The little girl cried and threw herself into Misaya's arms.

Luo Zhen also knew that girl, she was one of the students in Class 4, her name was Tachibana Kaori.

She is also one of the students who are very close to Luo Zhen, and she often looks for herself with a book in her hands between classes.

Compared with other students in Class 4, she is already the most restrained and well-behaved, so Luo Zhen was quite impressed.

And she seems to have a good relationship with Huang Lumei Saye.

She choked with sobs and raised her head, the pear blossoms on her small face were raining:

"That man, who approached me, approached me in a scary way... I was very scared, so the flowers protected me... Then, they started arguing..."

"Men? Why are there men in the ceremony garden..."

Huang Lu Mei Shaye turned her head with a disgusted expression, and looked at the man who was still crying in pain between the tables and chairs.

After seeing his face clearly, Misaya's expression rose from disgust to contempt:

"Hero Ye Shan, you scum!"

Huang Lumei Shaye gave the same evaluation as Huahua.


The subsequent situation was quickly dealt with under the arrangement of Huang Lu Meisha Ye.

She called the male security guard in the security room and sent the man named Hero Hayama to the hospital.

His face was obviously burned by Huahua's slap, and he screamed strangely at the end.

There was an injury incident in the school, and it was supposed to ensure the personnel of both parties as soon as possible.

Huang Lu Meishaye and Luo Zhen exchanged glances.

Hei Tonghua in his arms was emotionally unstable, and Tachibana Kaori in Misaya's arms was also trembling with fear, so the two nodded tacitly, and the matter was postponed in advance.

Then she dispersed the onlookers, and Luo Zhen went to the health room with flowers.

Seo Shizune: "Teacher! Flowers! What's wrong!?"

Jing Yin, who happened to be away when the incident happened, rushed into the room, excitedly holding Hua Hua's hand:

"I heard you got burned! Gasoline, cigarettes, lighters, bombs, you can't bring such dangerous items to school!"

"What kind of rumors have become?" Hua Hua complained with a strange expression.

She spread her white and tender hands to Jingyin, without any injuries at all:

"Teacher Luo Zhen cured me. It's really miraculous, even a little medicine doesn't work, just being touched by him will be enough."

Huahua, who recovered her composure, sighed, and bowed her head to Luo Zhen while sitting upright:

"Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Luo Zhen. Without you, I might have caused a bigger incident. ... So can you tell me? Who are you?"

"Yes, yes." Luo Zhen nodded confidently.

Huahua was emotionally agitated just now, and the flames from the palm of her hand hit the man. This is already magic.

Born to activate magic unconsciously, that is to say, flowers are so-called supernatural beings and the original stone of magicians.

Then it is necessary to explain the situation to her, Luo Zhen continued:

"The situation is just like this, let's go to Shiki and Fujino's dormitory, let's talk about it together."


Small groups of four gather in dormitories with male teachers who feel as natural as going back to their own home.

Luo Zhen took a sip of the safflower tea made by Fujino, the sweetness and deliciousness moistened his throat.

I just don't know why, but my body feels a little hot.

Especially the position near the dantian, there is a feeling that it is about to move.

Fujino said that this is a herbal tea that is good for the body, and he smiled charmingly, feeling that his charm has risen two stages more than usual.

Putting this aside, Luo Zhen first explained the basic concept of magic to the flowers.

Only then did she realize that, apart from herself, none of these classmates who had a close relationship were ordinary people.

Luo Zhen wanted to take a picture with such a beautiful expression:

"Hey... so how do you say? Jing Yin's intuition that guesses accurately, really predicts the future?"

"To be precise, it's future vision! It's a kind of magic eye!" Jing Yin boasted while puffing out her flat chest.

Flowers turned to Fujino with trembling fingers:

"Then, Fujino is...?"

"My ability is not easy to control, I don't know if I can make a fool of myself." Fujino looked at Luo Zhen worriedly.

Demonstrating one's ability can also help to increase self-confidence. Luo Zhen, who should hide this concept without any mystery, nodded in support.

So Fujino took out a stainless steel knife and focused his eyes.


With a toothache sound, the table knife was completely twisted into a twist.

Hua Jingyin applauded in surprise as if watching a magic show, making Fujino blushed and bowed:

"This is the twisted magic eye, which is activated with the eyes just like Shizune-chan. It's very rude and unapproachable, I'm really sorry."

"This kind of self-effacement is also very young lady style... Do you also have that type of sister?" Hua Hua looked at the last person.

July: Changed the cover for a new look (??`ω??)

If I find any good pictures in the future, I will change them??(??ω???)?

Chapter 18. Supervise each other, sneaking away is strictly prohibited (seeking blade for ticket)

Special abilities can be used for performances, which Shiki did not expect.

But because Luo Zhen was very supportive of their frankness, Shi sighed, picked up the twisted table knife, and touched it with his fingertips a few times.


A ball of twisted stainless steel easily crumbles like paper and becomes a table of debris.

Shi Gao said coldly: "The magic eye of death, the eye that can see the death of all things. As long as it is something that can be killed, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you."

Oh... Shiki's introduction to the second class made all three of them clap their hands softly.

Then Huahua suddenly came back to her senses, raising her eyebrows subtly:

"You magicians, do you like to use your eyes to play tricks? And no matter how you look at it, I am the weakest... What kind of ability is it that you can get angry in your hands! Tricks!"

"I am born to be useful. You don't have to be discouraged, Huahua, you can call me Master Luo Zhen from now on, okay?"

Luo Zhen said kindly.

Then, Hua Hua covered her face with a pillow and rode on her body, venting her anger.

On the way, I bumped into various places that should or should not be touched, which made Mr. Luo Zhen feel a little comfortable.

"Flowers, flowers." During the fight, Luo Zhen grabbed Huahua's wrist.

Now that he was being pushed back by flowers on his waist, her long hair was hanging down and touching his neck, a little itchy and a little seductive.

In order to prevent his reaction from being discovered by female students, Mr. Luo Zhen said righteously:

"You can make out anytime you want. Master, I like you very much. But let's talk about the business now."

"~~~! Who likes you!"

In the end, Luo Zhen was still covered by the pillow.


Flowers illustrate what happened in the classroom.

In fact, it is very simple to say, that is, after school, a man suddenly entered the school, which attracted the attention of the students.

But unlike the idol-level Luo Zhen, that man was a middle-aged man in his thirties, and his vicious expression did not look like a good person. The students were a little scared.

This man went directly to class four of the first year, which was Hua Hua's class.

Then he caught a few female students and asked a few questions, claiming that he was going to be the head teacher of this class.

"Because his actions were too rough and his eyes were disgusting, I went for it."

Flowers clasped their hands anxiously.

Hua Hua, who looked like a big sister, pulled away the girl who was entangled by him, and quarreled with the man.

Then there is a very classic process. The gangsters who are bullied will naturally go back, and the two sides gradually rise to a scolding battle.

Looking back now, Huahua still looks angry:

"That man with his mouth covered in mud! He dared to call me a whore, whore—I'm still a virgin! A pure virgin who didn't even send her first kiss!!"

"Oddly, the flowers are so obedient."

Jing Yin, who was not a virgin for a long time, hugged her roommate and stroked her hair like a pet.

What happened next was what Luo Zhen saw.

Although she has a hot temper, after all, Hua Hua, who is a young lady, has never been slapped so badly before, and that slap came after she got angry.

At the same time, the awakened anger ability was uncontrollable and burned both her and the man.

That's the end of the matter. There was silence in the room for a while, and it depends on how to deal with it later.

Fujino covered his mouth in doubt: "Does Liyuan have a male teacher other than Mr. Luo Zhen? And he is a rude person..."

"There must be some reason." Luo Zhen took a sip of tea: "Shi and I also bought in with the ability of the Liangyi family. This school is easily influenced by the outside world."

Having said that, in fact, Luo really has a bottom line in his heart.

Although he couldn't remember clearly, he always knew that there would be a male teacher in Liyuan, and he was an extremely bad person.

That seems to be it now.

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