What can I do?

Who else can I rely on?

Who can she rely on?


Family members, relatives and friends, everyone who can see and what should be seen, has already seen it, and there is nothing to do, it can only be my brother.

At dusk, when the sun is about to set.

After a long circle, Michela was sent back and sat back in the wheelchair.

On the surface, he is the fiancé, but he is actually the guy possessed by a monster. Pushed by the guy, he took the elevator upstairs and went home.

"I'll pick you up another day to go out and play, pay attention to your body."

Hearing this, Michela suppressed the complicated thoughts in her heart, showed a smile on her face, and nodded yes.

The door closed, and the inhuman existence controlling the youth turned around to take the elevator, went up to the [-]th floor, came to [-], and knocked on the door.

"Which one?" Hinata asked.

He didn't get an answer, so he looked through the door mirror, and what he saw was the young man who was possessed and controlled by him this morning.

Hinata widened her eyes.

"It's not wrong, you, you can see me, it seems that you have a pair of extraordinary eyes."

The door was broken, and the visitor stared at Hinata with white eyes.

The pair of pure white eyes that were different from ordinary people aroused his great interest.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I knew you would come here." Naruto said, "But why destroy the door?"

With no outsiders at home, Naruto didn't have to bother to cover his right eye with his bangs. The blood-red eye of reincarnation with stripes was clearly displayed on the outside.

"It's great." Germotz said in surprise.

This is a burst of good luck, and it accidentally discovered four people, all with extraordinary eyes.

"Who is this? It's so ugly." Ino said.

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, watching idol dramas and seeing her fascinated, and seeing this weird non-human being, she instantly felt nauseated and had the urge to vomit.

"It's a bad guy! Breaking into someone's house without permission, see me invincible in the universe, super beautiful girl, Uzumaki Hanabi, punish you bad guy, haha!"

Hanabi gesticulates, poses in twenty feet, Tenseigan opens, and really wants to hit someone.

Naruto grabbed her back collar with one hand, just slipped up like this, and said helplessly: "It's none of your business here, go watch cartoons."

Coincidentally, Sakura and Temari, who went to the foreign language remedial class to learn foreign languages, came back at this time, and they couldn't help being surprised to see such a situation at home.

"Don't kill them, catch them alive." Naruto said.

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? Have you seen this eye? This is the prosthetic eye of gods. Although it has been around for a few years, it is not comparable to the prosthetic eyes of contemporary gods, but it is superior to all eyes. " Germotz said.

"You don't know what you are encountering, and there should be a limit to your big words."

Xiao Sakura held in her hand the toy specially bought for Hanabi, and handed it to the side, doing Temari inexplicably throughout the whole process, pinching her finger bones.

Hinata unbuttoned her apron, folded it and put it in her pocket.

Naruto put the firework on the sofa, next to Ino, and turned around.

"A bluff, a useless move," Germotz said.

"Let you see what the righteous eye of God is, and watch me deprive you of your vision."


Naruto felt nothing, walked over and slapped him to the ground.

The reincarnation eye, the defense value given by the system, the addition of the two, the illusion of the god's prosthetic eye is useless to Naruto.

Sakura's right eye was slightly blurred, and her left eye completely changed into another picture.

Shaking his head, he simply closed his left eye and went up to punch and kick Germotz.

Don't dare to use strange force, for fear of knocking down the building.

Hinata felt okay, her vision was slightly blurred, her movements were not slow, and she used the soft fist method in the past.

In less than a minute, Germotz, whose body was dismantled into several parts and whose eyes were taken away, began to doubt his life.

"How could it be! Impossible! The Prosthetic Eye of God! I have discovered all my abilities, why are you out of control!"

"There are so many questions, stop barking, it's annoying." Naruto frowned and kicked it hard.

Then recruit the small world, lock it in, and hand it over to the shadow clone to torture and interrogate, to see if they can ask anything.

knock knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

Michela, who was in a wheelchair, tangled and hesitant, wondering if she should look for her brother, was interrupted by this voice.

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