One day three years ago, the gate was suddenly opened, and the other world collided with the present world.

In an instant, the entire city was destroyed and collapsed.

If this continues, when the scope of the collapse expands, both worlds will be destroyed.

Fortunately, the situation is not so bad.

At that time, it relied on powerful warlocks, people with superpowers, and extraordinary talents to move quickly enough.

On the night when the big collapse destroyed the city, the Great Barrier was built to stabilize the two colliding worlds, and did not continue to increase the collision area.

With this connection point, the Great Barrier as the core, this miraculous city, Helshalymzlot, was born.

The Great Barrier is the basis for maintaining stability.

Once the Great Barrier is gone, the two worlds will continue to collide until they are completely destroyed.

It is such an important enchantment, part of which is the life source that replaces the heart, supporting Mary Macbeth, and the key to living.

"Physical function is not good, a little weak." Sakura said: "Blood pressure is low, stomach is not very good, lack of exercise."

"Heart transplant, can it be done?" Naruto said: "Take out what replaces her heart, and I will create a heart."

"Uh, I haven't done it, so I don't know." Sakura said.

"The heart is the absolute vital point. It cannot make any mistakes. It is different from the legs and feet. Even with your Yang Dun, the success rate cannot be guaranteed."

"If I really want to do it, I need to cram in books related to the heart, and understand and thoroughly understand every problem of the heart, so that when I encounter a situation during the operation, I won't be overwhelmed."

"Then" Naruto said, but was interrupted by Sakura.

"Look at me, almost forgot that thing, wait."

Sakura clasped her hands together, disappeared out of thin air, and came back again, holding a container in her hand.

The thing contained there was exactly what the paranoid king Arikira brought in exchange for Chakra more than a month ago.

Taking it can prolong life by sixty years.

"Use this to solve all the problems." Sakura said.

She figured out the usage and effect of this thing through the scanning, calculation, and simulation of high-tech equipment, as well as the maps of various races in different worlds obtained from Labra.

To put it simply, it is to swallow it whole, this thing will drill into the heart, attach to it, replace the function of the heart, and become a second heart.

And continuously release energy, improve physical fitness, activate the body's limbs, bone cells, and skin.

Prolonging life, rejuvenating, and strengthening the body, it is not too much to call it a magic medicine.

"Since the original heart will be replaced, it means that the heart is not necessary, and it doesn't matter if you have a heart or not."

Hearing what Sakura said, Naruto took the container and looked inside. There were plants with a beating heart and a pulse.

"So, you don't need to create a heart?"

"Without a heart, relying on this alone, one can live for about sixty years. With a heart, it will reduce its energy consumption and live longer." Sakura said.

"Conservatively, it should be no problem to live past a hundred years old."

Of the two waiting outside the door, William was praying, and Leon frequently checked the time.

The moment he heard the door open, he shook his head tacitly and turned his head to look.

Seeing that it was Ino who came to open the door, he told them to go in, without a moment's hesitation, he hurriedly left.

In the ward, Sakura and Hinata are no longer there, and Xiaobai has also woken up, with a puzzled expression on his face, not knowing what happened during this period.

"Well, Mr. Naruto, how is it?" William asked, his voice trembling because of nervousness and apprehension.

Can cure Leon's sister, then, can he cure his sister?

"Do you know what this is?" Naruto spread out his right hand so that Leon and William could see what was in his hand.

"What is it?" William didn't understand.

Leon's squinted eyes opened slightly, and the God's Prosthetic Eye with perfect special effects could see the extraordinaryness of this plant.

"I don't know what it's called. The person who made it is the paranoid king, and I exchanged things with her." Naruto said.

"Directly explain that the effect is good. Taking it can increase her lifespan by sixty years. I will take out the thing that replaced her heart and implant a new heart. It is not a dream to live over a hundred years old."


"Hiss, that, what you said is too, I'm a little confused, what is it, sixty years of life, one hundred years?" William stammered.

What shocked him even more was that Naruto actually saw through Xiaobai's secret.

"Although the Paranoid King is a lunatic, no one dares to underestimate her ability. As far as I am concerned, I just have a heart that can be transplanted." Naruto said.

"I, with this ability, can restore her to health, it depends on what you do, and Leon, you too."

"There is no free lunch in the world, and our relationship is not good enough to give away such an important thing for nothing. If I really want to give it away for nothing, you will worry about problems."

"It's just right, exchange it with something of equivalent value. I declare in advance that I am not short of money or women. Don't think about these two aspects."

"What I'm interested in is ability, whether it's internal energy or external techniques, it doesn't matter."

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