Even Luo Zhen felt a huge sense of guilt, resisting the urge to hug Miyu, with a troubled expression on his face:

"Yes, I'm sorry...We'll wait until Miyu grows up to talk about this kind of thing. For now..."

"... Is it okay to grow up?" Miyu tilted her head cutely.

Then, a miracle happened.

Just like when Luo Zhen became an adult, Miyu's body was enveloped by a burst of white light.

Under Luo Zhen's dumbfounded gaze, she became a tall beauty! ! !

Luo Zhen: "Really or not...!?"

Because of the posture problems of the two, Luo Zhen, who was eight years old, was naturally pressed down by Miyu, and the moist long black hair swayed from Miyu's face, making Luo Zhen itchy. Xi's.

And I don't know if it's because of Luo Zhen's subconscious wish, or because they are mother and daughter after all, when Miyu grows up, except for her red eyes, her facial features are almost exactly the same as Yoyoko.

And, still wearing a wedding dress!

The grown-up Miyu stared blankly at Luo Zhen below her, her body gradually pressed down, getting closer and closer.

Luo Zhen could only struggle with his integrity: "Wait, wait, Miyu... Although I am very happy, this picture will definitely be seen by your mother, and then I will definitely be hated! I understand this kind of flag very well!"

"...." Miyu seemed to understand something and nodded.

So, Yoyoko's lovely scream came from outside the door, followed by the soft sound of falling down...then there was silence.

Luo Zhen was speechless:

This child, did she cheat her mother so that she couldn't realize the door god's flag! ?

Meiyou: "..."

Miyu who eliminated all obstacles continued to approach Luozhen, closed her eyes instinctively, her breath hit Luozhen's neck itchy.

So, Luo Zhen simply gave up.

He also turned into adult mode, hugging Miyu in a wedding dress.

The shadows of the two completely overlapped.

In the end, who made the money and who lost it, and who prostituted who...


Ten minutes later, Yoyoko returned to the room with a confused face:

"Why did I fall asleep in the corridor, it's so strange..."

Luo Zhen sat down and replied: "Probably too tired, sister Yang, it would be better for you to sleep a little longer."

Although he still maintains his eight-year-old appearance, Luo Zhenjing's appearance is simply that of a sage and gentleman, and the beauty of the sage has been brought into play by [-] percent!

Seeing Luo Zhen's lovely face, Yoyoko's expression also became soft:

"Hehehe~, Zhenjun Luo is so cute...Ah, are you helping Meiyou comb her hair!"

"Well, don't worry, I'm very proficient." Luo Zhenjun, who was so proficient for some reason, nodded confidently.

According to Shuo Yue's family's education policy, in order to minimize Mei You's mood swings, there is not even a mirror in her room.

So of course the work of combing the hair should be handed over to the mother, but now Luo Zhen took it away.

Behind Miyu who was sitting obediently, Luo Zhen carefully combed Miyu's long straight black hair strand by strand, which even made people feel sacred.

Seeing her daughter getting along so well with Tianxiangmei Zhengtai, Mrs. Yoyoko was so moved that she cried:

"It's really great, Miyu...you secured a good man so early, what a capable daughter...( ?╥ω╥`)"

With mixed feelings of joy and sadness, Miss Yoyoko also burst into tears today.

July: In the future, Illya will also grow up, and the three little ones will only get together (????)

Then it’s still a cliché, you can’t do it until you’re 14!Dear single brothers, you must promise me, okay ( ? ?ω?? )?

Chapter 6. Do you like a jealous mother and daughter?

First, let me explain again.

The Shuoyue family's educational philosophy is to keep their godchildren [not speaking, not thinking, not moving] as much as possible.

Don't talk to Shenzhi'er, don't let her act, don't let her acquire knowledge, do everything possible to let her grow up unconsciously, until she is 7 years old and she is separated from Shenzhi'er.

This is all to reduce Shenzhi'er's thinking as much as possible, so that she does not have the sensibility and desires of ordinary people.

After all, how unreasonable Shen Zhier's ability is, Luo Zhen has personally experienced it several times.

Although the princesses with roots like Ai Ge and Liang Ri, theoretically, they can do similar things with the help of their roots.

But as the price of their innate connection to the roots, their perspective on things is inhuman from the start.

Ai Ge has seen through the existence of human beings from the moment she was born, and has no interest in her parents and family.

If you're not interested, you won't do anything special.

So until meeting Luo Zhen, Aige was able to coexist peacefully with her family and played house games for 14 years.

But after that, he abandoned his family without any regrets, and fled to Luo Zhen's arms.

Luo Zhen doesn't think this is a good thing, he still wants to let Ai Ge experience the beauty of human emotions as much as possible...

But this kind of thing can't be forced, I can only continue to train Aige from both physical and mental aspects in the future.

Conversely, in the case of Shuoyue's family god, it is a child whose spirit is completely normal, but whose power is too transcendent.

Their ability to unconditionally fulfill the wishes of others is too great to be digested by distracted humans.

If Shuoyue's family hadn't protected them because of maternal love throughout the ages, and would rather pay a huge price to eliminate Shenzhi'er's ability, then their family would have become a sweet bun in the eyes of greedy people all over the world.

Therefore, as a mother, Yoyoko also followed the tradition with great heartache: try not to communicate with her daughter Miyu.

Only by letting her know nothing can the disaster be minimized.

It is cruel, but it is the only way to let her grow up to be a blank sheet of paper until she is 7 years old, and start a normal life after that...

Luo Zhen: "So I want to ask you, Sister Yang."

Luo Zhen looked straight at Yang Daizi and held her hand.

Yoyoko who was caught by Mishota Luozhen was quite nervous, her cheeks were red:

"Why, what's the matter, Luo Zhenjun? Suddenly being so serious... Ah! Could it be that you want to call me mother-in-law!?"

Luo Zhen gave her a white look: "It will happen sooner or later, but it's too early now, so don't make a baby kiss for your daughter when she is five years old."

This young woman's eldest sister has a nervous, happy and a little sad expression. It's really complicated. Do you agree or disagree with the relationship between Luo Zhen and Mei You?

In short, Luo Zhen continued: "I want to communicate with Mei You normally and teach her the knowledge of ordinary people."

This is definitely dangerous behavior.

Just the communication between Luo Zhen and Mei You in the past two days has triggered her divine childish ability several times intentionally or unintentionally.

Although it has not caused any trouble so far, there is no guarantee that it will continue like this in the future.

If she accidentally chatted in front of her and mentioned that she wanted to go to the seabed or the universe to see, Meiyu might really teleport them to the moon on the spot.

Luo Zhenke is not yet ready to wrestle with MoonCell's crumb AI junior.

However, the current closed method of heartless sterilization is unacceptable to Luo Zhen.

Yoyoko and Miyu are in pain.

Although Yoyoko can understand that this is helpless, but helplessness is not a reason to accept pain.Even if it is arrogant, Luo Zhen wants to help her as much as possible.

After Yang Daizi was surprised, his face quickly calmed down.

She took the initiative to shake hands with Luo Zhen, enjoying his smooth and tender Zhengtai skin:


"...Agreed so quickly?" Luo Zhen was dumbfounded.

But Yang Daizi didn't seem to be fooled by Luo Zhen's beauty.

She touched Luo Zhen's hands, and pouted with a cute expression that didn't look like a young woman at all:

"Because, when Luo Zhenjun came to my house, I almost came to my senses. My closed education has failed, and Meiyou has already developed her own desires."

"Ah, that's right." Luo Zhen suddenly realized.

The reason why Luo Zhen came to this world, in front of Meiyou, was the power of Meiyou himself.

She was very curious about Luo Zhen who occasionally saw one side through clairvoyance, so she pulled him over, and then she was very clingy to him.

From this point on, Miyu has already used her abilities for her own desires.

Not to mention that after that, she put on a wedding dress and became an adult again, and she took the initiative to push Luo Zhen back...

This kid Meiyou is also an S... Mr. Luo Zhen, who is essentially an M, is a little excited!

Of course, Yang Daizi didn't know that this bastard had already defiled his daughter, so he continued to say to him:

"Don't underestimate the women of Shuoyue's family! I also came from Meiyou at this time. If there is a good way, I would certainly like to communicate with you! So I'm counting on you, Luo Zhenjun!"

Yang Daizi leaned in front of Luo Zhen, his long eyelashes fluttering, and said pleadingly:

"Please help Miyu. Be her good brother, good friend, and make her happy. Of course, I will do my best to help you! Whether it is taking off one layer or two layers, leave it to my sister !"

"It's easy to say...So Miss Yoyoko, can you please stop molesting children?"

Mr. Luo Zhen watched her move all over his arm with cold eyes. The beautiful young woman's hand almost made her arm hot from rubbing it. This is playing with fire.


In this way, the cohabitation life between Luo Zhen, the beautiful young woman and the childless girl officially began.

Mei You is very attached to Luo Zhen, the big brother, no matter in the adult mode or the normal mode, they are almost inseparable.

The way he pulled the hem of his clothes and walked step by step made people think of a penguin following his parents step by step, so cute that people wanted to eat her.

But he couldn't take Miyu out too relaxedly, so Yoyoko reluctantly insisted on the rules and couldn't let Miyu leave this room.

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