However, Izanagi's unreasonable pupil technique can free the subject from all unfavorable factors, including death.

Sasuke who opened three doors can explode to death, and Sakura is no problem.

"Okay, then we will drive together at that time, the core goal is to force her to consume more chakra." Naruto said.

Don't expect to kill Kaguya with the gate of death, that's impossible.

Kaguya, who has merged with the sacred tree, cannot be killed.

The next best thing is to consume a lot of her chakra, so that at the critical moment of the seal, Kaguya can't use Huangquan Biliangsaka and Tianzhi Yuzhong to escape, that's fine.

acid space.

Naruto, who was brought here by Kaguya, left his seat as soon as he appeared, avoiding Kaguya's entangled hair, and opened his mouth to speak.


What appeared was bubbles, acid.

Although it is a terrifying existence of corrosive power, but because Naruto and Kaguya cannot be hurt, this place has turned into ordinary water.

"Consume Chakra." Naruto muttered in his heart, swimming towards Kaguya using breaststroke.

As for Hui Ye's entangled hair, he controlled Qiu Dao Yu to resist it.

When approached, Chakra erupted, shaking away the surrounding acid, and punched hard.

Kaguya turned his head to avoid it, and grabbed Naruto with his right hand, but Naruto grabbed his wrist with his left hand first, and flew up with his right foot, slapping Kaguya's waist.

The Six Paths mode, the Six Paths Immortal Art, Naruto's every move, every punch and kick, can make the ten tails tremble.

"I caught you." Hui Ye smiled.

Naruto glanced at his right foot, which was entangled by Kaguya's hair, and bent his right hand back, and hit Kaguya's nose hard with his elbow.


The bridge of the nose collapsed, and Kaguya groaned and tilted his head.

Then, Naruto used his right foot entangled in his hair as a support point, his left leg flew up, and kicked Kaguya's face hard.

Already able to fly and float, Naruto can maintain his balance without any help.

Let go of the left hand holding the bowl of Hui Ye's right hand, and clenched his hands into fists, Wing Chun, waved his hands to the afterimage, and landed on Hui Ye's face crazily.

If you don't hit other places, you only hit your face.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

In Kaguya's eyes, nothing else could be seen, only countless shadows of fists.

Every punch Naruto hits on the face will arouse the chakra resonance of the nine tailed beasts in his body, and an illusion arises that his body is about to split apart.

"Yuyi!" Hui Ye said indistinctly.

Finally, resisting the discomfort and pain caused by Naruto's attack, Kaguya put his right hand on Naruto's arm.

Grasp, absorb, and draw Naruto's chakra from here.

"What?" Hui Ye was astonished, even more puzzled.

Why, can't get it out?

Obviously this person has such a terrifying chakra, why can't he draw it at all?

Without an answer, Kaguya separates from Naruto and dives back into the acid.

Naruto no longer broke out chakra, lost this power, and the acid that was shaken away drowned him again.

Staring at Kaguya who was far away, Naruto chased after him with breaststroke.

Kaguya, who opened his eyes, clearly saw Naruto who was chasing after him, and fell into a deep thought.

According to the situation seen after the resurrection, Naruto is the individual with the most Chakra in the ninja world except her.

How long will it take to get so many chakras? It's a pity to kill them directly. Let's try again to see if we can absorb them.

As the distance narrowed to ten meters, Naruto suddenly accelerated and grabbed Kaguya's hair.

Kaguya was startled, and took the initiative to control the severed hair off.

Naruto quickly threw away the useless hair in his hand, and rushed forward with all his strength.

Headbutts, punches, kicks, elbows, knees, shoulders, nail scratches, etc. against Kaguya.

This is neither a ninja style of play, nor a gangster style of play, but a mad dog style of play unique to Naruto.

Naruto even used his teeth.

Kaguya's horror, what is this, it's so scary.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naruto chased him so closely that Kaguya couldn't use Huangquan Hirasaka to escape.

All non-fatal injuries hit Naruto, and the wounds were returned, and Kaguya himself was hurt.

Hui Ye, who had suffered many losses, truly realized that this person cannot be beaten, let alone be beaten.

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