Rubbing the eyes, patting the face.

"what happened?"

It can't be an illusion, even Unlimited Tsukuyomi can't control him now, it shouldn't be a dream, right?

Thinking about it, Naruto sneaked to the back to find Sakura who was still exercising, hoping to improve her physical fitness to the point where she could open seven doors.

"Sakura, my eyes seem to be blurred, help me see what my eyes look like?" Naruto said.

Drenched in sweat, Sakura wiped the sweat off her face with a towel, shook her sore and numb hands, and stared intently at Naruto's eyes.

"Hey, why are your eyes so red?" Xiao Sakura was surprised, looked closer, was dumbfounded, and yelled strangely: "This! This, this, this! This pattern is! Wheel, eyes of reincarnation!"

It seems that there is nothing wrong, not hallucinations, not vertigo, really, with the eyes of reincarnation.

what happened?

"It's the old man of six paths." Nine Lamas said.

Hearing this, Naruto's heart skipped a beat, his consciousness appeared in the sealed space, and he asked about the details.

Specifically, the tailed beasts are not clear either, they only know that it was done by the Sage of the Six Paths.

"Grandfather Liu Dao passed on a part of his remaining chakra to you, guided you to open the eyes of reincarnation and then stopped, without saying anything, just left." Erwei said again.

Naruto was thoughtful.

The principle of Sage of the Six Paths is fairness.

To Ashura, the reincarnation of Indra's Chakra, donate half of the power, no favoritism.

So, it also gave Sasuke a part of Chakra, so that Sasuke has other abilities?

Naruto immediately went to Sasuke, but the result was no.

Then this is strange, why did the Immortal of the Six Paths violate the principle and help him open the eyes of reincarnation?

This question was not answered until after ten o'clock in the morning.

It turned out that on Naruto's desk, there was a piece of paper under the weight of a book.

"Whether it's right or wrong, talking about it now is an afterthought, meaningless. Even if I start over again, I will still do that."

"Where there is gain, there will be loss. Only when there is loss can there be gain. Think twice before acting in everything. Don't do things that you will regret in the future. Once you have done it, don't regret it."

This is the content written on the front, and the words left by Otsutsuki Yuromo at the bottom.

Turning to the back, two words, thank you, came into view, and then at the bottom, the words left by grandpa.

Otsuki Hagoromo is the real name of the Sage of the Six Paths, which is very formal.

As for grandpa, he seemed intimate, close, as if he was a relative.

Sitting in a chair, and watching it no less than five times, Naruto remained silent.

What is certain is that the original intention of the Sage of the Six Paths was to divide his power into two and pass it on to him and Sasuke fairly.

Yin and Yang.

Now, the Immortal of the Six Paths made an exception and gave him an extra part to help him open the eyes of reincarnation.

"Isn't it the identity of the Sage of the Six Paths, Otsuki Yuromo, or the identity of the grandfather?" Naruto thought to himself.

As for the reason, it is estimated that what I said yesterday played a big role. Mere words are useless. It must be consistent with the words and the heart.

"I, do I have a mouth too?" Naruto thought, dumbfounded.

In response to that sentence again, planting flowers intentionally will not bloom, but unintentionally planting willows and willows to make shade.

When the Sage of the Six Paths said that it was not possible to open the eyes of reincarnation, Naruto had already given up hope, gave up the eyes of reincarnation, and did not think about the matter of reincarnation eyes.

What I said to the Sage of the Six Paths at that time was just thinking about the life experience of the Sage of the Six Paths, and knowing that the Sage of the Six Paths was about to disappear.

I want Sage of the Six Paths to leave without any regrets.

Thinking about it afterwards, he might have thought too much. What would a monk like the Sage of the Six Paths fail to figure out?

Want it, don't get it, give up, this is it again.

Naruto covered his face.

"I should be the one to say thank you, Grandpa, thank you."

It is correct to say that what the Sage of the Six Paths did was not wrong.

Together with Sasuke, give Sage of the Six Paths a hug and thank you.

Exactly what caused the Immortal of the Six Paths to change his mind and was willing to help him open the eyes of reincarnation is unknown.

As a result, he, Uzumaki Naruto, had his own eyes of reincarnation.

Although there is only one, although there is no Gouyu, the most common reincarnation eye, but this still makes him feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

Put down the letter paper, pick up a mirror on the table, and see yourself in the mirror.

Among them, the left eye has not changed and is still the original blue pupil, and the right eye is blood red, with six markings in the eye, which is undoubtedly the eye of reincarnation.

Let go of your mind to sense, and you can clearly perceive the power possessed by these eyes.

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