She was really like a puppy who came to a new owner's house for the first time. She lowered her head and murmured 'Excuse me' and walked into the room, and then kept tugging on Luo Zhen's clothes.

So cute, Luo Zhen only had this feeling in his heart.

Luo Zhen guided her to sit down by the bed, and the two of them stuck together subtly, just like a couple going to a hotel for the first time.

After all, his side is older (?), Luo Zhen still took the responsibility and took the initiative to speak:

"Jing Yin, I think you can see that Shiki and I are not ordinary siblings."

"Yeah." Jing Yin nodded obediently.

"It's not just Shi, I also have other girlfriends."

"Yeah." Jing Yin nodded again.

She is mentally prepared enough, Luo Zhen is a little admired:

"So that's it. Compared with a troublesome person like me, it must be easier to fall in love with an ordinary man, and then confess your love in an ordinary way. Shizune, you are a very cute and good boy, and you can definitely find a good man."

Luo Zhen avoided preaching as much as possible.

Except for her future vision, Jing Yin is just an ordinary girl, and the two have only known each other for a few days.

Luo Zhen's integrity was not low enough, so he took advantage of the girl's impulse to eat her.

But Shizune's reaction was surprisingly flat.

"Adults are so cunning." She pouted: "It's for your own good, I don't want you to regret it, and I said nice things to deny my thoughts. Obviously I also mustered up the courage, and I also know that I am very impulsive... But if you like it, you like it!"

"Mute? Please calm down."

This girl is more excited than Luo Zhen imagined.

What Shizuo said also makes sense.

After all, if they knew that she liked so-called homeless musicians, gangsters with colorfully dyed heads, and so on, people who cared about her would definitely persuade her.

People will use their own experience as a standard, saying that this kind of person is definitely unreliable. It is only a temporary illusion that you like it, and you will definitely regret it in the future.

But if he could be persuaded to come back with just one mouth, the mental illness of love would have been cured long ago.

Jing Yin stared forcefully, turned over and pushed Luo Zhen down!

It's easy to resist.

But Luo Zhen looked at Jing Yin who was riding on him, and was attracted by her serious eyes.

The well-behaved boy said:

"I don't know if I will regret it in ten or twenty years. But if I miss the opportunity, I will regret it now."

"...But if I was a more serious and pure-hearted person, I would refuse directly?" Luo Zhen smiled.

"It's okay." Jing Yin pouted:

"What I like is the bad guy who would strike up a conversation with a girl I met for the first time, make her cry, and be a bosom brother who steals a girl's heart away. If he didn't, he would be taken to the hotel and eaten on the same day. Brother Luo Zhen is already better than me." It’s a lot more serious than I imagined.”

"In your heart, am I the bad guy who abducts girls on the street every day?"

"Yes, if it's more predictable." Jing Yin nodded honestly.

And it's only worse, so what's the worst?Luo Zhen was a little curious instead.

Luo Zhen also felt that he was being gradually persuaded, so he could only sigh with a smile:

"As I said just now, I still have many women."

"It's exactly as I imagined. My name has already been remembered. I'm not just a girl who just grabs a bite and eats it. I'm already very honored!"

The way she spoke was not forced at all, which stunned Luo Zhen:

"Jing Yin, your view on love is amazing, don't you want to monopolize the person you like?"

"Huh?" On the contrary, Jing Yin tilted his head as if he couldn't understand:

"I've had the ability to predict the future since I was a child, right? The fantasy stories and adventures in different worlds that everyone regards as fantasy have a sense of intimacy for me. And brother Luo Zhen is also a magician, right? Magic and another world."

The magic understood by Jing Yin, who has no knowledge of magic, is definitely different from Luo Zhen's magic.

But this turned out to be wrong. There are really many fantasy worlds in this world.

Jing Yin said very simply: "Small things like a harem are taken for granted in fantasy works, right?"

"Mute... your spirit is quite strong."

"Yes! My first love is Brother Toya! If it's him, I can happily be a bystander and watch him and Brother Xuetu kiss me!"

The pure and lovely girl rides on the body of the confession object, confessing her sexual fetish.

Really, a girl in love is really invincible.

It's all been said for this sake, if Luo Zhen doesn't express it again, he will be too incompetent.

Mute is also somewhat disturbing:

"If brother Luo Zhen doesn't like me at all and is not interested in me, then don't talk about it... But, as long as there is a little interest in me, it's just a physical relationship... Even if you only hug me once, then I-ah ~!"

"This kind of lonely line is very lethal to men, and it is not allowed to say it to others in the future."

Luo Zhen gave up the image of a gentle big brother, grabbed Jing Yin's wrist and pushed her down.

This is the normal posture.

Luo Zhen continued:

"If I wasn't interested in you, I wouldn't have struck up a conversation with you in the first place. As you said, I'm a scumbag who only strikes up girls I like."

"Hey, hey hey~?"

This silly girl was subtly happy.

Jing Yin looked at the man who was close at hand, and closed his eyes with a smile on his face:

"Little girl is not talented, please give me more advice in the future... Ah, also, because I have unopened new products from top to bottom, I may cry, but please don't mind! I should be an M type, and I am in pain. It will be comfortable!"

"Mute... are you the type to cover up your shyness with dirty jokes?"

"Hey hey~? Because my family runs a winery. I also opened my own tavern, and drunk uncles are full of pornographic jokes. I have learned a lot since I was a child!"

The silly girl who was inexplicably proud clenched her fist, and Luo Zhen flicked her forehead.

This girl deliberately used this kind of nonsense to ease the atmosphere and make the scene very relaxed.

Then, as an adult (?), I should also take the initiative to bring the rhythm:

"You just need to relax. I have a lot of experience and I won't hurt you."

"Wow... this sentence is the most subtle thing I've ever heard... um~"

Luo Zhen unsealed the girl's lips.

It tastes like the same toothpaste as my sister's.





In the end, the props given by the maids really came in handy.

Luo Zhen had already accumulated a lot of pressure because of Shi's long-term teasing.

But after all, considering that Mu Yin was only the first time, Luo Zhen finally let her go after she shouted "Help" 77 times, "It's too late" 32 times, and "I'm going to die" countless times.

"Brother Luo Zhen...a ghost..."

On the second day of Jingyin, she couldn't stand upright even when she was stumbling around, and she could only get up when she was hugged by Luo Zhen.

When the maids saw this scene, they added several more comments to Luo Zhen's legend, and they couldn't be more excited.

Especially when they were cleaning the room afterwards, it was said that the competition was too fierce, and it became a rotation system where each explored for a minute.

Then, the young maid approached Jingyin and whispered in her ear:

"Miss Seo, do you want to keep the sheets in that room as a souvenir?"

"...Thank you very much! Please! (??>?<?)"

The girls reached a consensus and gave thumbs up.

For the majesty of his young master, Luo Zhen could only pretend that he didn't hear it.

By the way, after this, Luo Zhen also talked about serious things:

"Jing Yin, let me take you to the Li Garden."

July: Promote the group number 659889414 again, everyone can come in and chat (????)

Then there's the Liyuan chapter!Teacher Luo Zhen, please teach me! (??>?<?)

Suddenly found that the title of this chapter can be linked with the previous chapter, I am so strong (*?▽?*)

Chapter 9. Fujino's new experience

After that, Luo Zhen continued to stay at Liangyi's house with Jing Yin for two days.

This is mainly to make her body slow down. Mr. Ghost Animal Luo Zhen is too reluctant for a 16-year-old girl, and she is reflecting on it.

Mute quickly mingles with the maids at home and even throws a slumber party at night.

From time to time, she could hear girls screaming excitedly from her room, and she didn't know what they were talking about.

Luo Zhen lived his life as usual.

Sister Shi didn't have any obvious reaction after that, and she still sticks with Luo Zhen every day.

There is just one thing, taking a bath is always with Shi Jing.

The strange thing is that Shiki has no objection to this. Although he doesn't talk to Shizune very much, he doesn't seem to be so hostile to her, which is incredible.

Why is this, Luo Zhen did not understand.

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