"Devil! Ghost beast! Pervert! Dirty training of Leip prisoner——!"

"Okay, okay, what you say is what you say. So hurry up and come."

Luo Zhen used magic to gather a drop of water on his fingertips, and he cummed on Huahua's ass.

"Hey—!?" The girl suddenly screamed.

Teacher Luo Zhen had no blood or tears: "From now on, if I think you are lazy, I will shoot you. If you don't want to get soaked and cold, then find a way to light the fire to dry your clothes."

"You, you, you, you—ah! Why are you shooting me again!"

"Call me teacher from now on."

Mr. Luo Zhen sent biu to Huahua's face again.

Miss Hua was angry and annoyed, kicked her legs straight, and finally obediently obeyed.

By the way, the sweatpants soaked in water droplets were attached to the skin, slightly revealing the curves and the color of the fabric inside.

Pink, this girl is unexpectedly innocent... Mr. Luo Zhen nodded in satisfaction.

July: Thank you [Fu Shan] for the 1 blades, it’s been a long time since I’ve given you a [-] tip ( ?╥ω╥`)

It’s the fifth update today, I’ve worked hard _(:з」∠)_

But the average order dropped a lot, I cried to death (???)

Chapter 22. Mrs. Jinwu Zangjiao Luo (ask for a ticket for a blade)

After training the flowers till midnight, Luo Zhen carried her already exhausted back to the room.

After not sleeping for a few hours, Mr. Luo Zhen got up refreshed again, stripped the fresh flowers and threw them into the bathroom.

Because the girl was crying about wanting to sleep and other weak words, in order to train her to become the Giant of Light Fighting King, Captain Luo Zhen ruthlessly threatened:

"Either you wash it yourself, or I come in and wash it for you, you choose one."


Classmate Heitong Huahua, remain silent.

After Huahua took a hot bath and walked out leisurely, Mr. Luo Zhen sent breakfast and hot soybean milk made by himself.

Although I don't want to admit it, it's really delicious, even my stomach is warm.

Hua Hua could only hum aggrievedly and keep moving his mouth.

Then Teacher Luo Zhen said:

"I'm going to school later, do you have anything to say to them?"

"It's nothing, anyway, you can handle it properly. I don't have any other close friends."

"That's good. After I leave, you can continue to train in the workshop, don't be lazy."

"The devil is perverted..." Miss Hua murmured softly.

From yesterday to the end, her whole body was wet from Luo Zhen's shot, from her hair to her knees, no one was spared.

But it was amazing that she didn't catch a cold even though it was like this, and her body was quite light after taking a bath, only she was a little tired mentally.

This is probably what kind of magic Luo Zhen used, the clever Miss Hua has already guessed it.

But the arrogant Miss Hua didn't want to accept his care frankly.

And after all, this is because he forced himself to train himself!

He also wet the girl's clothes with water, this man is absolutely delighted!

The more she thought about it, the more Miss Hua felt that she was at a loss, so she could only stare at Luo Zhen with a groaning gaze to show her resistance.

Then before going out, Mr. Luo Zhen said again:

"Today I may bring Shiki and Fujino back home, you can look forward to it."

"Why?" Hua Hua blinked in surprise.

Except for the troublesome flowers, everyone else should be able to go to school normally, so why bring them back to Liangyi's house?

But Luo Zhen didn't explain, just waved his hand, and then he went out chicly surrounded by a large group of maids.

"Walk slowly... hum."

Hua Hua muttered angrily, put on her dried sportswear, and obediently went to the basement.


After Luo Zhen arrived at the Li Garden, he didn't do anything special, he just went to class as usual.

He also explained Huahua's current situation to Jingyin and the others, and other students also spread the story of Huahua's quarrel with a certain man. The rumors cannot be stopped.

That kind of thing goes with time.

It is said that Hero Ye Shan, who was injured, will not be discharged from the hospital in a few days, and then he should come to Liyuan to take up his post immediately.

Luo Zhen is now waiting for him to come.

After Ye Shanxiong came to Liyuan, the plan he envisioned could be implemented.

Then when it was lunch break, Luo Zhen was in the cafeteria with Shizune, Fujino and Shiki.

"Teacher Luo Zhen." An unexpected figure came over.

Amidst the whispers of other students, the president of the student council, Huang Lu Meisa Ye, came to their table and said to Luo Zhen:

"Could you please come to the student union room, I have something to tell you."

"The president of the student council specially came to the cafeteria to call for someone. He seems to be in a hurry." Luo Zhen said calmly.

Huang Lumei Shaye's complexion was obviously not good.

When we met yesterday, she was still quite the imposing Queen, but today she was a bit gloomy, with cloudy clouds between her brows.

It seems that she has some troubles.Luo Zhen will not bully her anymore:

"I know, I'll be there soon."

"...Yes, sorry to trouble you."

The queen of the student union bowed slightly and left with small steps.

She didn't know what happened to her that night, she felt as if she shrank in a circle, a little pitiful.

Mute: "...Ah?"

Miss Future Vision of Luo Zhen's family squinted her eyes suspiciously, staring at Misaya's back for a long time.

Then she turned her head to look at Luo Zhen, and then turned to look at Mei Sa Ye.

This suspicious move made Luo Zhen put down his chopsticks:

"What's the matter? What do you see?"

"Woooooh~, it's nothing. Because brother Luo Zhen is involved, the screen is basically filled with mosaics."

"Don't say it as if I did something that would be beaten by Mosaic."

Mr. Luo Zhen was also killed by the wind review today.

The essence of Mute's future view is a deduction computing device, which will unconsciously collect the information it sees, and then weave it into a future development budget.

This is actually the concept of the so-called "Laplace's demon" in physics.

But because Luo Zhen is the magician of the third method, it is impossible to understand his information with mute eyes, and it is impossible to perform calculations.

So as long as Luo Zhen is involved, the mute future vision will be invalid.

But as Jing Yin gets to know Luo Zhen more and more deeply, excluding the influence of the third method, and only counting Luo Zhen's words that Jing Yin knows, it is also possible to carry out a simulation deduction.

That's why she narrowed her eyes suspiciously, staring at Luo Zhen as if she saw a cheating man:

"Brother Luo Zhen, you can't do things that make girls sad?"

"What are you talking about, my motto is never let a girl cry."

Mr. Luo Zhen straightened his back with righteous words.

But since last night, he has made Huahua cry more than once, which is not believable at all.


A moment later, Luo Zhen knocked on the door of the student union room.

"Please come in." Huang Lu Mei Sa Ye's voice came from inside.

Luo Zhen walked into the room, and the queen was still the only one in the student union room.

I don't know if the other members of the student union don't do anything, or they were expelled by the queen. She is the only one making tea:

"Teacher Luo Zhen, please sit down."

"Thank you."

The two sat down facing each other as they did yesterday.

It's just that the flowers are missing. Today they are men and women alone.

After taking a sip of the safflower tea made by the queen herself, Luo Zhen first asked:

"Do you have anything to tell me. Don't worry about the flowers, they are doing well in my house."

"Well, I believe you." Misaya said without courage.

This lackluster reaction made Luo Zhen more convinced: something bad happened to her.

"Have you had a fight with anyone? For example, your parents."


Misaya blinked dumbly.

It seems that she guessed it right, and Misaya immediately burst out laughing:

"Hehe. That's amazing. Is this the gap between adults and students?"

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