She could only cry in her heart: (Me too, I want to be with Luo Zhenjun!)

But Joan knew she couldn't do it.

It would be fine if it was just the Servant himself, but Leticia was with her too.

Even if Leticia herself agreed, Rozen would never allow her to make such a sacrifice.

It's actually quite simple.

As long as you make up your mind to leave here, Luo Zhen will come back the next moment in the blink of an eye.

Others won't know how long he's been here, and won't be able to share that time with him... Really, very envious.

In this brief silence, a harmless voice broke the calm:

"Then that's it? As long as the monster is incapacitated, it will be fine, right?"

Amakusa Shiro's voice attracted everyone's attention.

He who has always been a trick, smiled as always, and came to the side of the Holy Grail monster.

"That's what I was supposed to do."

Amakusa smiled and touched it with both hands.

At that moment, Luo Zhen's flame and the erosive power of the Holy Grail took effect at the same time, and most of Amakusa's spirit foundation was destroyed in an instant.

"Hey, Amakusa!"

Under Luo Zhen's dumb gaze, Amakusa only responded with an ordinary smile.


"It's great to have this opportunity."

Amakusa smiled from the bottom of his heart.

His body has been wiped out, and the spirit base has been absorbed by the Holy Grail.

If she grabs the Great Holy Grail as planned, Cao Cao planned to do the same thing that day.

Use your own spiritual base to integrate into the Great Holy Grail, and only after complex adjustments can the Holy Grail see the souls of all human beings materialize.

What this requires is a clear and feasible approach, and absolute familiarity with the Holy Grail system.

It's not that Amakusa is bragging. In terms of familiarity with the Holy Grail, except for the first generation of Winter Maiden and Maqili, no one should be higher than him.

So the current situation is really extremely lucky for Amakusa.

In the inner world of the Holy Grail, Amakusa observed the surrounding scenery, and then laughed:

"I thought that the scene that impressed you the most would be the large hollow beneath the Holy Grail. Did it turn out to be the Einzbern villa?"

"Because I haven't been to the main house in Einzbern, I only know this villa." A man answered Amakusa.

Danik Thousand World Tree, this man came to Amakusa.

This scene is a place Rozen also knows, and it is the Einzbern family's villa in Fuyuki, and it is all restored according to Danik's memory.

And even Luo Zhen didn't know that Darnic still maintained a complete self inside the Holy Grail.

It's not the first time Amakusa and Danik have met, so there's no need to talk about the old days.

Danic glanced at Amakusa, and took out a pistol from his pocket:

"The third Holy Grail War, if we don't end it among us, it won't end."

"There's no need to pretend now, right?" Amakusa shrugged:

"Holy Grail War, well, that is indeed very important. But the conflict between me and you was before that, right?"

Amakusa held his palm empty, and a simple samurai sword appeared in his hand.

This is the world of memory, as long as the memory is clear, it can be shaped.

"I swore that I would give equal love to everyone in the world." Amakusa put on a posture with an unexpectedly skillful movement, and continued to tell:

"To save the world, I must become a saint. Whether it is a good person or an ugly person, I must treat them equally. Only on this basis can I be qualified to realize the third law."

"Huh? So you plan to love me too?" Danik asked with a sneer.

Amakusa immediately replied: "Of course not."

"It was only after I met Rozen that I realized: ah, only a man named Danic is something I can't forgive."

After seeing Luo Zhen for the first time, all the memories that Tian Prairie thought could be forgotten, all came back to life again.

Everything about the third Holy Grail War, the woman who was his master, and her tragic death...all of this came back.

So at the moment he saw Luo Zhen, Amakusa had already given up the Holy Grail.

The current self is not qualified to use the Holy Grail.

After thinking this way, he felt a lot more relaxed:

"I am just a follower now. In order to avenge the master, I will kill you, the enemy."

"That's very well said, Ruler!" Danik laughed grimly in an instant.

His name for Amakusa also went back to 70 years ago.

The clothes he was wearing were no longer the uniform of the Thousand Worlds Tree, but the military uniform of the Third Reich.

The two men who were still there 70 years ago made no secret of their murderous intent towards each other at this moment.

Danik: "If you had died sooner, I wouldn't have killed her! It's all your fault, Ruler!!!"

Amakusa: "It's such an ugly struggle. You, who don't even understand her words, her smile, or any of her tenderness, want to talk about her in front of me who spends her days and nights?"

"What did you do with her!?" Danik's eyes were instantly bloodshot!

Amakusa raised the corners of his mouth full of superiority: "Guess?"

In this undisturbed world, two men who are only persistent are fighting each other, like two dogs.


"I really don't understand."

Luo Zhen wiped out the Holy Grail monster for no apparent reason, and then returned to the Sky Garden for no clear reason.

After Amakusa committed suicide, the Holy Grail monster fell silent not long after, and the mana replenishment also stopped suddenly.

It felt like it committed suicide, and Luo Zhen could only burn it up with a fire inexplicably.

The baby fetuses of beasts recruited by Aige are also completely eliminated, and then they will be cultivated silently in the evil of human beings, waiting for the day when they are formed.

Then, there is a very real problem.

The Holy Grail monster was solved unexpectedly smoothly without any sequelae.

The Holy Grail War is over, and it's time for the remaining servants to go home.

For Fiore and the others, troubles still lie ahead.

How to negotiate with the clock tower and so on, the small things after such big things are the most troublesome.

At this time, Karna took the initiative to approach Rozen:

"Your Excellency Luo Zhen, can I trouble you with one thing?"

Son of the Sun said to Luo Zhen very respectfully.

After listening to his words, Luo Zhen's face collapsed because he thought it was troublesome.

But in the end it was agreed:

"I see. But the range is limited to the sky garden, so don't cause trouble for others, okay?"

"Follow your orders, my lord."

Karna knelt down on one knee handsomely, and his words and deeds were very sassy. If Luo Zhen was a girl, he might be fascinated.

It can be seen from his answer that Karna is asking Rozen to be his master.

But this is not because Karna wants to continue living, but because he wants to fight without regret.

Both Karna and Siegfried asked Rozen to provide them with magic power, and then pulled away from each other——

Siegfried: "Prince of the Netherlands, Siegfried."

Karna: "Son of the sun god Surya, Karna."

— on!

The two reported their names and started a duel on the spot.

The brain of a fighting madman... Luo Zhen could only sigh.

But what's worse is that with the two of them as role models, more people will come to Luo Zhen.

Achilles: "Master, master! Let's come too! I don't need horses and you don't need bows. Let's use Pancrasin to fight hand-to-hand!"

Chiron: "Yes, yes, but I haven't planned to become the front wave."

Even Chiron, who has always been serious, gave up the treatment, changed back to his own centaur form, and scuffled with his apprentice.

The rest should not have this kind of fighting madness, Luo Zhen thought with luck...

Mordred: "Wow, why don't you call me for such a fun thing! Die, all good opponents have been snatched away! Fran! And the sissy Rider over there! I let the water go without armor, you two together Let's go~!"

Astolfo: "Eh? Girly, you mean me? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ"

What is this all about!

Thanks to Atalanta, the Empress and Paracelsus who were left at the end, they were really not fighters, they just wanted to watch a show.

However, a certain idiot saint seemed to be intrigued.

She leaned close to Luo Zhen with a coy look, and whispered to him.

Of course, Luo Zhen had a slumped face in disgust.

But it's all like this, it doesn't matter if there is one more her.

Jeanne: "Thank you!... I like Luo Zhenjun the most~?"

This little clever saintess kissed Luo Zhen on the cheek and even winked at her.

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