In this miraculous city, many lives die every day, and there are so many experimental materials that there is no limit.

Sakura used her own clone as a sample to carry out the longevity experiment obtained from the paranoid king.

Considering that in the ninja world, there are weird existences like Hiduan who use blood as a medium to kill targets with long-range spells.

Naruto told Sakura, including Hinata, Ino, Temari, and Hanabi, that they must never leave their body tissues outside.

Sakura will destroy those clones that fail the experiment.

The hair that everyone usually loses and the nails that are cut will also be collected and burned.

Temari's aunt is no exception, although it is a bit troublesome, it is better than overturning.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

"Character: Naruto Uzumaki Gender: Male and female

Age: Nineteen Plus Minus

Forbearance: 501000

Body: 50100101

Magic: 501000"

The body value increased to one hundred and one.

Because the upper limit of the increase is [-] times, Naruto thought that if he reached [-], he would be able to upgrade his physical defense, but he didn't expect it to be so.

"Extract it and use it to double the physical damage, one hundred at a time, how much does it take to upgrade?"

"One hundred and ten? One hundred and fifty? Two hundred, five hundred, or one thousand," Naruto thought to himself.

I want to find a chance to try the effect, but there has been no suitable occasion. Now that I have saved up to [-], I am a little reluctant to use it.

"Huh?" A memory came back, it was the shadow clone.

After digesting this memory, Naruto's face became serious.

The paranoid king, Arikira, that lunatic appeared, and he was still at home.

Naruto dismissed the idea of ​​another fight, found Sakura and Hinata who were on the periphery, ready to bet, and went home with Flying Thunder God.

This is the paranoid king who looks like he is in his own home, sitting on the sofa without looking outside, with his legs on the coffee table.

Sakura's shadow clone, holding Hanabi with one hand and holding Ino with the other, retreated to the other side.

Naruto's shadow clone is standing in front.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What's the matter?" Naruto said.

"This." Arikila took out a small container from her pocket, which contained a plant. This plant has a heartbeat, a pulse, and is undoubtedly life.

"It can increase the lifespan by about sixty years." Arikira said, shaking the container in her hand.

"Give me a little more energy and use this thing in exchange."

"How do I know if you're lying?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know how to lie in my field of expertise." Arikira said.

"Whatever you want, I will grab it directly. If you want it, I feel that I can't beat it. If this is the case, follow the previous practice and exchange it with something."

After saying that, Arikira shook her hand and threw the container out.

Naruto caught it.

"Stop dawdling, I'm in a hurry, and the research is reaching a critical moment, give it to me." Arikila said impatiently.

Naruto thought for a while, and condensed a ball of nine-tailed chakra, about the size of a ping-pong ball.

"That's it?" Arikira pouted dissatisfiedly, and said in a sweet voice, "Give me some more."

"What other things do you have that are related to longevity, exchange those." Naruto said.

"No, I don't have anything to do. Why do you want to get so many things of immortality? If you want to get them, you will wait until I am about to die." Arikila said, "Hey, I don't know what it feels like to die?"

"You are good at potions, what are the specifics?" Naruto said.

Although there are too many Nine-Tails Chakras to be used up, they cannot be given away in vain. They must be exchanged for good things of sufficient value.

"Potion? Let me think about it, um." Arikira said.

"There are buff potions for yourself, curse potions for others, and some special status potions."

"Special state?" Naruto wondered.

"Invisible, lucky, unlucky, deformed, and tell the truth." Arikila counted one by one with her fingers.

She has lived for more than a thousand years, except when she is bored, she has nothing to do and is in a daze. She has researched and created many potions.

Some are almost forgotten because they have not been used for so long.

"Just use these." Naruto said: "Take the formula of the potion in exchange."

"The recipe doesn't work, I'll replace it with the finished product," Arikira said.

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