The three women have been together for a while, and they have a certain amount of friendship with each other, and the relationship must be better than that of her.

If they go in suddenly, there is a high probability that it will cause them to fight against each other.

At that time, if he is busy dealing with them every day, he will inevitably ignore Naruto. In this way, Naruto will be free to get rid of the surveillance of his girlfriends and find another target strategy.

Yeah?Do you think so?Teju squinted.

In contrast, if it was kept hidden and carried out secretly, the three women would not target her.

And she is Shikamaru's girlfriend on the surface. Naruto likes this tune, and it's best if she comes secretly, and what she can't get is the best.

Considering the pros and cons, Temari spoke.

"Don't get me wrong, I just gave you my body, which doesn't mean you will get me. Now is the probation period. If there is something wrong, no, I will abandon you at any time. With my conditions, I don't have to worry about looking for you again." .”

This is true, Temari's family conditions are good, she is beautiful, smart and capable.

I believe that those who are willing to be panxia can circle Konoha twice if they line up.

I don't know what Temari came up with, but Naruto nodded in cooperation.

"Our affairs are kept secret. I am still a maid. The only ones who know about this relationship are Hokage, Kankuro, Gaara, and Shikamaru." Temari said: "No one else should know about it."

Naruto nodded.

"Let's do this first." Temari thought for a while, and there were still many conditions, which were not explained once.

Take your time, hold it up, give Naruto a sense of distance, keep a distance, sometimes close and sometimes far away.

Only in this way can Naruto feel nervous and be more attentive.

I glanced at the time and found that it was already at this point. I wonder if Tsunade and the others are back?Temari hurriedly got out of bed.

Pushing open the door, looking outside, seeing no one, he ran to the study at a faster speed, picked up the maid outfit on the floor, and put it on.

Clean up the traces, make sure nothing can be seen, return to the bedroom, open the window, ventilate, change the quilt, and take the quilt and bed sheets to wash.

"I didn't expect Nine-Tails Chakra to be so easy to use, I feel my body is full of strength." Temari said: "It's full of energy."

"If you think too much, I'll use the Nine-Tails Chakra to restore your strength and heal your injuries, and it's already taken back. You don't have Nine-Tails Chakra now, how can you be full of power?" Naruto said.

"Really, mind and body, including chakra, hey, how did my chakra level increase so much?" Temari was surprised.

"Psychological effect." Naruto said.

"No, am I still not familiar with myself?" Temari said: "The amount of chakra has really increased, and it has more than quadrupled."

"However, I have never seen anyone who uses Nine-Tails Chakra and can increase the amount of Chakra. Are you a special case, with a higher degree of integration with Nine-Tails Chakra?" Naruto wondered.

"If it has nothing to do with Nine-Tails Chakra, then" Temari didn't say anything after that.

She glanced at the clock, it was just after five o'clock, it was still dark outside, and the bedside lamp was on in the room.

"Uh, could it be?" Naruto also thought of something.

"Isn't it, you'll know if you try it?" Temari unbuttoned it, folded the maid outfit, put it on the bedside table, and then got into bed.

About forty minutes have passed.

Temari, who was slightly out of breath, felt the changes in his body, and said pleasantly: "Really! Yours can increase my chakra volume, and it's not an illusion. I really feel that my body's strength has increased!"


What is the principle?

His own physique?


do not know.

"Well, there will be opportunities in the future, it's too late to say now." Naruto said.

Temari, who was about to continue, suddenly recalled it, blushed, angrily angrily annoyed Naruto, and said coldly, "What do you need to say? I wanted to leave a long time ago!"

Get out of bed, put on the maid outfit, wipe away the traces and smell, Temari left in a hurry.

Naruto stared at the ceiling in a daze, thinking of something, turned his head to look at the little slug following from the study, and said, "Where's Granny Tsunade?"

"Master Tsunade is still outside, and the others were knocked down by her medicine, and they are still in a coma." The little slug said.

"When will you be back?" Naruto asked.

"Soon." The little slug said.

On the other side, Tsunade, who knew that the work was over, used medical ninjutsu to speed up the volatilization of the medicine, allowing Sakura and the others to wake up early.

"Master?" Xiao Ying rubbed her eyes and half sat up: "Why, you want to drug us?"

"This is a lesson for you. When you go out in the future, you must be careful. You can't trust strangers, and neither can you. Betrayal often hurts more than enemies." Tsunade sign language earnestly said.

She had already thought about the reason for the explanation, and it would be a piece of cake to fool these little kids.

"What Master said is true, I remember it, and I will pay attention to it in the future." Sakura nodded vigorously.

This, indeed, taught her a strong lesson.

If Tsunade is hostile and murderous, none of them will survive, and they will all be wiped out. Just thinking about it makes them afraid.

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