If you want to say where Sakura is best, it is undoubtedly her ability to learn, understand, and accept.

The world of Xueba is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

After sitting for more than an hour, Sakura opened her eyes, feeling a little confused inside, and then closed them again.

While trying, communicate with Liying, encounter problems and solve them.

The time came to nine fifty-three in the evening.

Sakura opened her eyes again.

"Wind, thunder, earth, water, fire, which one is more suitable for me?"

"What?" Ino asked suspiciously.

Sakura repeated the question.

"I think it's water, tolerant, gentle, ever-changing, um." Ino said.

Sakura asked Hanabi again.

Huahuo's answer is soil, soil is thick and very safe.

Sakura asked Hinata again.

Hinata's answer was fire, and she felt that Sakura was full of enthusiasm and vitality at all times.

Sensing that Naruto's soul is in the bathroom, and listening to the sound, it is true that he is taking a shower, Sakura walks over and asks Naruto this question.

"Why do you ask that?" Naruto asked.

"Blood fighting technique is to integrate one's own will into the blood, and on this basis, open an attribute of one's own." Sakura said.

"Theoretically speaking, each person can only open one. I'm a little confused, which one should I choose?"

Naruto suddenly realized.

In the plot, Zapp is fire, Jeter is wind, and Stephen is ice.

It is said that there are different schools, but in the final analysis, they are all a series of usages with blood as the core.

"It depends on which direction you want to go." Naruto said.

"The main attack, the main defense, or the main speed. No matter how powerful the attack is, it's useless if you can't hit it. I recommend the main speed. Speed ​​​​equates to strength."

"Main speed? I know." Sakura nodded.

As far as she knows, the fastest speed is the speed of light. Obviously, it is impossible for human beings to reach the speed of light.

No matter how fast you go, there will be a limit, and it depends on whether your body can bear it.

Putting aside the impossible concept of the speed of light, Sakura focused on wind and thunder, both of which are related to speed.

Considering Mr. Kakashi, Sasuke, and the Fourth Raikage, these people use the Raikage Chakra to stimulate cells and increase speed.

Compared with wind, which can only function outside the body, Lei, which is both internal and external, is obviously more practical.

With a decision, Sakura immediately started.

After Naruto took a shower and walked out of the bathroom, he saw Sakura standing outside the door with his eyes closed.

There are many hair-thin electric arcs on the surface of the body, repeating the steps of on and off.

"It's almost like this." When Sakura heard Naruto coming out, she opened her eyes, raised her right hand, and showed Naruto the dancing lightning in her hand.

"Most of the current is working in my body. Only by releasing the blood can the lethality of lightning explode to the greatest extent."

Naruto reached out to touch it, but didn't feel it, and grabbed Sakura's electrified hand to touch the wall.

Immediately, scorched black appeared on the clean white wall, as well as scratches caused by the electric arc.

"Difficult?" Naruto asked.

"Uh, for me, it's actually okay." Sakura smiled shyly, ashamed to say too much.

Naruto understood what she meant.

It didn't take long for Sakura to learn Spiritualization, Flying Thunder God, Bamen Dunjia, Immortal Mode, Yin Seal, which are generally considered to be very difficult.

It's not difficult for Sakura, that's because Xiao Sakura is a top student.

It is not the kind of rote memorization, it is the ability to apply what you have learned, and you can immediately apply it in practice when you understand it.

Putting it on others, the situation is immediately different.

"Whether it's bloodletting or not, what's the difference?" Naruto asked.

"The blood fighting technique is like this, because it has poured its own will into it, the stronger the will, the more powerful it will be when using it." Sakura said.

"I don't know about the others. The lightning I use is enough inside the body. As for the external release, it is nothing more than increasing the attack range and covering a wider area."

"How to inject will into the blood?" Naruto asked.

"Just inject it like that." Sakura said.

The two stared at each other.

Naruto went to sit on the sofa in the living room, and urged Ino to take a shower, it was so late, what are you still dawdling about.

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