Naruto didn't answer the call, went to the second floor of the Internet cafe, where there were few people, turned on two adjacent computers, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Temari opened the handbag, took out a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed it, and handed it to Naruto.

For the sake of caution, don't eat outside food, don't drink outside drinks and water, Sakura, Hinata and the others also bring enough food and water.

It is necessary to avoid getting caught.

While waiting for the computer to start up, Naruto drank the bottle of water and explained the purpose of the computer to Temari.

Teju who listened was stunned, carefully picked up the mouse and keyboard, and squatted down to observe those lines.

After booting up smoothly, Naruto opened the webpage and entered Hershare Mzlot, and immediately, a lot of information and materials related to this popped up.

I don't know how to use Temari, imitating mobile phones, using the mouse to click blindly, popping up a lot of windows and various small advertisements.

Glancing at Naruto's computer from the corner of his eye, he subconsciously looked at its contents.

"It's all that much?" Temari said.

"Well, almost, except for some special, secret existences that journalists cannot touch, most of them exist." Naruto said.

Temari propped his chin with one hand, watching bit by bit.

Suddenly, she recalled it, and couldn't help but blush.

Since computers can search for such complete information, why are there groups?

And this component is so subtle.

Could it be that Naruto came to get along alone from the beginning?for

"Stupid, stupid! We agreed once a week, no matter how good your performance is, I will not compromise, I promise you!" Temari said angrily.

"En?" Naruto looked at Temari suspiciously, seeing how she was blushing and glaring at her.

What the hell did this kid think of?

Without thinking too much, Naruto looked back at the computer.

"By the way, there are really many organizations in this place. There are countless big and small forces, and they are deeply intertwined."

"The two worlds collide and connect, and each has extremely powerful top combat power, which checks and balances each other." Temari said.

"I don't quite understand the concept of the so-called aliens, and these alien beings. Since there was an agreement prohibiting cannibalism at the beginning, it means that these aliens in the alien world eat people?"

Naruto nodded.

"Families and families, villages and villages, countries and countries, these are still incompatible, it is unimaginable, such a collision between the world and the world has not turned into a full-scale war." Temari said.

"Secretly not knowing what happened to lead to such apparent peace."

The peace Temari refers to does not refer to Helshalymzrot, a miraculous city where the world and the other world meet, but to the two worlds.

"Naruto, there are many mysteries in this world. Before going to this city, you must be fully prepared." Temari said.

"I know." Naruto said.

In addition to checking Hel Sharemzlot, Naruto also checked the Warlock Association, Thirteen Kings, and Labra one after another.

The Warlock Association is okay, the location of the headquarters, the president, and simple information and messages of some members can be seen.

There are only a few blurred pictures of the Thirteen Kings.

Labra, Naruto entered this name, and all kinds of rewards came out.

After reading the whole article, any information, member names, and news related to Labra can be sold at a high price.

How high it is depends on the information, and there is at least a guarantee of [-] million.

Of course, these people who issued rewards are not kind, whether you can get the money is another matter.

Even if you get it, whether you can spend it alive is a quotation mark here.

Naruto, who was looking at the information and thinking about something in his heart, suddenly noticed that his side was stabbed, and looked sideways.

Temari withdrew his fingers and said in a low voice, "When are you going to see it? The time is limited. You can watch it after you finish it."

Naruto is confused, what is this guy talking about?

Reminiscent of the once a week just mentioned, and seeing Temari's blushing face, who didn't even dare to look at him shyly, Naruto understood something.

In silence, he turned off the computer, took Temari and walked to the bathroom.

"Wait, wait, do you want to be here? No, people will find out." Temari said, still in a low voice.

"There is no more suitable place than this, and I won't be able to find a room for a while." Naruto said.

About fifty minutes passed, almost an hour.

Temari cleaned up the traces, left the bathroom, found Naruto who turned on the computer to check things, and sat aside.

"If things go on like this, I don't need to practice, I can get stronger by exercising." Teju clenched his fists, feeling the increased chakra and the increased strength in his body: "I wonder if there is an upper limit?"

Indeed, feeling that Temari's chakra had grown again, Naruto was speechless.

He only thought he was a power bank, but he didn't expect to have this function.

If it wasn't for the Temari incident, I still don't know about it.

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