Luo Zhen was too lazy to resist after being hugged and kissed, and he was at the mercy of Atalanta for eating and drinking, and could only bear it until she got tired of playing.

By the way, Joan did not know what was wrong with her.

Joan: "Hey, hey hey hey o(*////▽////*)q"

Since the morning, this fake saint has lost her eyesight and made a disgusting smirk from time to time.

Why don't I have a normal woman by my side!

Ah, by the way, isn't there Fiore!

In the eyes of Luo Zhen at this moment, Fiore, who looked at Atalanta and Joan of Arc in fear, seemed to be the light of righteousness!She is a real saint!

So Luo Zhen tried his best to escape from Atalanta's claws, and straightened up from her flat chair:

"Fiore, is your brother tight-lipped?"

"Colles?" The lovely cream-colored lady blinked.

Fiore has a younger brother who is also Black Fang's master, the master of Berserker.

Because Luo Zhen is kind to Fiore, they have been getting close recently.

Fiore also knew everything about Luo Zhen, and nodded quickly:

"If I told Cowles not to say it, he would definitely not say it. He is my well-behaved brother, and he listens to me very much!"

Fiore puffed out her chest proudly.

Judging from Rozen’s experience with the maids in the Einzbern family, the gap between the three women present is Joan of Arc (Ladycia) > Fiore > > (the precipice of pan-human history) > > Atta Lante.

Therefore, Fiore's development is second only to Leticia, and she is really a perfect young lady with a good figure and cute personality.In the novel, she is the childhood sweetheart next door!

Luo Zhen's heart destroyed by Atalanta was completely healed by Fiore's lovely smile, and she also laughed:

"Then can you please introduce me, I have something to ask his Berserker to help."

"Well, no problem!"

Fiore readily agreed.

But she quickly realized that Luo Zhen asked Kao Lesi if his mouth was tight, and it was definitely to let him know some secret.

And when it came to Luo Zhen's secret, Fiore cautiously lowered her voice:

"Luo Zhenjun, are you going to tell Coles?"

Luo Zhen nodded: "Yes. I want to tell him that I am a magician, and I will accompany Uncle Lion Jie."


Not long after breakfast, Luo Zhen brought his people together to Coles' room.

A large wave of outsiders flooded into his bedroom, and there were also Lion Jie and Mordred who had surrendered to the enemy yesterday, which made the glasses boy Coles' stomach ache.

But because of the order of his elder sister, Luo Zhen's future brother-in-law can only be obedient and sit by the bed like a little daughter-in-law.

Right in front of this group of team members, Luo Zhen announced his identity:

"I am the successful individual of the Einzbern family who reproduced the Holy Maiden of Winter, the magician of the third law, the Holy Son of Winter."

Except for the fact that he came from a parallel world, there is no need to say it to increase confusion, Luo Zhen said everything else that can be said.

Regardless of the reactions of Mordred and Chiron's followers.

Coles, who is an ordinary magician, knew that the magician was in his room, and his expression became quite funny.

Lion Jie had an expression of "as expected", and took off his sunglasses with a grin:

"I wondered if that was the case. The holy son of Einzbern, it's no wonder that he has a recovery ability comparable to that of phantom species. I remember that the third method is called "soul materialization", right? So you still Is it considered a human being, without becoming a god or something?"

Hearing this question, Luo Zhen snorted:

"Gods are things that need the support of faith. Immortality is false, and they will still die when the concept is about to disappear. But the third method is not, that is to say, I am above the gods!"

What, Luo Zhen jokingly made a face.

It is still possible if the third method is completely completed, but the current Luo Zhen is not at the level of immortality.

If he could surpass even the concept, he would be able to fight Gaetia.

But at the very least, Luo Zhen's physical body is almost indestructible now.

But the pain still hurts, Luo Zhen didn't intend to alienate himself by eliminating the senses, he was still very obsessed with the identity of a human being.

Putting this aside for the time being, Luo Zhen didn't come to teach the third method.

He has a definite purpose in announcing his identity to Coles and Lion Jie:

"I want to ask you to help me get the Holy Grail."

He held his head up high and spoke righteously:

"It's not helping the red side, and it's not helping the black side, but helping me."

This is Luo Zhen's choice, his own green camp team!

Lion Jie is a realistic person, and he has become a companion through a compulsory contract, which means that Luo Zhen hired him.

Corles is Fiore's younger brother.

Although the relationship between siblings is unreliable in a magician's family, Luo Zhen feels that the siblings can be trusted.

Fiore also told Corles about Luo Zhen treating her legs.

Hearing this, Coles' mood swings were greater than hearing about the magician:

"Really!? Can my sister's leg be cured!? There is no need to remove the magic circuit. There are really no sequelae. Can my sister become healthy!?"

Luo Zhen nodded firmly: "Yes. I bet Einzbern's name, I will definitely be able to."

Corles sat back on the bed as if in a lifetime, and took several deep breaths in a row.

After pushing the glasses, the boy's gaze became very beautiful:

"I see, I will do my best to assist you. Although I don't know how many things I can do, as long as I can do it, you can just say it."

Luo Zhen admired this 'mediocre' younger brother's masculine expression.

July: Corles is also a character I like very much, it would be great if he could be the hero??(??ω???)?

Chapter 23. Dragon hunter Ornstein, born!

Corles and Lion Jie both unexpectedly and easily accepted Luo Zhen's identity.

It's easy to say after that.

Luo Zhen deliberately announced to the two of them, not only because he could trust them, but also because their followers were indeed useful to him.

"Cawles, can your Berserker do me a favor."

"If it's not too complicated." Cowles nodded unsurely.

Berserker of Corles is a female servant whose real name is Frankenstein.

More precisely, 'Frankenstein's Monster'.

The name is famous in modern times, and there have been movies.

Frankenstein is the maker's name, a nineteenth-century Frankenstein.

He tried to combine science and magic to create a new race of life.

So he combined corpses with cables and other items to create a monster that looked like a stitch monster.

Her only request to her master who doesn't love her is to hope that he will create another one of her own kind, hoping to have a family.

But Frankenstein, who felt it was a failure, ran away.

The created monsters chased and killed all the way.

The story ends with a tragedy. The lonely monster kills its master who abandoned him, and burns himself to death.

This is what actually happened in the magic world.

And this incident was leaked to people in the watch world, making the public feel that this is a story of artistic creation.

Frankenstein's monster thus became an anti-Heroic Spirit.

She is not strong as a Servant, Berserker's communication skills are not high, and she hates humans, so she should be considered a less than ideal Servant.

So Cowles was worried that she would not be able to meet Luo Zhen's request.

But Luo Zhen had been prepared for a long time, and he was very broad-minded:

"Your Berserker has a special Noble Phantasm, right? I just want to use that to create life."


Luo Zhen specially selected Mordred and Frankenstein to help.

What they have in common is that they all play video games.

Especially Frankenstein, because of the particularity of her inheritance, her treasure has the meaning of splitting her own life and creating a new Frankenstein with a very low probability.

That's why Rozen thought of it. Using her and Mordred's power, and if he uses the third method to stabilize himself, maybe he can create a lightning-type sub-servant that is not weaker than Artorius. !

"Let me introduce you. This is 'Dragon Hunter' Ornstein."

Luo Zhen released the familiar that he had prepared long ago.

He is dressed in golden knight armor, with a lion-shaped helmet, and a mighty dragon-hunting spear in his hand. He is a very domineering spear knight!

Of course, he is Rozen's full playful power, and Ornstein, one of the four knights of the king, who is also one of the four knights of the king with Artorius.

But the current Ornstein has not been strengthened with the soul of darkness, and does not have the complete self-awareness of Artorius.

It's not that Luo Zhen can't do it, but that the hardware conditions are not up to standard.

Artorius was lucky enough to say that as long as he strengthened the equipment as much as possible, and then used the soul of darkness to add the combat experience of countless warriors, a powerful and resolute wolf knight was created.

But Ornstein is different, he is a dragon hunter who uses the power of thunder!

Even if there is no thunder, you can make a strong enough spearman sub-servant, but that is too lacking in romance!

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