Watching the siblings leave, Naruto closed the door.

Restore the male body, sit on the mat, carry the load, continue to do sit-ups, and exercise the most basic, but also the most difficult physical quality to improve.

The system only enhances Naruto's defense, and doesn't care about other aspects. If he wants strength and speed, he still has to work hard on himself.

It takes time and hard work to grow and break through.

By the way, when you come to this world, the sage mode is no longer available. There is no natural energy from the ninja world, and you cannot extract sage chakra.

Different worlds are limited by the rules of that world, more or less, will still have some impact on strength, this is inevitable.

Finally, Naruto, who was mentally prepared for this, was not too disappointed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Putting down the last copy, Sakura let out a long breath.

Naruto asked how.

Sakura picked up a bottle of water on the coffee table, unscrewed it and drank half of it.

"I copied all the content with Sharingan. Many of them are beyond my knowledge. If I want to understand and turn them into my own things, I need to learn. It is best to be able to systematically start from the most basic. study."

"Study?" Naruto said: "You can study on the computer, and you can hire a tutor, or go to school, what do you think?"

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, I just study on the computer." Sakura said.

In this era of information explosion, basically most of the news, intelligence, and knowledge can be found on the Internet.

A few of the most important and cutting-edge secrets are in the hands of research institutes, universities, and the country.

Sakura hasn't reached that level yet, the information that can be searched on the computer shall prevail.

Do as soon as you think of it, Sakura fetched Ino’s laptop from watching idol dramas, studied online, searched for corresponding courses, and started from the basics.

Ino, who had no idol dramas to watch, stared blankly.

Knowing that Sakura was doing business and could not be disturbed, she leaned closer to Hanabi and watched the animation.

This animation is actually quite interesting, there are many handsome guys in it, you can feast your eyes.

"I don't understand." Hinata secretly said.

Don't give up, just watch it patiently.

About twenty minutes later, sleepiness rose, and the eyelids were fighting.

Putting down these materials that seemed to be written in heaven, Hinata rolled her eyes and yawned.

No matter how I think about it, I have to admit that she is not the material for studying, her academic performance is neither good nor bad, barely hovering in the upper middle, and occasionally fails.

Even a top student like Sakura, a god of learning, has a lot of things that she can't understand, let alone her.

Giving up on studying, Hinata thought about what else to do, and looked around with pure white eyes.

Dinner is over.

The dishes and chopsticks have also been washed.

Hygiene is cleaned.

The house is very tidy.

Cracking her fingers, counting that she had nothing to do, Hinata found a mat, unfolded it, spread it next to Naruto, sat on it, and exercised with Naruto.

Fully open, the strength can reach the sixth level, this does not mean the end.

Didn't you see Naruto and still insist on exercising every day?She also has to work hard and not slack off.

Looking at Naruto doing sit-ups, Hinata.

Sakura who studies on the computer.

Get together, watch animation, eat snacks Ino, Hanabi.

Temari found that he had nothing to do, walked into the kitchen, made tea and squeezed juice for everyone.

Although they lived together, under everyone's noses, she couldn't have any chance to get close to Naruto.

"A week is almost over, what should I do?" Temari secretly thought.

The stipulated once a week is to whet Naruto's appetite and prevent Naruto from easily succeeding.

There is always a sense of tension that she will leave and break up if she doesn't perform well.

What Naruto was thinking, Temari didn't know, she herself was missing it, she was unconsciously counting the days, hoping that a week would pass quickly.

With many thoughts in his mind, Temari shook his head to shake off these random thoughts, brought up the brewed tea, and gave Sakura, Ino, and Hinata a cup each.

Then there is the juice, which is from Naruto and Hanabi.

Temari himself made a cup of coffee, sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, sipped slowly, and stared blankly, as if in a daze.

In fact, I used my peripheral vision to look at Naruto and observe Naruto's every move, maybe what hints Naruto might have.

Such an observation really made her discover the problem.

Naruto's breathing rhythm is three long and two short, what does this mean?Simply breathing?

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