The dazzling soul fire is as hot as the sun, dancing in Luo Zhen's hands.

It can be seen that Ainsworth's class card is indeed perfect, perfectly reproducing the power of the heroic spirit, and the strength of King Arthur's holy sword is also perfectly restored.

However, the user gap is too large.

Even with the same indestructible star sword, there is still a big difference between the user is a knight king or a bandit.

The man was certainly an excellent magician, but not a fighter.

"Impossible...impossible impossible impossible!!!"

After the armor was gradually defeated, his wrist was shaken, and the holy sword was also knocked away, Darius could only be helpless and furious.

After Luo Zhen's sword blade finally pierced his body and pierced him, the man stared with dark pupils:

"I won't let you go... Einzbern!"

Like every villain, the man who put down the harsh words screamed hysterically.

His body was burnt to pieces by Luo Zhen all at once, leaving no trace of wreckage, completely wiped clean.

However, a wisp of black smoke still roared and escaped from Luo Zhen's sword, flying into the distance with a gust of wind——

Luo Zhen: "How could it be possible for you to escape."

The holy son of the third method raised his hand and shook it towards the void!

Immediately, the strange black smoke twisted immediately, struggling in the air with a strange scream.

Luo Zhen smiled jokingly:

"There is also an old man in Yusan's family in my world who can't be killed no matter what, so of course I know what people like you think. Your method of prolonging life is neither body nor soul, but [spirit], right? Even if the body is destroyed Killed, the soul is destroyed, only the spirit will continue to exist... Then who do you want to pollute? Invade your descendants connected by blood, and rewrite your child's memory and consciousness as your own?"

What is the concept of "alive" is controversial.

Even if they can completely copy themselves, most people will not agree that this copy with the same memory is themselves. This is the self-protection of humans, animals with independent thinking.

But a magician is a person who can even touch his own spirit if necessary.

The man Darius has lived for a long time.His body has long since died, and even his soul has perished, leaving only his spirit.

As long as one's own memory and purpose can be preserved, so as to continuously pollute one's offspring and let them inherit their own goals and continue to struggle, this is equivalent to the fact that the man Darius is still alive... It's really a distortion.

"Even Matou Zouken wouldn't use this method." Luo Zhen muttered with emotion.

Zouken Matou, the old rival of the Yusanjia, the reason why he strongly does not want to die is his unrequited love for Yustissa, the Holy Maiden of Winter.

Even if the spirit has decayed for a long time, it is impossible for him to choose this way of living that pollutes the spirit of future generations.

Because love is selfish, it is impossible for him to pass on his love for Justesa to his descendants.

So if you have to choose, Luo Zhen still has more sympathy for the old man of the Jiantong family.

Luo Zhen clenched his fist and poured the magic power of the third method into it: "So you die here. At least don't harm the next generation, Ainsworth."

"[Stop your hand -ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!" "Dalius's spirit was sorrowful.

His remaining instincts are still struggling tenaciously, but they are no match for Luo Zhen's magic power, and the spells that divert his spirit are constantly collapsing.

He also felt that his spirit was gradually dying out, and his existence was about to disappear completely, so he howled hysterically:

“[I can’t die yet! My wish and my myth have not been fulfilled! In order to save the world! I must replace human history! Otherwise, otherwise, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?”?”

"I will try my best to save it, goodbye."

Luo Zhen said plainly.

After clenching his fists thoroughly, Darius' spirit was completely burned, leaving no trace in this world.

Another madman who went mad to save the world has disappeared, and his obsession will no longer affect anyone.

This is another tragedy of the Yusanjia.

Although it has nothing to do with me, but after all, there is a subtle empathy.

Luo Zhen sighed with complicated emotions, just about to cancel the holy king mode...

"I found you, Holy Son of the Third Law."

Luo Zhen: "——!"

The overwhelming sense of crisis made Luo Zhen feel tingling all over his body!

A space distortion suddenly appeared in front of him, and a door leading to the imaginary space opened, and a figure walked out of it.

Just his appearance caused the magic power around him to run wild and create a vortex, making Luo Zhen feel dizzy and nauseous.

But compared to this physiological reaction, Luo Zhen felt even more incredible:

"Why are you here?...Magic King."

"Hmph, do you really know me?" He took a step forward with a contemptuous smile on his face:

"That's right! I am the king who used the seventy-two pillars of demon gods to destroy mankind, Solomon! I stand at the apex of many formless heroic spirits, one of the seven crowns!"

Luo Zhen: "..."

Luo Zhen reacted quickly, so he didn't instinctively call out his name.

The murderer who caused human incineration had long milky white hair, brown skin, and a tall body. He was a handsome man just by looking at his appearance. He was the magic king Solomon.

Of course Luo Zhen knew that this was actually not Solomon himself, but the seventy-two Demon God Pillars occupying his body.

But it doesn't matter... The question is, why did he appear here! ?

Gaitia probably interpreted Luo Zhen's speechless expression as fear, and said with a superior look:

"When Rafe reported it to me, I still felt incredible. Even if an outsider was lucky enough to get to Chaldea and help them save Renli, so what. A mere magician will not have any impact on the overall situation."

"However, the singularity of Rome was repaired silently, which I can't understand." His eyes were like knives, stabbing Luo Zhen:

"I clearly feel that the attributes of the servant Attila went berserk. Although Leif was stupid, he was lucky enough to trigger the star soldier's berserk. This is really a one-in-a-million chance. I still want to observe it with my own eyes. Let’s take a look at how the giants of the outer universe destroy civilization.”

"[...]" Attila, who shared the five senses with Luo Zhen, sobbed unhappily.

Now Luo Zhen understood.

At the Roman singularity, when Attila was summoned, Getia's attention was drawn.

After all, Solomon lived more than three thousand years ago.

Even if he has clairvoyance that can see through the past and the future, he cannot accurately observe Attila who invaded in the age of the ancient gods. It is natural for him to be curious and wary of her.

Getia's eyes froze, showing blatant hostility towards Rozen: "—but, the white giant suddenly disappeared before recovering its strength, in a way that I can't understand."

"...That's simply because you read it wrong, right?" Luo Zhen replied.

Getia snorted disdainfully and continued:

"The lingering Chaldea has become independent from the timeline and turned into a stronghold that no one can find. Even my pair of eyes that can see everything can't catch it... This is just an insignificant trivial matter. But you have to get involved It's different, holy son of the third law."

He took a step.

The strongest magician of all time is really not a cover.

Getia, who possesses the power of the Magic King, has a Noble Phantasm level of deterrence just by looking at it:

"You are my obstacle, magician. I can't see your past, present, and future. The man I can't even catch with my eyes even arrogantly peeped into my Temple of Time... I can't keep you !"

"If I say it's all a misunderstanding, you'll accept...probably not."

Besides laughing, what other reaction could Luo Zhen have?

Facing Getia, who was genuinely murderous, and the countless tentacles gushing out from behind him... Luo Zhen had to go all out for survival.

July: I really want to play Tsushima Island ( ?╥ω╥`)

Tips from the front row: There are also cute and lewd girls in Getia's tentacles ( ? ?ω?? )?

Then talk about settings.Mr. Mushroom said in ancient times that magic is something that science has not been able to do. After continuous reduction, only five are left, but now it is obvious that it has long been eaten ╮( ??ω?? )╭

Solomon is the king of magic, but he can't do magic either.Getia's anthropogenic burning (retrograde canal/creation light year) is also part of the theory of imitating the fifth law (?-ω?`)

So now that I continue to eat books, the force of magic has been pulled to the level of the ceiling.Let’s not talk about how much can be played, the theoretical height is high, and there is no chance of landing??(??ω???)?

Chapter 10. The Conquered Demon God!

For Getia, Luo Zhen's existence was a completely unexpected stumbling block.

The sudden birth of the third magician, a singularity that was not in his plan, but he was actively cooperating with Chaldea, naturally became an eyesore to him.

Of course, even with the unreasonable ability of magic, human beings are human after all, and their physical upper limit seriously hinders the display of high-level power like magic.

"Pillar 71." Getia called one of his compatriots.

He looked at Luo Zhen who was stubbornly resisting under the coercion of the Demon God Pillar, snorted disdainfully and continued:

"The command is entrusted to you. Try to collect as much information as possible about the magician. But don't let people go because of excess curiosity. Leif is enough for a fool."

An inorganic voice answered Gaitia: "【Understood. Take over the command from the General Administration Bureau, and now start the battle against the third magician.】"

Known as the 71st Pillar, the Demon God's voice sounds as cold as that of a computer AI, and it looks like an iceberg character at first glance.

But she was not without rebuttal to Getia's ridicule:

“[I have recorded the speech just now by the General Administration. After the task is over, I will apply for an internal impeachment meeting to correct the bad speech of the General Administration.]”

Getia raised his eyebrows irritably: "Huh? Are you going to defend Lefe? I know this statement is inappropriate, but it's just a description..."

"【No, it doesn't matter what that fool does.】"

Column 71 said calmly: "[But comparing me with that fool made me very unhappy. I was assigned a job, but my mood became worse, which would affect work efficiency. Therefore, I asked the Bureau of Administration to take this rude Apologize for the speech, don't compare me with the idiot Lefe.]”

"You really have a good personality!"

Getia has become a joker.

Including Gaetia's unified consciousness, all demon pillars are genderless.

After all, they were originally magic AIs created by the magic king Solomon. They are a kind of artificial intelligence, and there is no biological gender distinction from the beginning.

But after Solomon's death, the demon pillars each chose a magic family to parasitize, which became their magic engraving, and carried out their own [crown designation] in the three thousand years of history.

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