If the mass-production of the third law dresses is beyond Rozen's control, and these almost indestructible dresses spread, it will be equivalent to bringing a gun with unlimited bullets to the market.

What's more, if Luo Zhen puts more thought into creating a system that can generate magic power in a cycle, then the perpetual motion machine in the mysterious concept will be completed!

This excited Luo Zhen, who likes to study, and at the same time deepened his understanding of magic: any kind of magic has countless possibilities of directly or indirectly destroying human nature, so it must be used with care.

When Luo Zhen was so introspective, Nero ran over quickly:


She threw herself into Luo Zhen's arms and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.

Luo Zhen was still wondering why she reacted so strongly, and only when she looked up did she realize that it was already dark.

As long as Luo Zhen wants it, there will be day and night changes in the inherent barrier.

This made Luo Zhen blink awkwardly:

"Did I work straight from day to night?"

"It was from the daytime ten days ago until today's night." Artorius who followed was powerless to complain.

Then he solemnly knelt down on one knee in front of Luo Zhen:

"It's great that you're fine. For the past ten days, only the primordial fire filled with your soul power has continued to burn, and even this world is about to be ignited. I thought it was finally time to burn it."

"I didn't intend to be so exaggerated... By the way, this is the first time I've heard you say such a long line, Artorius."

While complaining, Luo Zhen also touched Nero's little head with some guilt.

Before this, Luo Zhen had been living with this Emperor Qiangwei for more than half a month.

In this place without Rome, Nero removed the identity of the emperor. To Luo Zhen, she was a cute girl who worked hard and refused to admit defeat, and she had already shown her feelings.

Ten days of no news is a little too much.

Luo Zhen was afraid that Nero would burst into tears, so he hurriedly sent the completed scarlet sword like a toy:

"Nero Nero, look, I've finished it. This is also the first time I've used the third method to create a magic dress, and it can definitely be regarded as a modern treasure. I plan to call it "Crimson Queen"—"

"No, call it 'Primary Fire'."

With red eyes and puffy face, Nero raised his head and stared at Rozen:

"This is the name I thought of when I was staring at the fire in the past ten days. If you don't agree, I will, I will...~~~"

"Ah ok ok, I'm sorry! I listen to you, and I listen to you!"

Even facing his younger sister, Luo Zhen had never been so flattering.

Afterwards, Nero's petty temper continued all night.

It wasn't until Luo Zhen promised to touch her head all night that the girl went to sleep contentedly, and Luo Zhen spent a sleepless night.


This troublesome matter has finally come to an end, Luo really thinks so.

Of course he didn't know that 38 kilometers away from the earth, in the inner core of the moon, there was a completely airtight black box that shattered into pieces.

Part of the shell that made up this physical cage had completely disappeared.

This could not have happened.

No one on earth has the power to destroy this shell.

The material that constitutes this superstructure is called a photon crystal, which is a supermatter connected by a photon network.

Its essence is network data, and its physical existence is only a form of expression.

But now, part of the photon network is completely destroyed.

The data stored in the virtual network is physically burned, which is simply a fantasy!

This caused a panic in a certain self-regulatory system of the moon, let's not mention it for the time being.


The white-haired girl locked inside the black cage groaned uneasy like a nightmare.

July: You don’t need to delve into the specific settings, as long as you know that there is a king hidden in the moon??(??ω???)?

Then Luo Zhen will be targeted, and will be held accountable by the super AI, there is really no way (?-ω?`)

Chapter 10. The Prosperous Empire of Virgins

The moment he came out of Ring City, Nero immediately ran out of the dormitory, shouting loudly with a smile on the face of the cancer of the earth:

"O Rome! Your emperor is back~!"

The maids who were working were startled, for fear that His Majesty's head would be broken.

After all, from their point of view, it took only ten minutes for Nero and Luo Zhen to enter the dormitory, even if it was over, it shouldn't be so fast!

In order to prevent himself from being suspected of being a quick shooter, Luo Zhen, who turned back to eight years old, patted Nero's plump buttocks:

Nero: "Yah~! Luo Zhenshen! Besides Yu's nanny, you are the first person who dares to hit Yu Rome's ass!"

"Don't tell yourself that you have a good butt, you idiot emperor."

With a headache, Luo Zhen dragged her back to the room and closed the door:

"I have already said that the speed of time is different. We have spent two months in Ring Seal City, but we have only been here for ten minutes. Talking nonsense will make people think that you, the emperor, have gone crazy."

"Oh, that's true!" Nero jumped violently, "Uncle Yu, Caligula, the third emperor of Rome, talked so crazily that he was finally assassinated by the guards! Just quit!"

"Which god did your Roman family offend?"

Luo Zhen had nothing to say.

The madness and corruption of the Roman royal family can't be finished for three days and three nights, so it is so legendary in later generations.

Including Nero's own ending is also very tragic.

But looking at Nero who was laughing and laughing now, Luo Zhen really couldn't bear to say anything, so he just dragged her to bed.

Although only ten minutes have passed in reality, Nero subjectively has spent two months in Ring City, and now he is full of energy and can't stop no matter what.

So after Luo Zhen urged her to go to bed, Nero deliberately smiled slyly and took off the dress on his body.

She didn't even keep her underwear, and she showed her graceful figure generously in front of Luo Zhen, with three points of shyness and seven points of joy on her pretty face:

"Luo Zhenjun~, do you still remember what you promised Yu~?"

She leaned lazily on the head of the bed, propped her cheek with one hand, and hooked her fingers at Luo Zhen in a charming way on purpose:

"Come on, hurry up and act like a baby in Yu's arms. It's okay too~ You can also call Yu [Mom]?"

"...I'm so bored."

Mr. Luo Zhen disliked his integrity, so he had no choice but to be used as a pillow by her.


In Ring Seal City, Luo Zhen spent a month making a magic dress called Primordial Fire.

This dress definitely has the ability to kill followers, it depends on whether Nero can use it flexibly.

In order for her to get used to using it, Luo Zhen conducted a one-month training with her in Ring Seal City.

Originally, Luo really thought that she would be good if she could wield a sword proficiently.

With the ability of the original fire, Luo Zhen only needs to add enough strengthening magic to her at that time, and it is not impossible for her to fight the servant.

But Luo Zhen ignored one point.

It's just that Nero is arrogant...or in other words, he is more competitive than Artoria.

In the past, Li Ya of Luo Zhen's family lost her temper because she couldn't win Luo Zhen in bed, and then drove Avalon to squeeze him. This is another story.

So is Nero.

She was not satisfied with being educated on one side, and Luo Zhen was not allowed to use special abilities to challenge her one-on-one.

So Luo Zhen had no choice but to limit his body to the level of an ordinary person, and practiced against her with an ordinary sword.

Because she kept being awkward, Luo Zhen could only agree to her, if she won, he would unconditionally grant her one wish.

Originally, although Luo Zhen was not good at fighting, but at any rate, so many Shura fields came, and he would not lose to Nero who had just practiced for two months.

But at the critical moment, when Nero stubbornly refused to admit defeat, at the end when Luo Zhen looked at her panting, his eyes suddenly shone with golden light——

"Drink ah ah ah!"

His Majesty the Emperor shouted with all his strength, and chopped off Luo Zhen's sword with a lightning strike.

At the moment when Nero's eyes flashed, Luo Zhen clearly saw that the surrounding world had also changed, from the garden of Ring City to a magnificent theater.

Although this change was only for a moment, and he immediately returned to Rozen's inherent enchantment control, but Nero did cover the world with his own mental scenery for a moment.

It was this sword that made Luo Zhen confirm that Nero had completely left his master.

But Luo Zhen forgot that he had spoken big words.

Satisfied, Nero smiled happily on the face of the cancer of the earth, and happily made a wish:

"I want the little cute Luo Zhen to be mine!!"

His Majesty the Emperor uttered lewd words that could not be heard by the public, leaving Luo Zhen speechless on the spot.

The extravagant Emperor Qiangwei did not hide her good intentions, but if Luo Zhen was more active, she would immediately turn into a delicate girl with yellow flowers, a typical outsider and insider.

But it's also cute.

Luo Zhen is also a little confused whether she is infatuated with him or he is infatuated with her.


In short, the time for the decisive battle has come.

Nero and Rozen had a wonderful night.

The next day Nero got up early, took a bath and changed his clothes, put on the bright red formal attire of the emperor, put on a laurel wreath, and appeared in front of the public in perfect condition.

Earlier, the scouts had reported the news that Emperor Claudius' 'undead' had come outside Rome.

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