The natural disaster of destruction, and the king of villains, I have these two identities at the same time.

Then, I realized... Even though both are equally miserable, I still want to choose myself as the villain.

I don't want to go back to being an unconscious Scourge anymore.

Even if it is destruction, I want to have the meaning of destruction.

Even if it is extremely selfish, for the sake of immediate enjoyment, I want to leave something behind.

Just as the name Attila, the whip of God, is still feared by the world after thousands of years, it is also the trace left by me as a human being with my own will.

Want to think your life has meaning.This kind of self-seeking seems to be a common feature of human beings... Then I will be very happy, maybe I have become a little closer to people.

However, if I had a choice, I would like to live a life that is not a warrior next time.

I think it is not by destroying, but by creating and protecting something to leave your own meaning.

Ahhh... that's right,

In the continuation of human beings, there is a beautiful word that can describe my impulse.


I want to be a mother.

Use your own body to give birth to your own flesh and blood, carefully nurture them, let them grow up and become better people than yourself, and then nurture the next generation.

Human beings and civilization, through such bit by bit accumulation, hand over their own beautiful things to their children as much as possible, and pass on from generation to generation, and finally become the current world.

This form of life is really beautiful.

So please.

If there is really a so-called treasure that can make wishes come true in this world, then please listen to my wishes.

I...wanted to love.

I want to give birth to children for the one I love, I want to become a mother to feed my children, I want to continue the meaning of my existence.

One is a machine that was born to destroy, but now it wants to nurture life. It's ridiculous to think about it.

...But, he didn't laugh at me.

My master, my only master.Lovely, beautiful, and wicked.

He acknowledged me, approved of me, and hugged me.

There is no other person in this world who can give me such a warm and happy experience.

I want to love you too.

Even if I can't reciprocate even one ten-thousandth, I will do my best to love you.


If, if it's even a little bit possible, I'd like to be willful...

This white veil I love so much, someday…

It would be great if it could be a wedding dress.

July: Hello everyone, here is the morning addition of July Sauce??(??ω???)?

I am very happy to write it by myself. The cute king is very cute. I will be honored if everyone likes it_(:з」∠)_

Chapter 51. Every Night, Roman Night【4K】

Here in Rome.

It has been a week since Lixiang, Matthew and his party returned to Rome with Nero.

After Luo Zhen disappeared together with the white giant that suddenly appeared, although Li Xiang and the others were very worried, they couldn't stay still.

So these strong girls all decided to do what they can do first, to help Nero return to the capital, and help as much as possible by the way.

Then came the regular contact time with Chaldea.

On the opposite side of the communication, Da Vinci Sauce's apologetic voice first came:

"【I'm sorry Lixiang sauce, I still haven't found Luo Zhen's clue.】"

"Really...well, there's no other way." Both Lixiang and Matthew were a little frustrated, but they guessed it would be like this.

Of course they are trying their best to find Luo Zhen, but so far there is no result.

But because the contract between Heilia and Luo Zhen is still connected, and Luo Zhen's magic power is still transmitted to her normally, so they can be sure that Luo Zhen is still alive.

Thanks to the good news, they were not too flustered.

But the problem is that there is no audio at all, which is too much... Da Vinci also said very puzzled:

"[The Holy Grail has also been recovered. Logically speaking, this singularity should also be automatically repaired, but it is still continuing... That is to say, there are any factors that distort human history on your side. If Luo Zhenjun is still there It’s better to fight...]”

Yes, the Roman singularity hasn't been fixed yet, and that's the big problem.

Obviously the Holy Grail has been recovered, and the United Empire has disappeared.

But not only the values ​​observed by Chaldea are problematic, even Boudica, Jingke and other local servants have not returned, and the restraining force is still offering demon offerings to them.

Chaldea speculates that the most likely reason is Rozen.He and the white giant are still fighting in a certain space.

Thinking that he might have been fighting for human reason without sleep for such a long time, Li Xiang, who has been fooling around, was very moved, and said seriously:

"When he comes back, I will grant him no matter how obscene his wishes are. I will also give him the place of Matthew who has managed to keep it until now!"

Matthew: "Senior... I think my first time should be my own decision."

The sullen little eggplant pouted a little shyly, but didn't mean to object.

Of course, Mash misses Rozen very much.

If he can come back safely, let alone the first time, I am willing to give it to him every time.

Matthew shook hands and prayed: "Senior... Please, please come back."

This is the daily life of the two of them.

Because Chaldea couldn't explain the white giant at that time, there was no way to help Rozen, all he could do was wait.

And among those waiting, there is also a very active His Majesty the Emperor.

"Lixiang Maxiu, why are you so gloomy!"

His Majesty the Emperor, who came to them for afternoon tea, sighed with his waist in his hands, and raised his fingers to preach to the two of them:

"Although Yu thinks melancholy beauties are also great, but in comparison, Yu still prefers lively and active ones! Yu's dear Luo Zhen must have the same sexual fetish as Yu!"

"Really?" Li Xiang tilted his head: "Luo Zhenjun's women have all kinds of personalities, why are you so sure, Emperor Jiang?"

"Because Yu is that type!"

His Majesty the Emperor's eyes sparkled, and he puffed out his proud chest and snorted.

The emperor's self-confidence is still so invincible... Lixiang Maxiu can only applaud her flatteringly.

But although Nero is a bit too optimistic, her ability to show is beyond doubt.

From the time she was on the way back to Rome, she has been dealing with national issues for almost [-] hours, making arrangements for the regained Spain and the British provinces.

Such as the personnel dispatching in various places, the system of tax reduction and tax exemption... In order to deal with the refugee problem caused by the recent wars in various places, she also came up with a cross-age work-for-relief plan to attract laborers from all over the place to Rome Build your own golden theater.

Thanks to Nero's series of excellent dispositions, the support of her from all over the empire has reached a new level, and it is even more prosperous than before the emergence of the United Empire.

Of course, to Nero herself, it seems that all this is her own desire.

The Golden Theater is also for her own entertainment, mobilizing the enthusiasm of the people of the entire empire and better reorganizing the economy.

A better economy means more enjoyment, all of which are the emperor's selfish desires.

Therefore, His Majesty the extravagant and voluptuous emperor proudly patted his chest today:

"Yu's enjoyment is the pleasure of Rome, and Yu's glory is the glory of Rome! Rather than praying to God and Buddha every day to pray for Luo Zhen to come back, Yu should build a more perfect Rome to welcome him!... Ah, but it's okay Chaos Three days and three nights of Roman Night will be waiting for him to come back. Yu has already prepared clothes for everyone, and everyone will wear them when the time comes! ( ? ?ω?? )?”

Jing Ke, who was drinking, hiccupped: "Is the dress you're talking about sexy?"

“Super colorful! (?????)”

His Majesty the Emperor showed the cancer of the earth smile.

Thanks to the gift of the extremely active emperor, Lixiang and the others finally had no psychological burden, so they obediently waited with the followers.

When looking out the window, Matthew showed a bright and sad expression, and said faintly:

"Senior, come back early... If you wait too long, Matthew will become an old lady..."

Luo Zhen: "This line is very visual."

It would be even more appropriate if this sentence was said in the garden of a Japanese-style mansion in Fuyuki City.

Matthew was still immersed in the sadness and poetry, and it took him a while to react.

Helia, Medusa, Steno, etc. who gathered in the same room for afternoon tea... many women turned their heads dumbly.

In the corridor of the Roman Palace, Mr. Luo Zhen, who opened the door majestically, waved his hand carelessly:

"Subjectively, I haven't seen you for a long time, but in reality it should be pretty fast, right? Anyway, I'm back."


Luo Zhen came back so calmly.

Not only does it look relaxed and freehand, but it doesn't understand how worried others are,

even!And brought back a woman!

Luo Zhen: "Come on, don't be shy."

Luo Zhen took Attila's hand and walked in.

Attila, who was led by him, lowered his head step by step, his white veil swayed slightly, looking mysterious and endearing.

Under the eyes of a group of women in the room, Attila lowered his head shyly.

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