"What's the principle? Could it be that it's just an illusion, an illusion, and it doesn't really exist?" Sakura murmured.

Pinch your own face.


Stamping feet, several cracks appeared on the ground.

Knowing that Naruto's defense is high and it won't hurt, Sakura walked around Naruto, pinched the soft flesh around Hinata's waist, and twisted it.

Seeing Hinata's face twitching, she let go.

After finally accepting Naruto's words, Sakura put her hands behind her back and looked up at the sky.

"I always thought that the knowledge I have learned is already very diverse, but I can't explain the phenomenon I encounter now. I am sitting in the sky."

"If it goes well, you can live forever and acquire a lot of knowledge." Naruto said.

"Knowledge is irrelevant, you don't stay too far away from me, let me see you at any time, that's fine." Sakura said.

Naruto didn't speak, his right hand tightly held Sakura's left hand, Sakura responded with a smile and clasped his fingers tightly.

Ignore Hinata on the other side.

Ignoring Naruto who turned into a beautiful woman, she enjoyed this scene very much.

Two o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

Leonardo, who came back by plane, went home by car and saw his sister who was safe and sound, and his brother-in-law who surprised him.

After learning the cause and effect of the matter, he smiled and said: "It's okay, leave the rest to me."

The family greets and reminisces about the old days.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Leonardo went out and came to the twenty-fourth floor, [-].

Before he could knock on the door, the door opened first.

"Mr. Leonardo?" Hinata asked.

"Yes, I am."

Confirmed, Hinata let him in.

Leonardo handed the fruit basket to Hinata, and changed shoes at the entrance.

The moment he entered the room, what he saw made him scream out loud, and retreated reflexively.

"What's the matter, Leon?"

In the earphones, the voices of the companions sounded.

Leonardo's teeth chattered, unable to speak.

Located in the parking space downstairs, in an ordinary van, the three members of Libra, Zapp, Qian, and Jeter.

They looked at each other, got off the car immediately, and rushed to the twenty-fourth floor with the fastest speed in their own ways.

"It's true that he can see clearly than that guy." Naruto secretly said.

Yesterday's Germots did not have such a big reaction.

Or Germotz saw it too, but he was so calm and arrogant because he believed in the God's prosthetic eyes and firmly believed that those eyes could control her.


The arrival of the companions did not make Leonardo feel safe.

He looked at Naruto with horrified eyes, thinking that such a terrible existence was actually by his family's side, and he was terrified.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of finding me through my family?" Leonardo took a deep breath and asked.

"Narina Uzumaki, what's the purpose of looking for you? I want to hunt and capture one or two blood family members alive. There are too many in the eternal void. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it. I want to pick a few single ones to start with." Naruto said.

"Find it out for me with your eyes."


Zapp, Qian, and Jeter were all dumbfounded.

After living for such a long time, it was the first time I heard people say that they wanted to capture the family members of the Blood Realm alive.

What is a blood family member?

That is to engrave the spell into the DNA to become a high-level existence that is immortal and cannot be killed no matter what.

Cut it into eight pieces, cut it into pieces, and burn it to ashes with fire. No matter what kind of injury, it can't kill you.

A terrifying life that can be infinitely regenerated and unreasonable.

No, life and death are considered life, and immortal things like blood family members are beyond the scope of life.

"I see, as long as you don't hurt my family, I will do my best to help you find it." Leonardo said.

"I'm waiting for your news." Naruto said: "There is another thing, I can heal your sister's leg, let's try her eyes."

"What!" Leonardo was completely stunned.

Why did he go to Hershalymzlot, a city full of miracles, dangers, explosions, horrors happening at every moment?

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