She didn't want her brother to bother so much. Originally, she was a person who died three years ago, and she would earn money if she lived an extra day, so how could she ask for more.

William shook his head.

"We are very similar." Leon said.

His original intention of coming to this miraculous city was also for his younger sister. When he saw the pair of brothers and sisters, he unconsciously thought of himself and Michela.

"Leon?" Xiao Bai looked over strangely.

"I'll try it, maybe" Leon smiled, turned around, pushed the door out, and chased in the direction Naruto left.

"Mr. Naruto, please wait a moment."

Hearing the sound, Naruto, who had just walked out of the hospital, looked back subconsciously: "Leon? What's wrong?"

"Does Mr. Naruto still need blood family members?" Leon asked, calming down his rapid breathing.

Naruto nodded.

The family members of the blood world can be used as experimental products, and can also be used as nourishment, thrown into the small world to absorb, and there are many benefits.

"Then, I will take the initiative to find the family members of the blood world. I will not be perfunctory or deal with it. I will go all out to find it in exchange." Leon said.

"Can you treat Xiaobai?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Blood family members, this kind of undead life, of course, the more the better.

Leon and Labra haven't been looking for them seriously. It's not that Naruto can't see what they are thinking, but it's just to tie him down.

It may also be that he thinks too much. After all, it will take a long time to meet new blood family members again. This is a fact.

Now, Leon uses this as a condition to treat Xiaobai.

Naruto pondered.

Strictly speaking, this plant that can prolong life by sixty years is of no use to him, and it is the same to Sakura and the others.

It's all about achieving eternal life, so what is the sixty years, it's meaningless.

Instead of keeping it in your hands as a decoration, it is better to exchange it for benefits that are beneficial to you.

"Two a day." Naruto said.

"Ah, this" Leon wondered.

"Even if it's me, I don't meet them very often. In addition, Labra has a lot of things to do, and there are also part-time jobs to earn living expenses, and time."

"Save the time of part-time work, and I'll give you the salary. I haven't paid much attention to the money. In short, do your best to help me find the single blood family member." Naruto said.

Hearing this, Leon thought for a while, and raised his right index finger: "Two a day is a little bit reluctant, let's do one a day, guaranteed, there is no upper limit."

Naruto nodded.

After negotiating the terms, Naruto said nothing, and immediately followed Leon, and then went back to the hospital, the ward where Xiaobai lived.

Call Sakura who is at home and ask her to come over.

In fact, there is no need for Sakura to do this, Naruto can do it by himself, but, after so many days of cold war, it is almost time to end, right?

You can't always think about letting Sakura take the initiative, Naruto needs to bow his head in this matter.

In the end, Sakura was very principled, she gave Naruto enough face in front of outsiders, and didn't put on a cold face.

With her cooperation, things went more smoothly, and the plant implantation was completed in less than half an hour.

Naruto took out the part of the enchantment that was placed in Xiaobai's original heart and replaced the heart.

And this plant completes Xiaobai's life and automatically extends it to sixty years.

On this basis, Naruto used Yin and Yang Dun to create a heart for Xiaobai. It is conservatively estimated that it is not a dream to live past a hundred years old.

As the saying goes, if a person is killed, he will die.

As long as Xiaobai doesn't do dangerous things, he can live a long life.

"Stay away from danger? I understand. I will take good care of her in the future and prevent her from going to any dangerous places." William said solemnly.

After finishing speaking, he remembered something, glanced at Leon, and smiled dumbly.

"Well, it's not just me, the prince also has to take this responsibility."

Leon smiled embarrassedly.

Xiaobai was a little shy at first, but after thinking of a certain question, this shyness was suppressed.

"Well, I have something, I want to talk to you, can I?"

Xiao Ying, who folded her hands and stood with her back against the wall, heard this sentence, and saw that the person Xiao Bai was talking to was Naruto, her eyes widened involuntarily.

what's the situation?Shouldn't it?

No, Xiaobai is Leon's girlfriend, this is a confirmed relationship.

Besides, Naruto will be caught by Xiaobai without extra contact at all, and this relationship has not been cultivated, it is impossible no matter how you think about it.

Thinking so, Sakura did not relax her vigilance.

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