Luo Zhen also crawled out from under the flowers, propped himself on the sofa and smiled:

"Shi, let me say "Welcome back, master" and give it a try?"

"Welcome back, Brother Guishuzheng."

Miss Shi rubbed her brother's face in a moderate manner.

The clothes she changed into were the so-called waitress uniforms, which was also the source of Luo Zhen talking about clothes.

Liyuan is a very serious noble girls' school, and there are some activities every year.

Because it is a Christian school, their Christmas is very formal, neither eating, drinking, nor making noise, just very orthodox worship.

This is quite unfriendly to non-religious students who just entered high school, so a few years ago, Liyuan also organized a so-called school festival on the anniversary of its establishment.

But also because it is a noble girls' school, although the school festival allows each class to hold some activities, it is not open to the public.The only ones allowed to visit the school are the family members of the students.

Even so, this is the most open day for Liyuan.

Most of the students were very excited, especially Class [-], which had the most wild children, decided to open the house's favorite maid cafe.

Thinking of this, Miss Shi who was being used as a fitting model was very unhappy, staring at Luo Zhen who was undressed by flowers:

"It's the first time I've heard of a teacher who suggested that his students wear maid outfits. And why do you have the final say."

"Because my handsome teacher is so popular, everyone relies on me."

Mr. Luo Zhen is not ashamed but proud:

"You can thank me for choosing such a conservative uniform. If the children in Liyuan are not too pure, I would like to propose to open a Chinese restaurant with high-cut cheongsam."

Mr. Luo Zhen felt really sorry.

If I opened a Chinese restaurant, I would be able to help in the kitchen and watch high school girls in cheongsam at the closest distance.

But this, like changing school uniforms, requires a gradual process.

After taking full control of this school in the future, one day he will add swimming lessons, physiology lessons, etc. Luo Zhen is very determined!

So, this year's school festival should be like this.

Luo Zhen also thought about calling the parents of Liangyi's family to play.They will be very happy to see that Shiki can be integrated into the students.

Luo Zhen drank the safflower tea served by Fujino, smiled and said to her:

"I'm also looking forward to you wearing this dress, Fujino."


Fujino smiled cutely.

July: I like pantyhose, stockings, knee socks, bubble socks, striped socks, fishnet socks.The process of turning the mysterious black into white, that's great (????)

Luo Zhen will also bring his family to play, let’s enjoy the school festival (〃'▽'〃)

Chapter 32. Hedonic School Festival (Happy Children's Day plus tickets!)

On the day of the school festival, the enthusiasm accumulated for a long time by the adolescent female high school students exploded in one breath, making the closed and stagnant school atmosphere much more active.

When Luo Zhen arrived at school early in the morning, he heard the surround sound of swallows and warblers:

“『‘Welcome home, Master~?』』”

Luo Zhen's dear classmates in class four of the first year curtsied delicately.

"Good morning everyone."

Mr. Luo Zhen smiled all over his face, and quickly licked the healthy and beautiful legs of the beautiful girls JK with his narrow eyes, and ate an ice cream.

There is a special etiquette class in the Ritual Garden, and even wild children who are enrolled from outside have already gotten used to it, and their movements are very graceful.

It is said that the reason for lifting the skirt is to allow women to show their ankles under the long skirt, so that the graceful movement of the legs crossing back and forth can be seen.

This action is indeed normal when wearing a monastic uniform.

But after changing into a short skirt, the skirt, which was already above the knee, was pulled up into the triangular airspace, and the lace on the skirt was eye-catching, making it impossible for Mr. Luo Zhen to violate his instinct of leg control.

Especially this movement, if you accidentally pull it too high, it will be gone.

Right, right, just like the children in front of me, the colors inside have been revealed...

"Hey, you're all gone."

Mr. Luo Zhen kindly reminded the two girls whose skirts were especially high.

But they snickered and boldly hugged Luo Zhen's arm:

"I just want to show it to the teacher~."

"It's agreed today. Teacher Luo Zhen is not a teacher, but a master, right? So the teacher just treats us as maids, okay?"

The bold girl is more extreme than usual.

Unbelievably, after Luo Zhen's student union harem was established, his reputation among the students rose instead of falling.

Although everyone knew he was a playboy, the overtures made him more active.

Of course, some of them have a more sensitive sense of smell and know that Luo Zhen has children from Liangyi's family background.

But more, purely attracted by his face and hormones.

Putting a young and handsome man in a girls' school in a closed environment is like putting a lamb into a pack of extremely hungry wolves, and all adolescent girls will arouse their instincts.

Of course, Mr. Luo Zhen doesn't hate the explicit overtures.

But out of the teacher's sense of responsibility, he knocked on the head alone:

"If my maid was as blatant as you, she would have been expelled long ago. A child should look like a child. Study hard and don't tempt the teacher to commit a crime."


The girls who were rejected by Luo Zhen acted coquettishly in dissatisfaction.

Luo Zhen walked into the well-arranged classroom, came to the door of the room that served as the kitchen and dressing room, and coughed twice:

"How about it, can I persist?"

"Hmph, barely qualified." Sister Shi, who came out after changing clothes, glanced at him, and held her hands arrogantly.

Such an arrogant and tough waitress must be the favorite of Shaking M's dead house if she is put in a maid cafe. Those who are willing to spend money to be scolded by her can line up from Akihabara to Shibuya.

For Luo Zhen, he also likes the cool look.Especially when compared with Jiao, the contrast is even cuter.

So he didn't care about the gazes of the other girls in the classroom, put the wall on the wall, and leaned close to her ear and whispered intimately:

"Let's go to the student council room during the break, this dress is really cute."

"...Pervert." Miss Shi blushed.

She fully understood what Luo Zhen meant, and she didn't refuse, on the contrary, she was a little eager to try.

My younger sister is not only tsundere, but also very horny, which really makes my brother more and more sister-in-law.


With a mood of complete enjoyment, Luo Zhen also enjoyed the school festival to the fullest.

Most of the parents of Liyuan students are well-known figures, so there are many busy people, and there are very few people who come to the school festival.

So it is said that it is to receive relatives of students into the school, but in fact, there are not many people.

But Jing Yin's family members were all dispatched.

Not only her parents, but even her three older brothers and the family dog ​​came, making the students in Class [-] make a fuss to their heart's content.

"Woooooh~, idiot dad! I don't have the face to study any more!"

Jing Yin, who was extremely ashamed, hugged Luo Zhen in the lounge and acted coquettishly, her legs bouncing like a deer.

It was also the first time that Luo Zhen met Jing Yin's parents, and they were completely typical images of bold middle-aged uncles.

And he's a total daughter-in-law.As soon as he entered the classroom, he first grabbed Luo Zhen's hand and shook it for ten minutes. He kept saying how cute his daughter was, and thanked the teacher for taking care of her all the time.

If he knew that Jing Yin was eaten by his teacher when he was still on the dividing line between junior high school and high school before entering school, there would probably be a murder in this school.

"But those are great parents, and you're very proud of them."

Luo Zhen pampered the girl.

When he knew that there were students whose parents wanted to buy sex, Luo Zhen was also a little worried about whether Jing Yin's family would be involved, but it turned out to be completely unnecessary worry.

Jing Yin's family, who runs the winery, is also very rich, but probably because it is a family business in the countryside, her family has an unbelievable simplicity, which is in sharp contrast to other students' parents in suits and dresses.

Hearing Luo Zhen praise his family, Jing Yin also blushed and calmed down, humming shyly:

"I also know...My parents and brothers, they dote on me very much. It is because of them that I was not crushed by the future when I was young."

"Well, they are your very important wealth. And I finally know why you have such a boyish personality and such a rustic hairstyle."

"Is it dirty—!? Have you always thought it was dirty!? Why didn't you say it sooner!!!(?>?

There are three older brothers in the family, and Ms. Mute, who is boyish in her bones, jumped up excitedly.

After frolicking for a while, Jing Yin suddenly kissed Luo Zhen's lips.

She gave full play to her strengths in the sports department, her legs expertly wrapped around his waist, and Luo Zhen hugged him firmly.

Then the bad girl looked at Luo Zhen, her eyes were full of fire:

"Teacher, Brother Luo Zhen, I am so happy now. I really want to tell Dad that I have a boyfriend who I like so much that just thinking about it makes me feel weird."

"It is possible, but it is better to change the timing. If it is announced now, I will be strangled to death by your father."

"I know, so I won't say oh...but I can't help it."

Probably stimulated by family members whom I haven't seen for a long time, Ms. Jing Yin, who is full of happiness, is so hot that she is burning to death.

"Brother Luo Zhen, brother Luo Zhen...take me away, I want to go to the student union room."

"Okay. But keep the flowers a secret, she'll definitely come after you."

Although it would be more reliable for Jing Yin to take her family to visit the school at this time, but if she doesn't vent her anger, this girl will lose control on the spot.

How could a pure girl who just graduated from junior high school become so bad now...

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