So she has always been preconceived, and never considered the possibility of Luo Zhen being a man.

Originally, he thought she was just a pretty little girl, but Semiramis, who was very confident in her appearance, was even a little bit jealous, so she teased him on purpose...

But under his appearance that fascinates even women, there is an imposing manly body...


The strength of Luo Zhen's grip on her wrist at that time, and the heat on her body, still clearly made the Empress irritated.

Especially the one who leaned in front of him, deliberately looking at him for fun... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

"If I don't take revenge, what kind of empress am I!!"

Absolutely want to make that stinky kid who lied (and didn't) look good to me, the Empress has made up her mind!


The empress, who must take revenge, started her revenge plan the next day.

If you want to take revenge on Luo Zhen, you must pay back ten times the shame he gave you!

You must completely trample on a man's self-esteem and make him lose all dignity!

In order to achieve this goal, we must first get rid of those in the way.

"Little girl, this is for you."

The empress approached Fiore and gave her a diamond the size of a pigeon egg.

When she couldn't open her blinded eyes, the Empress said in a superior way:

"You seem to be working hard recently, so take this as a reward for me. And the weather is also good today, don't you think it's a good opportunity for an outing?"

"Huh...?" Fiore blinked her big eyes blankly.

The empress put her shoulders kindly:

"You should have a good rest today. Take your people and followers and go to a picnic or something for a day! Don't come back until dark!"

"Uh...thank you for your concern, but..." Miss Fiore still wanted to resist.

But the Empress, who knows a thing or two about magic, hinted that the magic was fully effective, making Fiore dizzy all of a sudden:

"I see...Come to Corles, we're going to have a picnic."

"Eh? Sister, sister!?"

Cowles, who had just entered the door, was grabbed by his sister's ruthless iron palm and dragged out of the door.

In this way, a large number of miscellaneous fish were eliminated, and the empress flicked her long hair gracefully.

With Fiore coming forward, most of the people including Joan of Arc and Black Fang will also be taken along.

What was more troublesome was the few men among the followers.

"Empress. I advise you not to do bad things. You will suffer the consequences yourself." Karna who didn't know what he saw through said so.

But the empress was very dissatisfied with his superior attitude, so she snorted arrogantly:

"You don't have to worry about what I want to do. Don't forget that your master is still in my hands. If you don't want me to use the command spell, you can pull away the few guys who are in the way."

"...I see." Karna readily agreed with an expression of 'don't blame me for not persuading you'.

He pulled Siegfried, Achilles and Mordred, and a few muscular men (?) went to the ground to compete.

Then, there are some diehards.

Siegfried's Master and Mordred's Master, these two ugly uncles are staying in the room.

The empress, who was too lazy to talk to them, directly poured poisonous mist into their room, making them unconscious.

Then who else is coming? The empress, who doesn't care about interpersonal communication, thought about it.

At this time, a cute girl took the initiative to talk:

"Big sister~, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Ah, you are that kid's younger sister?" The empress turned her head and saw the charming love song.

Although Aige is also the kind of innocent and beautiful girl that the empress hates very much, but for some reason, seeing her eyes makes the empress feel a subtle palpitation.

But now the target is Luo Zhen.The Empress shook her head and said to Ai Ge:

"You... are a little too young. I have something to ask Luo Zhen, so you should stay in the room obediently today and don't come out."

"Hey~?" Ai Ge's playful eyes rolled.

After looking at the empress for a while, Aige smiled happily again:

"Well~, big sister wants to play with brother, right? Brother will have a lot of fun, so let's be a good boy~"

"Huh?" The Empress didn't quite understand the logic of the love song.

But it's good if she is obedient, the empress watched her bouncing like a fairy go away.

After making all these preparations, only Rozen, the artificial people, and Atalanta are left in the entire sky garden.

After confirming that Rozen was confused with a group of artificial humans again, the Empress snorted and approached Atalanta:

"You wild girl in green, come down."

"You're so rude, Assassin." Atalanta frowned and gracefully jumped from the height of the courtyard.

Likes to climb to high places, and jumps down to the ground without making a sound. This is like a feline.

The empress inspected her slender model figure, especially at the proud legs and waistline... Then her eyes full of pity and superiority fell on her chest, with a look of 'I won' .

Atalanta's eyes on her were quite angry, but the empress still had to go one step faster:

"As the lord of the courtyard, Yu agrees. Atalanta, go and violate your lord."

"What!?" Atalanta was startled, her tail exploded.

But the empress's words contained words.At the same time, the poison she was good at also seeped into her lungs, causing Atalanta to suddenly become unconscious.

Just like the masters on the red side who were controlled by hallucinogenic drugs, Atalanta, who was not very powerful against magic and defenseless, was played by the empress.

After pouring a lot of computer accessories into Atalanta, the Empress finally poured the same poison into Rozen's room, that is, the room where dozens of android girls gathered.


The empress, who had succeeded in her plot, smiled happily, and finally applied multiple seals, and even used the great magic that changed the flow of time, turning Luo Zhen's room into a complete magic den!

As a result, the flow of time in the room is ten times faster than normal.

When it gets dark outside, Luo Zhen inside must have enjoyed the blessing of being a man, and then experienced hell, right?

"Being violated by the servants I trust and the artificial people I want to save, no matter how I call them, I can't wake them up. Only after everything is over, will we usher in the ultimate physical and mental torture... Hahahahaha~! I want you to look good!! "

The Empress was so excited that her entire body trembled.

The only fly in the ointment is that because of the time difference inside and outside the room, it is also difficult for the Empress to watch Luo Zhen's depravity live.

But the video preparation is perfect.

After everything is over, I will release this embarrassing picture in front of everyone, so that Joan and the others will be disillusioned with this man!He is completely screwed!

Thinking about Luo Zhen's desperate expression at that time, the Empress let out a long and comfortable sigh.

Then go and take a nice bath by yourself.

The empress walked gracefully into the bathroom, and the spiritual outfit formed by the magic power on her body disappeared as soon as she moved, which was very convenient.

Then, when she relaxes contentedly and dips into the hot water,

"Good morning, Miss Empress."

Luo Zhen, who did not know when to appear, maintained the state of the salary king with his flaming hair curled back, and pressed her to the side of the bath.

" Ehh!?"

Lady Empress, she doesn't even have a chance to resist.

Luo Zhen will not let her escape this time.

Luo Zhen snapped his fingers, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

A pitch-black sun hangs in the sky, and the ground is a desolate scene at the end of the world.

But this picture is too unsightly.

Luo Zhen snapped his fingers again, and the time of the whole world seemed to flow backwards, and a majestic and magnificent city reappeared in the dazzling.

In the highest castle in the city, Rozen pressed Semiramis on the bed:

"Welcome to my Inherent Barrier, 'Ring Seal City'."

"Intrinsic, Inherent Barrier?" The empress was so overwhelmed by a series of accidents that she couldn't even think.

Although she knew that magic was scary, the empress obviously had no idea how terrible it was.

And the Empress also lost control of the sky garden.

Luo Zhen's inherent enchantment covered her garden, and she was helpless.

Moreover, Luo Zhen pressed the last straw:

"This inherent barrier is at the end of time. As long as I don't remove the magic, the time outside will not pass for a minute. So we have a lot of time to play slowly."


My lord empress, I really panicked at this moment.

Her head was in a mess, looking at Luo Zhen's astonishing beauty, her eyes had turned into circles:

"Wait, wait Rozen, we have something to talk about! This, this is just a misunderstanding! ——That's right! Can I help you control other people? Like, like Mordred! You It’s hard to do it, right? If I use my poison to help you—”

"You didn't reflect at all."

For the empress who is not good at school, she must be educated without misery.

July: Luo Zhen’s education method: Level [-] undead clearance of Black Soul, applause every time you die (????)

It's fun for the empress to fall in love and be bullied, how cute (????)

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