Allie: "I see!"

The little beauties of Chaldea also nodded seriously.

At this time, they all trust Luo Zhen's arrangements.

And for such an obvious target, all the magicians in Fuyuki City must have discovered it.

Leaving others aside, Tohsaka Tokiomi will intervene no matter what, which means that Archer may come!

I hope he can be normal this time... Luo Zhen's mood is very complicated.

Then, when it was hundreds of meters away from the giant.

The giant, who had remained motionless, suddenly raised its head!

Those empty eyes stared straight at the bullock cart, more precisely at Luo Zhen!

Then it opened its mouth wide, and ejected a huge magic cannon from its mouth!

Rider: "Be careful not to bite your tongue!"

As soon as the old driver pulled the reins, the Shenwei wheel immediately accelerated to [-] degrees!

The magic cannon that passed by the side of the carriage pierced the sky all the way, blowing away the clouds, and all of a sudden there was no cloud in the sky!

This deadly power silenced everyone present.

The luminous cannon just now is definitely at the level of an A-level anti-city treasure!

Even if the magic power is enough, it can't be so exaggerated!You cheated too!

In fact, Luo Zhen, who cheated the most, didn't think there was a problem with him at all.

While making evasive maneuvers, the King of Conquerors shouted:

"I found Caster! On the shoulders of that giant!"

Everyone turned their eyes!

Next to the giant's neck, a man wearing a brass mask and wrapped in an airtight person stood there, indeed, he looked like a magician.

Of course, he also discovered the King of Conquerors and his party.

With a burst of magical interference, Caster took the initiative to initiate a call with speech magic:

"You guys must be Saber and Rider, and their Master."

It was a steady male voice.

He also seemed a little puzzled, and said uncertainly:

"That man with long black hair, and the lady with purple glasses. The spirit foundations of the two of you are very strange, are you also followers?"

The second immediately replied: "I will explain this kind of thing to you one by one later, but you should answer me now! Caster, are you crazy!"

Caster was very calm: "Crazy, isn't it? It's really not like a question a magician would ask."

He didn't let the giant attack again, and he didn't even have any defense and hostility:

"I'm just pursuing my wish and completing my Noble Phantasm. He will transform this land into an ideal paradise and bring the world back to Eden."

"Paradise, Eden? Is it the Old Testament? There's also golem magic, the secret method of Kabbalah, plus that dress that does everything possible to avoid contact with people."

Second Eye narrowed his eyes:

"Your real name is Solomon! Solomon ibn Gabirol!"

"Exactly. But the name Solomon is easily confused with the great King of Jerusalem, so please call me Avis Brun."

Caster answered very humbly and politely.

Solomon Ibn Gabirol, whose Latin name is Avisblon, is a great poet and philosopher known as Plato of the Jews, and is also well-known in the watch world.

And if you know his real name, it's easy to imagine the ability of that Noble Phantasm.

II immediately said to the others:

"That giant must be destroyed! It is itself a surface environment modification device, which will return the world to the state of Eden described in the Bible! Stop it no matter what!"

Seeing the urgency of the Second King, Lixiang and Matthew also knew that this was a big deal.

But this is still a bit difficult for them who have no knowledge of mysticism. Matthew asked weakly:

"May I ask if there is anything wrong with changing back to Paradise?"

This time it was Luo Zhen who answered her:

"Mashu Lixiang, you all know the story of Adam and Eve. They were raised by God in the Garden of Eden. They lived an innocent and happy life until they ate the forbidden fruit. It was really carefree and worry-free. , not even wearing clothes."

Li Xiang: "...Luo Zhenjun, is this sexual harassment?"

Miss Lixiang hugged Matthew vigilantly, as if she was afraid that Luo Zhen would poison her.

Luo Zhen rolled his eyes:

"It means that Adam and Eve in that period didn't know good and evil at all, and they were in the most simple and pure state. Then what would happen if the world returned to the state of the Garden of Eden? The so-called emotions and desires of modern people will disappear, and they will really return to Adam and Eve. Pure as a baby."

That may be happiness on a certain level, after all, pet cats and dogs are also so happy.

But that world cannot exist, nor can it be allowed to exist.

Luo Zhen touched the soul of darkness in his clothes.

Millions of souls inside are clamoring: That kind of world will definitely be wiped out!

Needless to say, Luo Zhen immediately ordered:

"Saber, use all your strength to eliminate Caster!"

"As ordered!"

Cangyin's Ji knight jumped off the wheel of Shenwei in one fell swoop!

July: The Moon is full of self-centered, inflexible dreamers of all kinds.Although this is very dramatic, but I am very impressed??(??ω???)?

This is the end of the automatic update and save manuscript, and the rest will wait for my wife to code at night.And thank you for your rewards and blades!Thank you for your support (????)

Chapter 53. You miss me, beauty! 【4/4】


The primordial giant uttered a song that humans could not understand.

Although its body is huge, its movements are not slow at all.

With the magical light from the eyes and mouth, all the sarcoma-like parts all over his body exploded together!

A lot of light cannons are fired!

Every shot is at the level of the anti-city treasure!No money!

Luo Zhen secretly talked about the astonishing magic power utilization rate.

If it's just that there is a lot of magic power stored, it's understandable.

But being able to use the magic power of more than a dozen Noble Phantasms to level A in one breath, and the body has not collapsed, it is simply admirable.

As a magician, Luo Zhen also wanted to get the giant's blueprint very much now.

It will definitely strengthen your dark soul further!

This is how a magician degenerates step by step...

Luo Zhen felt the greed in his heart and restrained his mind.

While Luo Zhen was concentrating on looking at the giant, Weber next to him weakly pulled his arm:

"Little sister, let's hide now? Let the battle be left to Rider and the others, okay? Na na na?"

"Sister, you are big!"

Luo Zhen jumped up and gave him a chestnut on the forehead!

He has clearly met this kid before, but he still thinks he is a girl! ?

In order not to interfere with Rider's fight, everyone got off the bullock cart.

Eri and Lixiangma went to set up people-repelling barriers around them, and Rider and Saber, one in the air and one on the bottom, with the help of the second, were fighting the giant.

So only Luo Zhen and Weber are free.

Luo Zhen made two silver knights, one on the left and the other on the right to support Weber:

"They will protect you, you should be careful to hide yourself! Bye!"

"Hey~!? Wait, I'm scared! Wait for me! QAQ"

Little brother Weber was crying embarrassingly.

Luo Zhen switched to adult mode and ran to observe the giant closer.

He discovered: this giant is indeed growing gradually!

Not only that, under his feet touching the ground, vegetation is growing vigorously.

Just like a druid, countless flowers and trees spread, grow, and drop fruits under his feet, and then the fruits grow new trees. This cycle of life is repeating at an extremely fast speed.

It is simply a paradise created by God!

Going one step further, even the air is infected.

The sweet honey aroma lingers in the nasal cavity, and just inhaling it will make people's brain happy.

Much more useful than any addictive drugs!

People don't need to do anything, neither work nor think, as long as they live, they can satisfy all their physical and mental needs. It is really a carefree paradise.

There are really many such dreamers among magicians, Luo Zhen scoffed.

He raised his hand and summoned Artorius.

After receiving the king's soul nourished by the third method, his whole body's aura changed, and he could feel a clear will!

He respectfully knelt down on one knee to Luo Zhen, with an unexpectedly young voice:

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