"Let's forget about the Temari incident. It has already been established and cannot be changed. In the future, I don't want similar things to happen again." Naruto said.

"Even if you want it, I won't give it to you." Tsunade said.

"Do you know how much medicine I used to get you tricked? More than [-] million yuan, refining, extracting the essence, it took my boss's effort, it was expensive and tiring, only fools will come again."


"You still call me this?" Tsunade interrupted.

seriously?Naruto looked at Tsunade, this expression really didn't look like a joke.


Tsunade nodded in agreement.

With this layer of identity, the relationship can be brought closer.

Speaking of which, apart from being Sakura's master, she has no connection with Naruto.

With the identity of one more mother, she will be more confident when called upon at ordinary times.

"Okay, mother is mother." Naruto didn't get too entangled in this issue, and continued to talk about business.

"As I mentioned before, Kyuubi, I will keep half of it. Sasuke lacks chakra, and Kyuubi is here, which can guarantee his battery life. Usually, Kyuubi's chakra transfer will not delay, and then"

Tsunade listens carefully, and when he encounters something unreasonable, he will open his mouth to correct it.

Breakfast is over.

Naruto, Sakura and the others mentioned plans to delay their trip.

Knowing that it is about Kyuubi, Konoha, Tsunade, Sasuke, Ninja World, and the three women is an expression of understanding, and I just use the extra time to make more adequate preparations.


The old place, the study.

Naruto looked down and fiddled with the home.

The unique pupil technique of this reincarnation eye, the correct use is a cage, which he used as a home building.

The land area is not only so small, according to the amount of chakra consumed, the scale can be expanded, of course it can also be reduced.

Anyway, as long as it is within the scope of the five chakra attributes of wind, thunder, earth, water, and fire, this home can be transformed as you like.

"I feel that the homeland is not too grand, and the world is too exaggerated, so let's make it a small world, neither high nor low, very pertinent." Naruto thought, nodding in satisfaction.


Door open.

Holding a Temari with freshly squeezed juice, he walked in, and closed the door behind him.

"Please use."

Naruto thanked him habitually, picked it up, and was about to drink it, but he stuck it in front of his mouth, hesitating, "Is it okay this time?"

Temari rolled his eyes, didn't bother to answer, just stood aside with lowered eyelids, only peeking at Naruto from the corner of his eye.

Naruto sipped slowly: "Huh? What's in it?"

"Sago, red dates, goji berries, red beans, berries." Temari said: "Nutrition is definitely not comparable to a regular meal, it's just a little bit."

Naruto didn't speak, and slowly finished the juice and other snacks in it.

"It's delicious, it was delicious before, and now it tastes better than pure fruit juice." Naruto said.

In fact, the taste is the same, but people like to hear good things.

You give me a quarter and I can blow it up to a ten.

There is no emotional foundation with Temari, just like with Koyuki, Naruto can't do handmari like he did with Sakura and the others, but

A substantial relationship has taken place. It can be said that in terms of distance, he and Temari are the closest.

Be responsible for the opponent.

No matter what the cause is, what misunderstandings there are in the process, because the truth of the result, other things are no longer important.

Temari is her own woman, just remember that.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Pick a nice word to make me happy. Do you want to continue to eat me? Don't even think about it, once a week." Temari said.

"Hook up with my mood, make me unhappy, unhappy, don't even try to touch me."

Seeing Temari blushing, he took two steps back, pretending to be fierce, but actually said these words in a super cute way.

Naruto silently gave a thumbs up.

In terms of brain supplementation, I, Naruto, would like to call you the strongest.

Chapter five hundred and twentieth IX The confession of Diomai


Seeing that Naruto finished drinking the juice, Temari didn't stay long, took the empty glass and was about to leave, but Naruto called to stop him.

"I have something to tell you, wait a minute," Naruto said.

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