Black Holy Grail.jpg

July: Thank you [Misaka 01652] for the rewards, [Shuke Special Feature], [Shuke 1463855279] for the 5K rewards?? (°▽°)ノ?

There are also many good brothers who sent blades, thank you everyone!It will be summarized together tomorrow, and the accumulation will be updated (?????)

Chapter 66. The Move of the Black Holy Grail 】

Congratulations to Luo Zhen, the night when she and her sister Hua got engaged will turn into a long night.

Three young girls lay on Luo Zhen who had already fallen asleep.

Lin Ying and Karen, he couldn't move because of the pressure from the left, middle and right.

The 8-year-old Zhengtai has realized the burden of life early!

Then, just when Luo Zhen was pressed down by the three little ones and his neck was about to break,


Luo Zhen heard Irisviel's mournful cry from the next door.

He immediately got up, put the sleepy-eyed three little ones on the bed, and jumped out!

The next room is the guest room where Eri and Saber sleep together.

Luo Zhen didn't say a word, just bumped away!

I saw Eri clutching her chest in pain in Saber's arms!

"Saber, what happened to Ellie!"

Saber also panicked, and could only hold tightly to Ai Li who was covered in cold sweat: "I don't know either! Ai Li suddenly screamed..."

Luo Zhen immediately rolled onto the bed and held Ai Li's trembling wrist.

very cold!The biting chill immediately penetrated into Rozen's skin!

It's not a physical temperature change, but some very dank magic.

Luo Zhen immediately activated the magic circuit to fight against it, and the warm current penetrated into Ai Li's skin.

But this dank magic power is stronger than imagined, and it has already occupied more than half of Aili's body!

Without saying a word, Luo Zhen motioned Saber to prop up Ai Li's body, and kissed her directly.

Through the exchange of body fluids, the circulation efficiency of magic power has increased several times in one breath.

Just like the third method of soul solidification that he has long been used to, Luo Zhen let a lot of magic power circulate in Aili's magic circuit, trying to dispel these black and dank magic power!

At the same time, he was also looking for the source of these magical powers.

Eri's own magical power is definitely not like this.

But looking at the coverage of these black magic powers, I am afraid that Aili's own magic power has also been completely dyed black!

It's like mud...

Luo Zhen suddenly had a flash of inspiration:

"A follower's spirit foundation?"

As the adult body of the Lesser Holy Grail, the spirit foundations of Caster and Assassin residing in Eri's body are polluting her magic power!

The degree of completion of Ai Li as the Little Holy Grail has been increased several times through Luo Zhen's strengthening of her soul.

Even if the current Eri accommodates seven spirit bases, her body will not be weakened, and she should be able to complete the handover of the Holy Grail normally.

But if the spiritual foundation temporarily stored in her body itself becomes a source of pollution, then it's two different things!

And as Luo Zhen purified these black magic powers, he felt that these polluted magic powers escaped from Ai Li's body as if they had self-awareness.

And the direction of escape is precisely Saber who is holding her!

Luo Zhen immediately raised his left hand, and the bright red command spell flashed:

"Saber, use the scabbard!"

Saber's body moved instantly: "'Distant Ideal Land (Avalon)'!"

Inspired by the holy sword scabbard Avalon connected to the inner side of the planet, a barrier that can nullify even magical interference unfolds instantly!

It was about to erode Saber's black magic power, and it was dissolved as if screaming!

As if understanding the power of the scabbard, the magic power rooted in the two servants' spirit foundations was quickly stripped from Ari's body, turning into a twisted shadow beast, and jumped out of the window!

Ai Li in Luo Zhen's arms suddenly fainted as if she lost her strength.

When Luo Zhen struggled for a moment, whether to take care of Ai Li or chase the black beast, there was another falling sound outside the door!

Then came Tosaka Tokiomi's voice: "Kariya-kun! What's wrong with you!"

"What's going on?" Luo Zhen walked out the door.

Kariya leaned against the wall clutching the Command Seal in his left hand, twitching the corners of his eyes because of the pain:

"I don't know! The Command Seal suddenly hurts!...Wait, Berserker's contract!?"

Kariya couldn't believe it, and quickly raised his hand:

"Order with Command Spell: Berserker! Come to me!"

. . . there was silence.

Not to mention that Berserker didn't appear, even the Command Seal in Kariya's hand didn't respond, it didn't trigger at all.

Logically speaking, the Command Spell can take effect immediately as long as the user has an idea and activates it with a password. It is Maqili Zorgen's proud work.

But now there is no response.

This meant that it wasn't that the Command Seal had failed, but that the side that received the Command Seal—the Servant—had been wiped out.


A moment later, after coaxing the three young girls who woke up to sleep again, Tokiomi also came back from the underground workshop.

With a serious expression on his face, he said to everyone gathered in the living room except for the unconscious Ellie:

"I confirmed with Father Kotomine Risei, the supervisor, that there are only three responses left in the follower's spiritual foundation."

Tokiomi glanced at Saber beside Luo Zhen:

"Only Saber, Archer, and Lancer. The top three knights still exist."

This is really shocking!

Kariya, who had recovered, frowned tightly and said:

"I was afraid that Berserker would lose control, so I left him at Matou's house and didn't bring him. Just now I took a look with the familiar at home, and there is no trace of fighting. Berserker has disappeared."

Luo Zhen pondered: "That is to say, he either left voluntarily. Or he didn't even resist and killed with one blow."

After discovering that Berserker hadn't responded, Rozen immediately contacted the Second Emperor who stayed at the Einzbern Villa and confirmed that Lancer Diarmuid was still there.

The villa was not attacked either, Lixiang and Matthew slept soundly, and Fufu gave a flying kick to Er Shi who wanted to enter the door.

In other words, the ones attacked were Berserker who was left alone at Matou's house, and Rider who was running around somewhere.

——And, Irisviel who was pregnant with two saint bases.

By the way, it was through Eri's fall that Tokiomi Tohsaka found out about one thing.

He looked at Luo Zhen with complicated eyes:

"Luo Zhenjun, so you are Saber's Master?"

"I also admire you for discovering this now, Uncle Tokiomi."

If it weren't for knowing the personality of the Yuansaka family who had lost the chain, Luo Zhen would have wondered if he deliberately enlivened the atmosphere. This uncle is quite interesting.

Putting this aside, the current situation is very inexplicable.

Luo Zhen also asked the Second Emperor and Lancer to come this way, and said to Tokiomi and Kariya:

"Do you two have any clues? By the way, I do."

Tokiomi nodded solemnly: "Is it what Irisviel said, the polluted Great Holy Grail?"

Tokiomi Kariya had also been popularized by Ellie before, and the Great Holy Grail was polluted as early as the third Holy Grail War.

I just didn't expect the accident to happen so quickly.

Could it be that the Black Holy Grail has self-awareness?Do you know the Yusanjia of Allie United?So you did it on the spot?

That's too smart!

If Luo Zhen knew, the reason was actually because the Rider team directly kicked the door to the final boss, and he didn't know whether to praise them or scold them.

But in short, the next course of action is already determined:

"After Lancer and the others arrive, go to the big cave in Yuanzang Mountain."

The other two also nodded together, and it was the first time that the Yusan family began to act together.

July: Now there are activities for recharging, subscribing and rewarding!You can feed a lot to exchange for the number of lucky draws! ??ヽ(°▽°)ノ?

Then yesterday there were 24840 rewards and 107 blades.

A total of 31428 rewards, 177 blades.I owe one more.

Another 1W reward and 30 knives will add two more updates!Please feed me a lot_(:з」∠)_

Chapter 67. The scene of a large fan circle

After the Chaldean team and Lancer also gathered at Tohsaka's house, Eri also woke up.

Luo Zhen originally wanted her to have a good rest and let the Chaldean team stay to protect her.

But Ai Li grabbed Luo Zhen's hand and shook her head forcefully:

"I'm fine. I can feel that my ability to store spirit bases no longer exists." Irisviel's eyes were serious:

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