"How can we guarantee your safety?" Naruto said.

I promised to take everyone to go together, so I had to imagine this point.

Consider all possible hazards, restrictions, interceptions.

With the strength of Sakura and the others, if they go to other worlds, their self-protection ability will not be bad. What they are afraid of is the beginning and process of the time travel, including the problem of going back and forth.

If you go, you have to come back.

Ino got off the bed, moved a chair and sat aside.

Naruto held his head in both hands, fingers in the hair, scratching repeatedly.

Suddenly, an idea appeared, and he turned to look at Ino.

"Do you think this is good? You use the spirit transformation technique to enter the sealed space in my body in the state of your soul alone. After you get there, I will use Yin Yang Dun to create a body, and you will use that body."

"Sakura and I are fine, Hinata, what about Hanabi?" Ino asked, "What should they do?"

"Without Luo Xi, Hinata should be able to practice spiritualization by now, Hanabi, uh." Naruto said: "I don't know how long it will take for her to learn it, tsk, to be determined."

Writing down this method in the notebook, Naruto used his brain and continued to think.

Can't figure it out, using elementary skills, the mind is as still as water, and the thinking is several times more sensitive than normal.

Still can't think of it.

"Hey, if my Samsara Eye could have an independent space like Kamui, that would be great." Naruto couldn't help sighing as he said.

"The ability of Samsara Eye?" Ino was puzzled.

After listening to Naruto explain the mechanism of the reincarnation eye, she understood that the reincarnation eye has one or two unique special abilities.

And only the eye-opener, the person with the eyes, can use it.

"Then what is your ability?" Ino asked.

"This." Naruto put down his pen, raised his right hand, and the palm-sized land appeared.

Ino was stunned: "What's the use of this?"

"I don't know." Naruto said: "I have basically tried all the methods that can be tried. They don't have any lethality, destructive power, or defensive power. If you use it to smash things, it will be the first to break."

Ino looked carefully, but couldn't see anything.

Reach out and touch gently.

And the moment Ino's fingertips touched the soil.


Ino disappeared.

Naruto was shocked.

A well-behaved living person, just gone?He still couldn't perceive the existence of Ino.

"Naruto! I'm here!"

Hearing Ino's voice, Naruto looked in the direction of the voice and opened his mouth wide.

He saw this palm-sized piece of ground floating above his right hand.

There is a smaller, miniature Ino that looks like a toy, where it keeps waving and shouting.

"Ino, you, are you okay? Can you come out?" Naruto said, his voice trembling.

"I'm fine, how to get out, I don't know, there isn't even a door around here, it's empty." Ino said.

Naruto didn't dare to move rashly, so he maintained the existence of this land, hurriedly called Hinata, and then asked Hinata to return to Konoha, and called Sakura back.

The family who had been separated not long ago reunited again.

"I can't see anything." Hinata rolled her eyes, Tenseigan one after another, but didn't notice.

Sakura used reincarnation eyes and writing sharing eyes, and the result was the same.

"I'll go in and try." Sakura said, "There is Flying Thunder God, maybe we can come out."

"Let the shadow clone go in and try it." Naruto said.

Ino is already trapped inside, if there is another Sakura, he will go crazy and collapse.

Sakura nodded, and came out as a shadow.

The shadow clone imitated Ino's actions and touched the field with his fingers. In an instant, the shadow clone disappeared and appeared in this field at the same time.

There are no other obstacles, and the first time you enter, you can see Ino.

Sakurakage's avatar went to join Ino.

If you don't observe the surrounding situation, you can observe it at any time, and you must first make sure you can go out.

Only in and out, this is equivalent to a prison.

Can enter and exit, then, the usefulness is self-evident.

Locking on the mark in the master bedroom, Sakurakage's avatar used Flying Thunder God to take Ino outside smoothly. When he came out, his body returned to its original normal size.

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