"Oh, here is a foreign language tutoring class, it exists because of a need, which means, there are other languages ​​here, words?" Sakura.

"The recent economy is not very prosperous. Many factories have closed down and the unemployment rate has risen." Temari.

"The missing person notices are all children under the age of ten, Hua Huo-chan should be careful, don't go alone." Ino.

"I won't run around, without the company of Naruto's brother, sister, and sister Xiaoying, I won't walk around." Huahuo.

"" Hinata.

After reading what I have in my hand, I look at it interchangeably, and finally, make a conclusion.

"That's right, the chaotic center of this world is here, Hershalymzlot." Sakura said.

"The secret of eternal life cannot appear in ordinary big cities and small towns, and it is only possible in this city called a miracle."

"Then, with this city as the core, start to collect relevant information." Temari said: "Two groups, separate operations, this will ensure efficiency and safety, huh"

Not familiar with this place, Temari dare not promise.

Listening to what everyone said to each other, Naruto let go of the many thoughts in his heart and spoke.

"There are a lot of things to do. Before that, we have to have documents, birth certificates, ID cards, passports, and visas. Without these, many things are difficult to do."

Everyone looked at each other.

After that, it was Naruto who led the way and went to relevant departments to apply for documents.

With illusion hypnosis, it can be done on the spot. Naruto made two copies, one for a male body and one for a female body.

When everyone is still looking at their ID cards, birth certificates, and student ID cards, they feel very novel.

Naruto went to the bank again to recycle the gold brought from Ninja World at the market price.

The process was a bit cumbersome, because the gold that was not issued by this bank was rejected at first, and the recovery price was reduced by [-]% before it succeeded.

It is true that using illusion can get money for nothing, but the main reason is that I can't bear it with my conscience, and I don't bother to use this method to obtain money.

Only grab the enemy's money and plunder the wealth of the evil one. This is the bottom line. Do something and don't do something.

With this money, I went to a mobile phone store and bought a mobile phone and a mobile phone card.

"What is this?" The five girls were stunned.

Seeing Naruto skillfully booting up, connecting to the Internet, downloading apps, and browsers, my mind is full of question marks.

"This is a mobile phone, just press it casually, don't be afraid of damage, just press and hold and it will be fine." Naruto said.

It really is.

Why do children play mobile phones better than many middle-aged and elderly people?

It is because children are not afraid of breaking, pressing blindly, and pressing indiscriminately.

Even if you accidentally download a game that requires payment, and spend tens of hundreds of dollars or even more money in vain, at most you will be scolded, nothing will happen.

Middle-aged and elderly people are always afraid of breaking things or being scammed.

The mobile phone really doesn’t need to be taught, just feel free to press it boldly, and you’ll be fine with it.

Hearing what Naruto said was so simple, Sakura and the others looked at each other, lowered their heads and fiddled with the phone.

Turn it on first, and look at the words and boxes above, and you can understand what the function is.

Settings, Music, Alarm, Phonebook, Messaging, Camera.

Oh, this camera also has a Selfie mode, which is much better than Ninja cameras.

Everyone is not stupid, and soon almost understood the basic purpose of this mobile phone.

Seeing this, Naruto said: "This is the signal. In some areas, the signal is not enough, so you can't make calls or send text messages. Try to go to places without signal as much as possible, and don't go alone."

"What do you mean by calling and texting?" Ino asked.

No matter how much you say, it is better to actually do it again.

Naruto wrote down Ino's cell phone number, entered it, and dialed it.

Immediately, Ino's cell phone rang.

Under Naruto's guidance, he knew how to answer and how to refuse, so Ino chose to answer.

"No matter how far the distance is, as long as there is a signal, you can use this call." Naruto said.


"Really!" Temari was taken aback, looking down at his hand, this thing smaller than his hand, could do such a thing.

In the ninja world is still in the era of using ninja eagles to transmit information and communicate remotely, suddenly came into contact with, and saw such a cross-age high-tech product as a mobile phone, Temari felt dizzy and dazzled.

If the village can have this thing, it will not only be convenient, but also the rhythm of taking off.

Sakura was as surprised as Temari at first, surprised how Naruto was so proficient and knew so much.

Then I remembered that Naruto was a reborn person who traveled back from the future. I thought, there is such a thing in the future of the ninja world.

It should come as no surprise that Naruto would be so familiar.

"We'll use this to make calls. If we encounter problems or emergencies, we can call at any time." Naruto said.

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