of powerlessness arose as if the man's arms were being used as a cart.

The swollen Madara slowly shrunk, and finally, it turned into a human figure, which was Kaguya.

"Go!" Naruto said.

Before the words fell, he disappeared in place.

Bloody red steam was generated from Sasuke's body, he opened the door of death instantly, and rushed towards Kaguya on a par with Naruto.

"Mother, hurry up!" Hei Jue was shocked.

But before it finished speaking, Naruto's fist hit Kaguya's face heavily.

Sasuke's left hand, leaping with lightning, was driven by the power of the gate of death, and cut off Kaguya's left arm quickly and ruthlessly.

Hei Ze, who was separated from Obito, was hidden in the sleeve of this arm.

Kaguya, who seemed to have just woken up and was still a little confused, was stunned by Naruto's full-strength attack.

In the middle of a whirl, it turned into a cannonball, flew straight for more than hundreds of meters, and crashed into a snow mountain.

The mountains shook and the ground trembled, and the tops of the snow-capped mountains were tilted and toppled.

In the plot, in the final showdown, Kaguya often listens to Heijue's advice.

Heijue suggested to leave Ming Zuo.

Heijue proposed to kill Naruto.

Heijue suggested that it was Naruto's body that had the jade behind it.

After that, Heijue taunted the dead Obito and was cut off by Naruto.

From this point on, Kaguya seemed to have lost his fighting IQ.

Not to mention other things, using your face to receive Naruto's big move spiral shuriken, this operation is simply out of mind.

That being the case, then at the beginning of the battle, separate Kaguya and Heijue.


The voice of calling is still there, but Naruto's figure has gone away, only a golden light can be vaguely seen, and there is also a red light that goes hand in hand.

Liangguang rushed to the snow mountain hundreds of meters away in an instant, and fought with Kaguya, who was much more conscious.

As soon as it came into contact, there was a roar of landslides and ground cracks.

Countless stones ignited a fire due to friction, soared into the sky, exploded again, and fell down in a haphazard manner.

Hinata did not move slowly, stepped forward, and with the cooperation of Sakura, separated the left arms of Hei Ze and Kaguya.

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