Of course, with the relationship between Luo Zhen and Li Xiang who knows everything, you don't need to care about trivial things like body brushing, and Li Xiang himself must be very happy.

...However, Matthew was not happy.

"Big... senior, please go back to your room and rest!"

Matthew pushed Luo Zhen's back, forced him out of the room, and explained in a panic:

"I will take good care of senior! Senior, please don't worry and have a good rest! Good night then! See you tomorrow!"

"Oh..." Luo Zhen left the room in embarrassment, but was turned away by Matthew.

Matthew who closed the door was also very nervous, clutching her beating heart, looking back at Lixiang on the bed.

The former Mash certainly wouldn't care about such things.

Luo Zhen and Li Xiang are both her favorite people.

Two people you love the most are obviously twice as happy... But why did it become like this...

"This is...a great opportunity to realize Da Vinci Sauce's plan...!"

Mash didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon, and she couldn't contain her excitement!

Although I feel a little sorry for Lixiang, but I don't know why, Matthew is very active today, and he only thinks about Luo Zhen.

So she leaned close to Lixiang's ear and muttered in a low voice:

"I'm sorry senior! Please forgive me... as long as today is fine, I won't monopolize senior! Definitely!"

Lixiang: "Woooo..."

Lixiang, who was in a daze like having a high fever, was still half asleep and half awake, and didn't feel Matthew's amazing momentum.


Luo Zhen: "What's wrong?"

Luo Zhen who returned to his room still felt strange.

Even if both Lixiang and Nero got seasick by accident, the other professional sailors recruited by Nero have all breathed a sigh of relief, and they seem to be out of shape.

Luo Zhen, who was not on the boat for half a day, didn't feel anything unusual, so he was very sensitive to changes in the people around him.

So he also considered whether to investigate, and went to see Nero's situation by the way.

But before he wanted to go out, the door of his room was pushed open:

"Senior... Excuse me~." The cute little Ma Xiu quietly revealed a pair of eyes, looking at Luo Zhen tenderly.

Luo Zhen immediately replied: "Ma Xiu, come in. Is Li Xiang okay?"

"Hmm, um. Senior has already fallen asleep, and should be safe until morning...probably."

Mash seemed very nervous, and kept arranging her hair with her fingers.

But after she entered the room with small steps, Luo Zhen saw something even more strange about her.

Matthew put a layer of sheets on her body, tightly covering her whole body.

This made Luo Zhen ask strangely: "What's wrong with this appearance?...Could it be that you're not wearing any clothes?"

"Wear it, put it on! Even I wouldn't run around naked in the cabin! Senior, what are you talking about!" the shy Mash retorted fiercely.

This made Luo Zhen feel a little more at ease, her lovely Matthew hasn't turned into a slut yet.

...However, Matthew's next move shattered all his peace of mind.


Mash called out to him with an extremely sweet voice, and let go of the hand holding the bed sheet.

The white sheet slipped off the girl's luxurious body, revealing Matthew's well-developed body.

She does have clothes on.

...Yes, it is correct to wear...although it is to wear...!

"Where did you get your clothes, Matthew!?" Luo Zhen was completely shocked!

"It was given to me by Da Vinci Sauce~."

Matthew's face was flushed, obviously ashamed to the extreme, but there was a drunken smile on his face.

What she wears can't be called [clothes], on the contrary, it's the kind of clothes that couples only wear to play, and the purpose is to stir up each other's mood!

The fluffy purple fluff is connected by thin straps, barely covering the most important part, leaving a lot of skin exposed, which is more eye-catching than wearing nothing.

Ma Xiu didn't know how determined she was to be able to put on this extreme dress that she would never wear in normal times.

Facing the stunned Rozen, Matthew still panted, raising his two little hands like claws:

"Gah~. Dangerous Mash, I'm going to eat Senior...~"

July: It’s a good thing that Helia’s energy is exhausted, otherwise Rozen really can’t escape (????)

Matthew Color Eggplant is officially certified, and the perverted Mushroom teacher is a lesson for us, thank you very much (???)

Chapter 36. Spring Dream Unconscious 【4K】

Luo Zhen: "Wait! Wait, wait, Matthew!"

The only person who can make the third magician, the holy son of the Einzbern family, panic to this extent, apart from his wife Irisviel and the devil maid Lijie Lite, is the beast-colored eggplant in front of him!

Luo Zhen was pushed hard step by step by Ma Xiu, who had chaotic eyes, and finally sat on the bed, almost being overwhelmed by her!

"We can understand each other!" Luo Zhen hurriedly argued:

"I know it's a bit too much to bully you with Lixiang. It's all my fault. I'm sorry! I will review and reflect on it, so please calm down first? Okay, Matthew??"

"Senior...so cute~?"

Beast Mash, not listening at all!

Her eyes have completely turned into swirls, and Fufu eats up her usual timidity!

She exerted the power of a sub-servant, grabbed Luo Zhen's wrist with both hands, pushed him down abruptly, and rode on him!

In this state of seeing and encountering in all aspects, Matthew kept panting, and licked Luo Zhen's face:

"Mum~Mmmmmmm~~...the taste of senior, so sweet~?"

"How could it be sweet!" Mr. Luo Zhen was still complaining mercilessly.

He has long been used to being licked by women at the age of 8.

But that's because the body is young, and it can be said to have a milky aroma, but now it's an adult body!It just smells like sweat!

But Matthew, who has completely turned into a female beast, doesn't care about this!

The fluffy tail matched with the dangerous costume, of unknown structure, was swaying with Mash's movements.

Matthew: "Senior, senior, senior, senior...is it delicious?"

This is really bad... Luo Zhen mentally raised the red alert!

Matthew has been completely addicted.

Although the movements are clumsy, it is precisely because of this that they are blatantly seductive, and they keep expressing their love in the primitive way of licking this animal.

And this girl also used the strange power of the follower!Mr. Luo Zhen, who is just an ordinary person, can no longer resist!

"Forget it, whatever you want!"

Mr. Luo Zhen simply closed his eyes, adjusted his angle, and let Matthew do whatever he wanted!

Matthew, who is usually always sloppy, is really awesome when he takes the initiative occasionally... This big trotter man is completely enjoying it!

... But, ninety-nine out of ten times this kind of sudden incident will go wrong.

Matthew, who was still tough just now, suddenly let out all his strength, and limply collapsed on Luo Zhen's body.

Matthew: "Hmm...Senior, Senior...Senior...Senior..."

"... Matthew?"

Luo Zhen shook Matthew, indicating that she could continue, but Matthew did not respond.

Although the touch alone is very attractive, Mash's plump and fleshy figure is just right... But now is not the time to enjoy this!

"Mash, can you hear me, Mash?"

Luo Zhen turned over while holding Matthew, and put her on the bed.

But no matter whether Luo Zhen patted her or called her name, Ma Xiu was just talking in a half-dream and half-awake dream, with an abnormally flushed face as if drunk.

This situation is very similar to Lixiang's previous seasickness, which made Luo Zhen finally realize something was wrong.

At this moment, someone's irrelevant voice came from Luo Zhen's door:

"That girl has also fallen."

Luo Zhen turned around: "Steno? Do you know what happened?"

The lazy Lady Goddess was leaning against the door, her hair twisted in boredom.

She was usually the weakest, but she was normal, and she didn't seem to be seasick.

Asked by Rozen, Steno said indifferently:

"That purple girl is called Matthew, right? Originally, her spirit foundation should be highly resistant to this kind of mental interference. But because she was full of heat, she jumped in by herself, and now she is probably in a dream. Let's continue to have fun with you."

"Mental interference? Spring dream?...Wait, is this a charm?"

Luo Zhen finally realized suddenly.

Steno also nodded, and continued:

"Just like men will worship our sisters. This is our innate divinity, which naturally attracts the worship of men. Then after the fall, this divinity becomes a more explicit animal attraction to human beings. Simple It’s [sexual desire], oh.”

The three Gorgon sisters are the goddess of the earth in Greece. They were originally idols born in response to the collective subconsciousness of human beings. Of course, they have absolute attraction to human beings.

However, after the invasion of Zeus Athena, which is more familiar to later generations, their concepts were also absorbed and assimilated, and became part of the well-known Greek mythology of later generations.

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