Miss Yuanshi smirked in Luo Zhen's arms.

In fact, Luo Zhen also knew that if he wanted to go back to Chaldea, his younger sister would definitely ask to follow.

And she is not someone who can be persuaded.

Even if Luo Zhen and his daughter tried to persuade her, she would never be obedient, and at that time, she was afraid that she would engage in domestic violence.

He didn't want to be poured into Tokyo Bay by his sister, so Luo Zhen could only shrug his shoulders and obey.

Well then,

Luo Zhen's other younger sister, Miss Sha Tiao Ai Ge quietly ran over and squeezed in between the two:

"It's fine even if you stay, Miss Liangyi. Just let me take care of you...Ahhh~! How can you hit a lady on the head!"

Shiki narrowed his eyes: "We agreed that whoever wins will be my sister, right? So what should you call me, Sister Aige?"

"Goooooh...style... sister~~~!"

Ai Ge vividly performed what humiliation is, her big eyes were filled with tears and she called out to her sister.

They still had this kind of agreement, so it's no wonder that Ai Ge cried like that when she came out of the inherent barrier.

Luo Zhen also rubbed the younger sister's head to show comfort.

This made Ai Ge slip into his arms sweetly all of a sudden, and that little emotion disappeared immediately.

Mr. Luo Zhen is also very happy to have a sister like this.

He sighed deeply:

"After retirement, I will definitely retire in this world."

"Is it because there will be a steady stream of young and beautiful female high school students?" Daughter Shiki immediately pointed out his sincerity.

Mr. Luo Zhen showed the innocent smile of an eight-year-old child:

"I just want to protect the pure and lovely girl and grow into an excellent woman. I absolutely don't have any immoral thoughts."

In terms of talking nonsense with eyes open, no one can beat him, and Luo Zhen is also very obedient to his nature today.


Now that he was ready to go home, Luo Zhen explained this to Huahua and the others the next day.

Witnessing the sudden appearance of Irisviel and Aiga during the school festival, they were actually all prepared, so they weren't too surprised.

Luo Zhen gave each of them a love ring.

Because Fujino Hana Shizune and the others have special physiques, it's okay when they hide in Liyuan, but if someone finds out, it will easily cause trouble on the mysterious side.

With this ring, they can communicate with Rozen and Chaldea at any time.Luo Zhen also stored emergency magic, at least to ensure their safety.

For ordinary students, Luo Zhen also intends to take up his responsibility as a teacher and attend the last day of class today.

However, to his surprise,

“‘‘Teacher, thank you for taking care of me all the time!’’”

After the very ordinary class and the ordinary farewell, the maids of the fourth class of the first year presented flowers for him one by one.

The type of flower is rose with the same name as his, and the bright red flowers are blooming without restraint, exactly the same as Luo Zhen himself.

After the initial confusion, Luo Zhen, who was holding a bunch of flowers, looked at the flowers and Jing Yin with a smile:

"Is it your fault? When did you organize everyone?"

"The preparations were actually made very early."

Hua Hua habitually wrapped her long hair with her fingers, and said arrogantly:

"We knew you were going to leave sooner or later, so we originally called on those who wanted to confess to you to prepare a flower with them. Unexpectedly, everyone went on the road."

Jing Yin also said: "This represents Brother Luo Zhen's charm! This is everyone's confession to you, Teacher Luo Zhen~?"

She boldly embraced Luo Zhen, and kissed him in front of the whole class.

Even if the whole school agreed that he was a scumbag who attacked students, it was quite exciting to admit it in public.

Then Jing Yin smiled and hid his achievements and fame, and let the students who were eager to try come forward one by one:

"I like you! Teacher Luo Zhen!"

"Teacher, you are my first love!"

"I will always wait for the teacher to come back!"

"Please go on a date with me next time!"

"I will work hard to join the student union next year!"

"...You guys."

Although Luo Zhen really wanted to explain that the student council became his harem simply because the student council president used his power for personal gain, it was absolutely not his intention, but it seemed useless to explain.

And even for Luo Zhen, it was the first time that more than [-] girls confessed at the same time, and seeing those passionate eyes made him a little dizzy.

So in the end, he took a deep breath and kissed the girl who confessed:

"Thank you. I promise you, I will definitely come back to be a teacher again before I wait long. Then I will definitely accompany you to graduate, so don't worry!"

Not surprisingly, the girls cheered excitedly.

Then because Luo Zhen kissed the leading girl, the other children also scrambled to make demands, and in the end Luo Zhen had no choice but to have a shot.

On the way, there were also a few bold girls who took the initiative to kiss Luo Zhen, which aroused the dissatisfaction of other children, and it took Luo Zhen a long time to get it done.

Although the excited feeling of these girls is similar to that of chasing stars, it is also pure kindness, and Luo Zhen will never deny them.

Then how to guide them as a teacher, Luo Zhen is now looking forward to his retirement life.

July: The daily chapter is suspended here, and then the main story ( ? ?ω?? )?

In fact, I wanted to write about the main storyline of the sky realm, and I wanted Araya Soren to make an appearance.But if you think about it, it’s not necessary, unless the magic is changed to a singularity, Luo Zhen will be finished as soon as he makes a move, there is nothing to write about??(??ω???)?

So just go straight ahead.In the future, I want to write about the night of the magician, and there will be Yuju and Qingzi Orange (????)

Still ask for a wave of subscriptions and rewards for recommendation tickets, thank you for your support (???)

Chapter 1. Welcome to Chaos Chaldea!

"Chaldea, I, Rozen, have finally come!!!"

At the moment when the spirit son was sent to Chaldea, Luo Zhen confirmed the sci-fi decoration in the room, and finally clenched his fists and shouted.

The third time, this is the third time!

Twice in a row before, Luo Zhen was intercepted during the teleportation of the spirit son from Chaldea, and all of them went to the unexpected world!

The first time was beaten out by the restraining force, and the second time was pulled away by Yuan Yuan's daughter style, which made Luo Zhen do a lot of hard work in succession.

But now it's finally different!

Under the protection of Shi and Aige, the two root princesses, this time there will be no more incidents of intercepting Hu, and the suppression force Little Red Riding Hood is also trembling, no one can stop Luo Zhen anymore!

This made Luo Zhen finally arrived at Chaldea, which he had always dreamed of, and it was so exciting!

When Luo Zhen was excited, the person in charge of Chaldea also walked over with a smile:

"This is the first time we have met directly. Hello Luo Zhenjun, I am the technical director of Chaldea, you can call me Da Vinci sauce."

"Oh, hello."

Eight-year-old Luo Zhen stretched out his hand, and shook hands with the friendly and bent big beauty.

Da Vinci Sauce, whose real name is Leonardo Da Vinci, is the very famous universal genius in the Renaissance.

Her reputation is so high that it can be said that children who have received basic education all over the world know her name, and her popularity can be compared with that of Edison, who wrote a good biography.

Of course, she is not a living person, but a servant summoned by Chaldea.

With her genius ability, it is not a problem to be a technical director.

In order to cater to Luo Zhen's height, she bent down, which caused the uneven figure to be displayed in front of Luo Zhen, and the two very feminine symbols on the chest were shaking.

Da Vinci sauce also noticed Luo Zhen's sight.

But she was not only not shy, she also proudly raised her chest:

"Young Luo Zhen is really more beautiful than what I saw in the projection! It makes me have the urge to draw you... I wonder if you are interested in being my model? Of course it is the one that is naked."

"Sorry, my family has a rule not to undress in front of strangers."

Mr. Luo Zhen decisively wanted to withdraw his hand.

But Da Vinci sauce didn't let him go.

The follower exerted strength with his hand, wrapped his arms around Luo Zhen's waist, and hugged him!

Moreover, she blinked her electric eyes, her pretty face, which resembled Mona Lisa's smile, was very charming:

"Don't say that, young Luo Zhen~. The perfect you is exactly the beauty I'm after! I can use all my senses to capture the fragrance of your perfect soul!"

Da Vincis breathed out hot air, and the restraint just now disappeared instantly:

"Actually, I want to wait for you to grow up to a state of perfect body, but children also have the beauty of children! I want to record every stage of your growth! What is the state of perfection in the third method? Hurry up and let everyone know." Sister, look at it!!!"

"I knew it was so!"

Luo Zhen escaped from Da Vinci's arms with a space movement in an instant, and hid behind Alice Feier who was watching the play:

"Ai Li, stop her! That woman is the type I'm least good at dealing with!"

Ellie was also very curious and asked:

"This is the first time Luo Zhenjun is so nervous, is Da Vinci sauce so scary?"

This made Luo Zhen even more headache:

"This aunt is a typical art lunatic! She was about to paint when we first met, and after a while she was going to dissect me for fun! It's not me that she likes, it's the third method!"

"Oh, what a misunderstanding!" Da Vinci gasped, writhing his fingers obscenely:

"I really want to explore the materialization of the soul of the so-called perfect individual, but I will never do anything against human rights! As long as Luo Zhenjun says I hate it, I will definitely not do it! Compared with the third method itself, Luo Zhenjun you are To what extent is it affected by the third law, this is the secret I want to explore!"

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