"...Could it be that Hei Tonghua, Asakami Fujino and the others who are very close to you?"

"No, they haven't yet."

Mr. Luo Zhen said very rigorously, now is now.

Misaya let out a slight sigh of relief.

The skin that was exposed to the air all flushed nervously:

"As long as you don't force the students, I won't say anything about your behavior... Being able to do something about Shizune Seo means that you are interested in this area, right?"

"You don't have to make such a turn, I can answer you directly."

Luo Zhen smiled and said:

"Your body is so attractive it makes me want to hug you."

"——" Mei Saya's shoulders trembled violently.

It must be the first time for her to be evaluated so bluntly by a man.

And as smart as Misaya, she will not be so naive as to think that a relationship that is only once will end.

She sat down beside Luo Zhen, put her hands on his chest:

"As long as you are willing... within the time limit of this school, until I graduate... I will be yours. But there is a premise, you must promise me that you must not force other children..."

"I promise you."

Without waiting for Mei Shaye to finish speaking, Luo Zhen put his arms around her waist.

This made Mei Saye, who was already nervous, almost forget to breathe, her eyelashes trembling and her eyes closed tightly.

Luo Zhen gradually approached her face, and stroked her hot cheek with the palm of his hand.

Transparent tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, and Mei Saye raised her head, waiting for Luo Zhen to occupy her.

So Luo Zhen approached further, until the breathing of both sides hit each other's faces...

"--it hurts!"

Misaya made a cute voice subconsciously.

Luo Zhen kept bouncing her head, and said with an angry face:

"First: Don't take off your clothes in front of men from now on, it's a self-deprecation. Second: Prepare more chips before negotiating, even if it's a bluff, don't use the trump card of selling yourself at the beginning .Third: Don’t trust men’s promises casually. Men think with their lower body. What if I eat you now and then trick you into compensated dating? What if I didn’t sign the contract.”

"Eh, eh...?"

Misaya didn't understand what happened at all, she was still clutching her red forehead at a loss.

Luo Zhen picked up the clothes that still had her body temperature, and put them on skillfully like helping his own sister to dress.

During this period, Misaya was at the mercy of Luo Zhen like a doll, and it was quite cute to ask her to raise her hand.

After all the clothes were put on, Mei Saye woke up like a dream:

"Wait, teacher, are you rejecting me!? Please don't do this! As long as you ask, I will do everything——It hurts~!"

Luo Zhen hit her forehead again with a snap of his fingers.

He let out a long sigh with a look of hatred:

"You don't understand, you don't understand at all. Why does it have to be a cold form of trading! Misaya, do you know what is the method to maximize your beauty!"

"Yes, what is it...?" Misaya cried and covered her forehead with a mournful face.

"It's seduction! It's not sex trading!" Luo Zhen explained excitedly:

"You know the Romance of the Three Kingdoms! You know the serial tricks! Diao Chan first made Lu Bu obsessed, and then lured him to kill Dong Zhuo after he was captured! So what would happen if it was a deal from the beginning? It's yours, please go and kill Dong Zhuo, no matter how stupid Lu Bu is, he won't be fooled!"

So what to say specifically, Luo Zhen folded his hands indignantly:

"If you confess to me directly and push me down, I will obey now! But the deal is not allowed! Don't underestimate my pure love power!"

"…………sorry Sorry……"

Misaya really looked like a student being taught by a teacher, she lowered her head and wrinkled her face in grievance, tears streaming down her face.

Originally, she was so nervous and scared to death that showing her body in front of a man made her tremble all over, and she didn't know how long she struggled with it before she was fully prepared mentally.

But now that Luo Zhen had said everything, her heart fluttered all of a sudden, and her tears couldn't stop the car at all.

Mr. Luo Zhen, who is a good teacher, could only sigh, and kept handing her tissues.

Until the paper towels on the table were piled up into a hill, Misaya barely controlled her tears, humming and raising her head with red eyes:

"Luo Zhen, teacher... Then, about the hero Ye Shan... what should I do..."

"Well, you just told me that from the beginning."

Luo Zhen felt that she saw the real body of the Queen clearly, and rubbed her head familiarly:

"Children should come to trouble adults. You take the responsibility too much on yourself."

Although Luo Zhen is actually only eight years old, he is just a child.

But now, Mei Sa Ye, who put down her airs, is very cute, with a kind of real sister attribute, and Luo Zhen, who controls the dead sister, is so cute.

So, he said:

"Misaya, are you good at makeup?"

"...?" Misaya blinked her eyes in confusion.


Then, it's school time.

Luo Zhen called Jing Yin and Fujino Kazushi, and a group of old team members gathered at the school gate.

And this time, he didn't need to sneak out sneakily, but walked through the main entrance openly.

To say why, because the leader of the team is the Queen of the student union.

Jing Yin rushed to Luo Zhen's side, pulling him excitedly:

"I knew Brother Luo Zhen could do it! It's amazing~! This is the first time I've seen the expression of a girl like the student council president! By the way, who is older between her and Fujino—"

"Se, O, Jing, Sound, Tong, Xue."

Recovering her strength, Her Lady Queen was like a ghost, grabbing Shih-yin's shoulders, causing her to scream louder than Chu Ye.

Who told you to use Future Vision indiscriminately, Mr. Luo Zhen has no sympathy at all.

When the car from Liangyi's family arrived, the whole group got in it.

The eldest sister of the maid who drove the car saw that the eldest young master brought four girls in one go this time, she couldn't help crying again, which made Luo Zhen very worried about whether she could drive well.

Misaya asked worriedly:

"Teacher Luo Zhen, take us all back to Liangyi's house, what are you going to do?"

"It's nothing." Luo Zhen replied calmly:

"I just want to ask you to help me with my makeup."

July: I have always emphasized that Luo Zhenjun is pure love??(??ω???)?

At the end of the month, add more words to 18W_(:з」∠)_

Chapter 25. The Return of the Living Love Potion

After Luo Zhen brought the four girls home, the first thing he saw were the flowers lying in the living room.

She had just showered from training and was lying on the couch in a loose bathrobe, one white thigh hanging over the backrest.

Just when she reached into the bathrobe with a tissue and wiped the sweat from her breasts, she heard the sound of Luo Zhen opening the door and came in, so she waved her hand lazily:

"Welcome~Welcome~Back~Come~. I have trained well, don't let me cum so wet...and I'm thirsty~, help me get the soy milk from the refrigerator~."

"Alright." Mr. Luo Zhen complied dotingly.

He brought chilled soybean milk, poured it into a cup and handed it to her.

Heitong Huahua: "Chirp~~."

The classmate Hua Hua, who had committed a lazy cancer, didn't even bother to open her eyes, so she pouted to signal Luo Zhen to feed her.

The caring teacher Luo Zhen understood instantly.

He took a sip himself, and then pasted the mouth of the flower.

"Hmmmmmm!? Uhhhhhh!?!?"

After the inside of her mouth was invaded, Miss Hua finally woke up from her dementia and jumped up!

She wiped the white liquid from the corner of her mouth, and screamed with a flushed face:

"What are you doing, you Lep Demon!? Why did you kiss me!?"

Luo Zhen looked innocent: "Didn't you ask me to feed it? If you want to feed water, of course it must be mouth to mouth?"

"You are stupid——! I mean, no matter how you look at it, give me a straw!?"

Flowers screamed almost to tears:

"This is my first kiss! My first kiss tasted like soy milk mixed with saliva. What kind of torture is this!? I want to send it in a romantic restaurant with a night view or on a beach in the sunset! You send me My first kiss is back ahhh!"

"Okay. (kiss)"

Luo Zhen, who had just taken someone else's first kiss away, embraced the boisterous flower and kissed it again, returning her first kiss back.

Devil, this man is really a devil.

Totally stiff flowers, eyes dead at that moment.

So much so that after Luo Zhen let go of her, she didn't resist anymore, but simply cried:

"You perverted teacher, sex offender... take responsibility for me... woo woo woo~~...!"

"Although I think you are acquiescing in a man's house by wearing such indecent clothes, but for the time being, I will still take responsibility. I like you, flowers."

Luo Zhen hugged the crying flowers, comforting them as if they were very touching.

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