"Okay! But, it may be too late!" Fiore pursed her lips eagerly.

They are now [-] kilometers away from Tulifas, and they will not be able to arrive immediately.

But there is still a way, Luo Zhen raised the command spell in his hand:

"Use the command spell to make the servants go back first. Fiore, Uncle Lion Jie, are you all right?"

Fiore's eyes lit up, and she nodded immediately.

Lion Jie also smiled and said, "Anyway, I was hired by you kid, so I'm up to you how to use it."

Rozen ordered Atalanta:

"Ata, after returning, immediately take people other than the servants away from the castle. The fighting power of the red and black sides will definitely not keep the castle in a real fight."

"Of order!" Atalanta nodded solemnly.

The three masters issued Command Seals at the same time, and sent Atalanta, Chiron, and Mordred back.

Afterwards, there were only three masters left on the scene, and Joan of Arc, who couldn't transform into a spirit body.

Lion Jie suggested whether to steal a car, but Luo Zhen stopped him.

By now, there was nothing left to hide.

Luo Zhen held the necklace around his neck and activated the Dark Soul.

The fire will be extinguished, but the king's shadow will not be seen.

At this moment, the flames spread!

The magical power ignited instantly made Fiore and Shishi Jie scream out!

They watched Luo Zhen change.

A head of silver-white short hair quickly grew to waist length, and the ends of the hair curled upside down as if being ignited, and the red and white reflections were incomparably beautiful.

"It's so beautiful..." Fiore was fascinated by it, and forgot everything.

It's good that Fiore likes it, but Luo Zhen is a little embarrassed to be honest.

Although I can control whether the armor appears or not, I don't know why, after entering the salary king mode, I will definitely have long hair.

And once it becomes long hair, no matter how you look at it, you will be a woman!

Leaving aside the fascinated faces of Fiore and Joan of Arc, Uncle Lion Jie is covering his mouth and trying to suppress a smile after being shocked for a while:

"Should I call you Miss Luo Zhen?"

Luo Zhen's forehead was full of blue veins: "If you don't want to break all three legs once, don't mention this."

She looks so beautiful even when she is angry!The two girls have already committed nympho!

The appearance of demon nature is so terrifying!

But Luo Zhen deliberately became like this, not for them to see.

He immediately took out the strong soul from the dark soul, and created four winged silver knights.

The four knights saluted respectfully, hugging the four of them one by one.

Before getting ready to take off, Luo Zhen instructed:

"The speed will be a little faster, don't bite your tongue."

Lion Jie sneered: "Uncle, I have driven an F1 sports car, such a trivial thing hurts!"

Lion Jie, who bit his tongue, was taken away by the winged silver knight who ejected, and the bright red blood spilled all over the ground.


The red side is full of confidence and has plenty of combat power.

Empress Semiramis, who was sitting on the throne, looked at the small fortress with the magic of looking into the distance, with a cruel smile on her delicate face:

"It's really small and fragile. It's stupid to think that the stone city wall that hasn't changed for hundreds of years can protect itself. Even if it's not my garden, it can be flattened immediately with some modern missiles, right?"

Amakusa Shiro said with a smile: "After all, ordinary magicians don't use missiles in their battles."

The era of Semiramis was the eighth century BC, almost three thousand years ago.

But she was not limited by the times, instead she sneered at Black Fang's outdated fortress, which can also reflect her ability as a female emperor.

She had no interest in such a pedantic enemy like Black, and snorted coldly with disdain:

"I'll leave the battle to Lancer and the others. I'll just prepare some Dragon Tooth Soldiers. Three thousand should be enough, right?"

"Then I will contribute three hundred artificial life forms." Paracelsus added Caster, who was allowed to enter the room.

There are [-] dragon tooth soldiers and [-] giant man-made monsters with a height of [-] to [-] meters. This is already a huge army.

Coupled with Lancer Karna, Archer Orion, and Rider Achilles who personally fought on the front line, the fighting power of the red team can be described as overwhelmingly powerful!

This made Amakusa Shiro very satisfied, feeling that he was only one step away from his dream.

However, Semiramis looked at his Master dissatisfied, and said to him:

"Stupid man, are you really planning to go to the battlefield by yourself?"

"Yes." Amakusa Shiro nodded with a smile.

Amakusa Shiro is also a follower.

But even with compliments, he cannot be said to be a powerful Servant.

Originally, as a follower, he was weak in all aspects.

If it wasn't for the privilege of the Ruler class, it would be a disgrace to the Servant class.

And 70 years ago, during the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, he finally completed the incarnation, and at the same time lost most of the abilities of the servants.

Because of this, even if he stands in front of Servants, he will only be regarded as a human being.

Ruler's privileges have expired again, and he is now a completely immortal human being.

But it is precisely because of this that he wants to use his flesh and blood to go to the battlefield of followers.

He said this:

"If my plan goes against God's will, then I will definitely die here. It proves that God thinks my plan is too absurd and will only do harm to the world."

"Then if you survive?" Caster, who was regarded as a close friend by Amakusa, asked him.

Amakusa smiled heartily:

"That proves that God agrees with me. The reason why I long for the Holy Grail is correct, and the efforts of the past 70 years are also correct. If this is the case, then I will give up all my confusion."

"Really." Paracelsus nodded quietly.

Amakusa Shiro also knew in his heart that he wanted to save mankind, but it was actually a very arrogant idea.

But that's okay too.

This man has worked hard for this goal for 70 years, which is several times longer than the life he spent before becoming a heroic spirit.

In these 70 years, no one can make him change his mind.

On the contrary, he firmly believes that human beings are incurable and can only be changed through the Holy Grail.

Then there is nothing to say, Paracelsus looked at him sincerely:

"May your wish come true, my friend."

"Thank you, Caster."

The two men looked at each other and smiled, fist bumping each other like teenagers.

Looking at this scene, the Empress groaned subtly...

I don't know why, but I blushed shyly!

Chapter 35. Continue, the empress likes 【3/3】

The first thing Atalanta was sent back to the castle by the command spell was to find Siegfried's master.

He was a fat man with a mustache, and his name was Gold Mujik, the one who learned to be a man-made man by the favor of the Einzbern family.

The artificial humans of the Thousand World Tree family were all made by Mujik, so he is the manager.

Now Danik, the boss of Thousand World Tree, is also on the front line. Only Mujik, who is not strong in combat and useless, stays in his hometown.

Originally, facing the battle in the sky courtyard, he was already panicked and almost leaked out.

Seeing Atalanta's sudden return, he rushed over in ecstasy:

"Isn't this Lord Luo Zhen's follower! That adult really still misses me! Where is he—hey!!"

Gold screamed and was kicked to the ground by Atalanta.

The little female cat of Luo Zhen's family raised her eyebrows: "Hurry up and order the artificial man to escape!"

She doesn't have time to talk nonsense with this fat man.

But Luo Zhen seemed to like him quite a bit.

In the Thousand Boundary Tree family, apart from the Fiore siblings, Luo Zhen talked to him the most.

This fat man also admired Luo Zhen very much, and followed him like Lord Luo Zhen's henchmen.

So this made Atalanta even more upset,

This mustache actually takes up the time I spend alone with my master!Unforgivable!

Atalanta completely looked at her rival's eyes, gritted her teeth:

"Master's order! Take all the man-made humans with you and escape as far as you can from the castle!"

"Nani!? But, but, Danik ordered me to defend the city! If I escape without authorization, he will kill me!"

Gold pouted his buttocks and blinked pitifully.

Seeing that the mustache uncle is still acting cute, Atalanta became even more angry.

She didn't bother to explain, her eyes were red, she bent her bow and put an arrow:

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