But for someone as arrogant as Huahua, running away is tantamount to admitting defeat.

Coincidentally, Huang Lu Mei Saye is also such a proud person.

So she can feel the shame better, the haughty head is lower:

"Please, please give me a chance."


The proud head of the student council has lowered his posture to such an extent that the flowers with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart are completely helpless.

She also pursed her lips in distress:

"Please don't do this. In the final analysis, this is caused by my violent actions. I also feel that I should be punished. I am already prepared for such things as demerit punishment."

"Heitong..." Mei Saya sighed softly.

As the president of the student council, she knows that the biggest difference between Heitong Huahua and other students in Liyuan is that the family she was born in is very ordinary.

The reason why she can come to this noble school is because Huahua has an overwhelming academic performance, and she only enrolled with scholarship subsidies.

For her, school performance and grades are the lifeline.

It is not a joke to cause personal injury to teachers not long after the start of school.

Seeing the atmosphere becoming awkward, Luo Zhen clapped his hands as an adult:

"That's how it is. Classmate Meishaye, one week is enough, can you give Huahua a personal leave?"

"No problem." The student union queen nodded sharply.

That would be easy, Luo Zhen continued:

"I ensure the safety of Huahua for this week, and there is no need to notify her parents. Huahua, you can live in my house."


Hua Hua had the biggest reaction so far and jumped up on the spot.


"Why did it become like this..."

Hua Hua shrugged her shoulders cautiously, and sat on the back seat of Eryi's car.

After finalizing the matter, Luo Zhen contacted the maid at home and drove over. Hua Hua only brought the necessary change of clothes and went home with him.

The elderly maid who was driving was an old acquaintance, and had sent Luo Zhen and the female students to love hotels several times.

This time, he took the woman home directly, making her choked up while driving with tears streaming down her face.

In the silent back seat, Luo Zhen spoke to Hua Hua:

"Flowers, are you very unhappy?"

"...No." Huahua sighed: "I said it too. In the final analysis, I did something wrong. Although I have a clear conscience, I should be punished."

"Although I don't think I'm wrong, but in terms of social rules, I know I'm wrong, right?" Luo Zhen smiled.

After a while, he said solemnly:

"Huahua, it's very simple to solve Hero Yeshan. But since you're involved, I want to ask your opinion."

"..." Huahua signaled Luo Zhen to continue with her eyes.

Luo Zhen stretched out two fingers:

"Procedural justice or result justice, which do you think is more important?"

"Ideological problem?" Hua Hua, a high school student, blinked.

After a moment of silence, Hua Hua snorted:

"For me, it's the outcome that is more important."

July: Two updates in a row, try to see more updates today, ask for a reward for the blade??(??ω???)?

This wave of plots is a wave of value output. Everyone has different ideas and welcome to discuss, but please discuss peacefully (??ω?`)

Chapter 20. It's better to have a blood relationship! (Four more, ask for a blade and a ticket)

"Oh?" Luo Zhen waited for her statement with great interest.

Huahua handsomely puffed out her chest:

"Justice that doesn't even have justice in the outcome is not justice. It's too unreasonable not to be able to arrest a person who knows he is a murderer who commits all kinds of crimes because of lack of evidence? So I think justice in the outcome is more important. No , the result must be justice."

"It's very handsome, it fits your personality very well."

"Hmph~, don't flatter me. I also think procedural justice is very important?"

Hua Hua looked directly at Luo Zhen, her eyes were very clear:

"If there is only outcome justice, then justice itself will be distorted. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. This concept itself needs to be maintained by procedural justice. I just think that when procedural justice is not enough, result justice should be given priority. .”

"That is to say, on the premise of ensuring the justice of the result, it should be as close as possible to procedural justice?"

"Yes." Hua Hua nodded very firmly.

It really fits her style, very handsome.

Flowers is a heretic at heart.

She prioritized her own thoughts over the restrictions of school rules and access control, so the problem of such a top student was a headache.

But she has integrity at her core.

It is because she is convinced that her own correctness must override the correctness of the rules, so she can make so many bold actions.

how to say.Luo Zhen suddenly discovered that Huahua is a very suitable person to be a magician.

And it's great that she was not born into a family of magicians, but awakened the day after tomorrow.

Otherwise, this must be another S-shaking female devil, Luo Zhen gets excited just thinking about it.

After the teachers and students discussed such a not-so-serious serious issue, the black limousine soon arrived at Liangyi's house.

"Eh...?" Hua Hua was a little apprehensive.

She felt something was wrong when the car was driving on the way.

As if driving into a private land, there is no one on the entire bamboo forest hill, only high walls spread all the way.

After reaching the gate, a group of men in black suits and black sunglasses opened the car door and respectfully invited the two to get out of the car.

Huahua nervously carried her luggage, and followed Luo Zhen step by step.

Then the moment the door was pushed open, two rows of men in black bowed neatly on the left and right:

"Welcome Eldest Young Master! Welcome Miss Heitong Huahua!"


The blue-faced flower almost jumped up.

She quickly grabbed Luo Zhen's sleeve, her teeth creaking and chattering:

"Wait, wait, wait! Is the Liangyi family a gangster?! Is it the Jidao family!?"

"You only know now."

Luo Zhen took her hand in a funny way, and strode into the house.

Before that, Hua Hua only knew that Luo Zhen and the two rituals entered the Li Garden through their family relationship.

She only thought it was a wealthy property owner or something, but she didn't expect it to be this kind of thing!

Reminiscent of what Luo Zhen said in the car, Huahua hopped on one foot and took off her shoes, while turning to him:

"Teacher, teacher! Teacher Luo Zhen! Are you planning to use the method of the underworld to give that person named Ye Shan..."

"Don't worry, he won't sink into Tokyo Bay until the last step."

Luo Zhen smiled kindly.

But it would be terrible to just say the option of Shen Dongwan Bay casually.

Only now did Huahua really understand what Luo Zhen meant when he said, "It's very simple to solve the hero of Yeshan".

But this is just a bad idea.

In a place where no one knows, using violence to solve him is like crushing an ant, it's too boring.

"Evil people should be rewarded with evil. Under the premise of ensuring justice in the outcome, we should try to be as close as possible to procedural justice, right?"

Mr. Luo Zhen, a great benevolent man, said so, making Miss Hua's smile stiff and her head nodded fiercely.


For the next whole day, Heitong Huahua received warm hospitality from Liangyi's family.

Not only did she arrange a high-end hotel-like room for her, but also a maid was waiting at the door.From tea and snacks to personal items, everything is prepared in every way, which makes Huahua's spirit quite exhausted.

Fortunately, when it was meal time, Luo Zhen took the initiative to bring the meal to her room to eat with her.

If you want to dine at Liangyi's family, you must be with the parents of Liangyi's family. Thinking about flowers makes me feel like I'm going to have my stomach perforated.

Luo Zhen took this into consideration, cooked his own meal and ate with her, which made Huahua cry with gratitude.

"Ha... so tired..."

After taking a bath at night, Huahua wandered back to the room and threw herself on the bed.

She was wearing the Japanese yukata prepared by the maids, and the wooden floor felt just right for her bare feet, which was very comfortable.

But the more comfortable it is, the greater the psychological pressure on the flowers, just like a cat visiting someone else's house.

Flowers twitched their toes, hugged the pillow and huddled up on the bed:

"Luo Zhen and Shi are actually this kind of underworld young master and young lady... Shi is quite similar, but Luo Zhen can't see it at all...Is this called a smiling tiger?"

Luo Zhen's handsome face, which is more idol than idol, really can't be equated with the underworld in Hua Hua's head, the contrast is too strong.

But when he was greeted by his younger brother, the calm feeling made people believe from the bottom of his heart that he was a born young master and a member of the ruling class.

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