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Chapter 2. The weight of life, the weight of family members

Xiao Luozhen is 6 years old this year, just in his prime.

Thanks to the gene of Einzbern's family, Luo Zhen has refreshing white hair and burning eyes like rabbits, and he is very agile at a young age.

As long as he reaches adulthood, if Luo Zhen hasn't become a fat man, he must be a noble son with unparalleled beauty!

And coupled with the love of the whole Einzbern family, the completion of the legendary third law, Luo Zhen's life can be said to be a broad road, every minute is the rhythm of life in a game of ups and downs——

"But the life of a magician is a crime..."

Luo Zhen sat alone in the sunroom, looking at the early winter sun, and let out a long sigh with complicated emotions.

It is good to have such a good appearance and family conditions, but Luo Zhen, who is familiar with the rules of survival in this world, cannot be frankly happy.

At least he knows that inner savings are more important than appearance.

If he is really a serious magician, then it would be easy to say.

One of the only five miracles in the world, regardless of the actual function of the third method, it should be no problem to protect yourself and your family.

But the truth is very skinny.

Luo Zhen didn't know whether his so-called "Holy Son" physique was real, let alone how to use it.

So he has worked very hard these past few years.

Under the guidance of Irisviel, he has been diligently learning magic.

Although he didn't feel that he had achieved great success, it felt good to learn the unknown and gradually improve. It reminded him of the feeling of being praised by his family when he learned 1+1=2.

But he knew very clearly that this was not enough.

I am now 6 years old, and the time is 1991 AD.

That is to say, in another three years, by 1994, the Fourth Holy Grail War will break out in Fuyuki City, Japan-this is what Ahadeon has been talking about all day.

Because of the birth of his "holy son", the old man who has lived for hundreds of years has been extremely active in recent years, his face is full of red, and he is as happy as a flower every day.

He must have dreamed and hoped that his holy son could win the Holy Grail War magnificently, punch Tohsaka with Matou's fist, and complete the Great Holy Grail to realize the third law.

As for after?Ahadeon doesn't care how to use the third method, he has only pursued this "task" all his life.

But Luo Zhen had to care.

Knowing what Fuyuki's Holy Grail is like, of course he can't really make the Holy Grail manifest.

And taking a ten thousand step back, whether he can survive this war is a question.

Ahadeon had prepared the holy relic for summoning the heroic spirit long ago, which was King Arthur's scabbard.

He felt that with King Arthur, a world-renowned heroic spirit, and the ability of the Holy Son, it would definitely be a situation where a wave of F2A could win.

But not to mention that there was a monster named Gilgamesh in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Rozen was more concerned about himself.

Just knowing the magic of the Einzbern family is not enough.

If he is really the so-called holy son, then at least he should have some tricks that a magician should have, right?

"Please, Holy Maiden of Winter. If you still have contact with the Einzbern family, please teach me."

Luo Zhen sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated under the warm sun that he could not enjoy much time in a year.

This has been his daily homework for the past two years.

After learning magic for a day, he persuaded Allie and the maids to be alone, and explored himself again and again in meditation.

He didn't know how useful it would be, but he still focused on feeling the magic circuit in his body.

Recalling the feeling of being guided by Ai Li to open the circuit when he was younger, Luo Zhen let the magic power flow throughout his body.

It's a pity that no matter how smooth his magic power is, Luo Zhen can't feel more in meditation.

It is true that my magic power can flow anywhere in my body at will, and it is true that I am getting more and more handy with meditation, but this is just an ordinary level of exercise.

Luo Zhen has been looking forward to it, if he is really a special individual with the same style as the Winter Saint, maybe he can reach some kind of sacred link with her.

But I don't know if it's because she has completely transformed into the Great Holy Grail itself, or the Holy Grail has been polluted...or maybe it was Luo Zhen's delusion, and he couldn't wait for the saint to come to me after all.

Reality is reality after all...

Luo Zhen, who had been sitting quietly for two hours before he knew it, opened his eyes and saw the dusk that was already sinking in the west.

It's time to go out, otherwise everyone will be in a hurry.

Luo Zhen was very clear about his position in the Einzbern family.

Everyone up and down revolves around him, but any disturbance will make the family feel bad, which is what he doesn't want to see.

After he opened the door, the maid who had been guarding the door immediately greeted him respectfully:

"Good afternoon, Master Luo Zhen."

"Well, good afternoon, Sierra."

Luo Zhen greeted the maid who was already very familiar, and subconsciously glanced at her chest.

It's not that he has thought problems at a young age.During the six years of growing up among this group of women, Luo Zhen has long been familiar with everything.

Simply because it is the fastest way to identify.

The androids of the Einzbern family are all imitations of the Holy Maiden of Winter. Their faces are more than [-]% similar. In addition, their classical maid outfits even cover their hair. Even Rozen can't recognize them at a glance. out of everyone.

But because one aspect of Selah's features are extraordinarily flat, it's very recognizable, which really helps.

...But this also made him immediately notice something strange.

In his heart, he quietly contrasted with Sera, a maid named Lijie Lite was not here.

Like Sera, the two of them are Irisviel's personal maids, and of course they are the ones who take care of Rozen the most.

Unlike Serra who is serious and tough, Lijielit is a rare person in the Einzbern family who can be lazy.So on the contrary, he and Luo Zhen got along very well.

"Sera, where is Liz?"

"Yes. There is a problem with Lijielit's operating status, and it has been judged to be abandoned by Ahadeon just now."

"Ah, that's right, it's abandoned... What did you say!?"

Luo Zhen jumped up half a beat later, if it wasn't for his lack of height, he might have pushed Sierra down.

Sera was also surprised by the reaction of her young master.

Her red eyes blinked, with a puzzled look on her face:

"Lijielit's movable time is not much left. She was originally a trial work when making Irisviel-sama, and the body adjustment was extreme. After Iris-sama is completed, she should be discarded as a failure. But because Master Eri took pity on her, she was allowed to spend these years as a housemaid. Now that her body has finally reached its limit, it can be said that she has retired honorably."

"What glory... If you were at the same time as Ellie, it would be just over six years!? No matter how you say it, it's too soon!"

Why can my family members accept the short lifespan so plainly! ?

Luo Zhen's nails almost pierced the delicate palm.

It's not that he doesn't know that the Einzbern family are all artificial humans, and their lifespan is not as long as that of ordinary people after all.

But even so, it should be at least twenty or thirty years.

They should be allowed to spend a period of time that can be called 'youth', this is the most basic life!

"Notify the abandoned room to stop working! I'll go there right away!"

"Eh? But, Master Rozen! As for Ahadeon—"

Sierra, who had never disturbed the normal order, panicked for a while, not knowing whose order to give priority to.

But Luo Zhen didn't have that much time.

He stopped and turned his head, his blood-red pupils stared at her forcefully:

"Listen to me!...Please!"

"...Yes! Master!"

Should it be the resonance of the same Einzbern bloodline, or is this the first time seeing the Holy Son so powerful.

Sera was shocked, and had no time to care about other things, and took Luo Zhen's words as the supreme order!

Chapter 3. The miracle of the third law!

"Master Luo Zhen?! The young master is here!"

"Master! You can't go to the front!"

"Master! Master!!"

In Luo Zhen's short life, it was the first time he walked in the castle with such a fierce pace.

The cold stone bricks are etched with time, becoming as old and tenacious as Einzbern itself.

Luo Zhen never liked this castle.

Not only is the mountain covered with heavy snow forever, the sun can't even be seen for a few days in a year, and there is no entertainment at all.

The only thing you can do every day is study, and the only thing you dare to do is study.

Calling himself 'Master', none of the maids who worshiped him would look him in the eye, and they couldn't even have a normal chat.

—but they're not robots.

Even if they were raised in training tanks and instilled with fixed knowledge from birth, they are not cold puppets.

They are just too pure.

He has not been polluted by the outside world, but only pursues the given goal wholeheartedly, without hesitation from birth to death.

They are beautiful.Each has its own beauty and is irreplaceable.

To let such a beautiful person, my family, be discarded like a broken part so casually?

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