There are two basic introductions to the blood fighting technique, one is will, and the other is attributes.

When these two steps are completed, it means that the blood fighting technique has entered the first threshold.

After that, it is a further high-level application, tempering one's own will, strengthening the control of blood, in short, it is very complicated.

"Do you want to learn?" Naruto asked.

Temari thought for a while, shook his head, turned over to get the scroll on the bedside table, where Naruto put it, which recorded Yin Seal, Baihao, and two kinds of ninjutsu.

Mastered, you can stay young forever.

Holding this in his hand, Temari returned to Naruto's arms.

"You gave me a lot of ninjutsu, which is enough for me to learn for a long time. After I learn these, I will think about blood fighting."

"It's up to you." Naruto said, seeing that the time was still early, he said again: "Tell me about your business."

"Huh, why all of a sudden?" Temari was surprised, raised his head, and moved his gaze from Naruto's neck to his eyes.

"Oh, is that so? Even you don't know something about me."

Naruto didn't deny it, left Temari's waist with his right hand, caressing her face.

"It's all here, I want to get to know you more deeply and get to know you."

Grasping the right hand that was rubbing against his face, Temari closed his eyes and spoke softly.

"You also know that my father is the fourth generation of Kazekage. It would be a lie to say how happy and beautiful childhood was. Kage is a person who dedicates everything to the village, and his family is behind the village."

"My mother died while giving birth to Gaara. Since then, my father, who was not very busy with the family, was even more difficult to see. Moreover, my father made Gaara into an Injuriki."

Temari's voice gradually became ethereal, sometimes with some fear, fear, and trembling.

This is clearly invested in emotion, reminiscing about the past.

Naruto didn't interrupt.

He only knew how dark Gaara's childhood was in the plot, but he didn't expect that Temari's sister, the daughter of four generations of Kazekage on the bright side, was not much better.

The father doesn't care about the family, and the younger brother is unreliable, so he just cries. If something goes wrong, the first person my father scolds is Temari, who is also my older sister.

"Father and mother gave me life, and I can't say anything bad about them." Temari said, "But, as a daughter, I haven't experienced a complete family life."

"Naruto, do you think everyone is more important, or the little family?"

This problem is an endless loop.

Everyone, that is, a village, Konoha or Sand Yin, is formed by the convergence of countless small families, united together.

Without everyone, where would Xiaojia go?

Just as we are composed of countless small families, the small family is the foundation and foundation for our existence.

Without Xiaojia, how can we exist?

"I think Xiaojia is important." Naruto said.

"Why?" Hand Jue asked.

"Because I don't have much ambition, and I don't have that much ability, what kind of person, what kind of thing to do." Naruto said.

"As long as I can run my small family in an orderly manner and be happy, I will be satisfied. Everyone, those who are truly capable and ambitious will take on the heavy responsibility."

Temari looked at Naruto without saying a word.

Naruto looked at her without hiding, dignifiedly.

"If I hadn't been born in that kind of family, based on your words, you would be labeled as worthless in my heart." Teju said.

"Now?" Naruto asked.

Temari took the initiative to get closer, gave Naruto a pop, and smiled brightly.

"I don't want the person I like and entrust my whole life to, a guy who can sacrifice his own children and his family. You are barely qualified."

He said that he was barely qualified, but the smile on his face, and the tighter and tighter hug did not mean that.

Temari is very conflicted right now.

After listening to Naruto's sincere words, the expression is more in line with her inner standard of mate selection.

I used to love it, and now I love it even more.

And it was this liking that made her hate Naruto's Huaxin very much.

Why is the guy who fits her heart so much a scumbag with many boats on his feet?

Likes and dislikes coexist, Temari was so angry that he knelt on Naruto's stomach twice, and then opened his mouth to bite Naruto's wrist.

No effort, she was just expressing dissatisfaction in her heart, and she didn't really hate Naruto.

If you really want to hate it, you won't give yourself completely to Naruto.

In tenderness, with caring words, time flies by.

Just before five twenty, Naruto left.

Temari also got up shortly thereafter, cleaned up the traces, washed up, without leaving any clues.

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