Although Mordred seems crazy, she is a knight after all, and a knight who wants to be king.

She scoffed at Jack's practice of eating people to replenish his magic power, and she didn't have the idea of ​​showing mercy just because the other party looked like a young girl.

Seeing that Mordred was attacking, invisible archers were shooting at him.

There was a gleam of light in Jack's eyes that couldn't tell what he was thinking:

"There are so many big sisters. It's great, we want a lot of warm homes."

The moment Mordred struck with his sword, Jack disappeared!

Instead, an inexplicable thick fog appeared, covering a distance of tens of meters around, and even blocking the vision of Chiron's clairvoyance.

After smelling a pungent chemical smell, Luo Zhen frowned:

"Be careful, this is the poisonous smog of London in the industrial age. Has it been sublimated into the inherent enchantment of the servants?"

Jack in the fog replied: "Big sister is amazing, she knows everything!"

Luo Zhen felt a burst of weight and was pushed down.

The reappeared Jack was riding on Luo Zhen's waist, shaking excitedly:

"Big sister is not poisoned, and she is not afraid of us, so I like it! So come and be our mother! Let us be born!"

Noble Phantasm "The Virgin of Disintegration"!

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Although Jack is very cute, the three views still need to be corrected. It is definitely wrong to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and then there is the responsibility of education??(??ω???)?

Chapter 29. Evil Spirit Jack the Ripper 【4/4】

Jack the Ripper seemed to regard Rozen as a woman, and released the treasure!

To be honest, Luo Zhen, a dead girl, doesn't hate little girls.

Especially with the younger sister Karen and the 'daughter' Illya, Luo Zhen's acceptance of children has greatly increased.

Jack is such a girl.

Although she obviously has mental problems, her mother is also very sick.

But that can only be described as her fixed nature as a Servant, a sad story.

She is also now, looking for a mother who can 'give birth' to herself, greedy for Luo Zhen's love.


After realizing that his treasure had no effect on Luo Zhen, the child tilted his head in doubt.

Riding on Luo Zhen's body, she moved her waist and explored Luo Zhen's body.

Then, the kid's eyes lost their highlights, like a dream:

"You, aren't you mom?"

"Physiologically, I'm the one who can make a girl a mother."

Luo Zhen answered with words.

He had almost figured out Jack's existence.

She's not a regular follower, not even an anti-hero.

She is an evil spirit, and a collection of evil spirits.

Who is Jack the Ripper who existed in history is an eternal mystery in history.

This girl Jack is not the murderer in history.

She is one of the beings who have been given this title, the epitome of that dark age, the collection of resentment of children who were abandoned by whores and aborted.

In London in the [-]th century, the city was shrouded in smog polluted by industrial waste gas. It is said that there were more than [-] whores in the slums.

The lack of medical care and protective measures forced these prostitutes to abandon the children they had accidentally produced. It is said that even the Thames River is full of abandoned babies.

The grievances of these children gathered together, and they had a strong desire to return to their mother's womb.

This form of existence, combined with the fact that Jack the Ripper only kills women (whores), combine to form this evil spirit follower.

So it's only natural that she has a special attack on women.

If Luo Zhen was a woman, she should have been viviectised by now.

Then the child will happily get into his womb and enjoy the warmth of his mother.

But unfortunately, Luo Zhen does not have this organ.

He took Jack's hand with the knife:

"I sympathize with you. But sorry, even I can't travel through time. You can no longer be born as ordinary children."

"What are you talking about? We don't understand."

Jack, who thinks like a baby, still can't understand the existence of 'father', and just instinctively seeks maternal love.

She tried to shake off Luo Zhen's hand, but found that she couldn't get rid of it!

Joan has already taken over Leticia's body, approaching solemnly and compassionately:

"I'm sorry, the tragedy that has happened cannot be changed. At the very least, I hope you can rest in peace and find peace by the Lord's side."

Probably sensing something from Joan's attitude, Jack's ice-blue eyes widened in horror:

"No, we don't!!"

She screamed and struggled, trying to escape from Luo Zhen!

She controlled the corrosive fog again, calling out the Noble Phantasm:

""Maria the Ripper"!!"

This time the target is Joan of Arc.

This is some kind of cursed Noble Phantasm. Because Luo Zhen was a male, the conditions were not suitable, so it was not activated.

But Joan is a woman, and in the dark night, in the thick fog, it perfectly reproduces the London environment.

But the resentment of the babies was still unsuccessful.

The magic around Joan twisted, and a strong curse covered her body.

Then in an instant, it was dispelled!

Joan of Arc, as a Ruler, possesses an exceptional level of EX-rank anti-magic power.

This made her not even need to use treasures for defense, and it was impossible for her to receive any curses.

Not to mention Jack's resentment, even the black mud of all the evils in this world can't stain her.

In Jack's horror, Joan covered her eyes with one hand and chanted the holy words:

"The Lord forgives all injustice and all disasters."

Jack: "Don't ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Obviously Joan's voice was so holy and compassionate, but to Jack it was heart-piercing pain!

Her existence itself has been fixed as an evil spirit.

The baptism of the holy word is just annihilation for her.

As an evil spirit, he will be killed, making Jack scream miserably!

Joan trembled at the cry of the child.

But she gritted her teeth and continued to chant.

At this time, Luo Zhen felt a powerful magic power coming from Jack!

It's a Command Spell!

Luo Zhen: "Be careful!"

He pulled Joan's hand away!

The next moment, Jack's dagger was magically strengthened into a huge blade, and Luo Zhen's arm was chopped off with one blow!

Joan of Arc was shocked and screamed: "Luo Zhenjun!?"

"It's okay! It's just an arm!"

Luo Zhen gritted his teeth, enduring the severe pain of the severed limb to stimulate the regeneration.

Now the focus is on Jack.

She suddenly erupted with astonishing strength, and broke free from Joan's grasp!

Her master's command spell is probably something like 'escape', so Jack's ability to use escape has doubled.

But the question is instead of this, why not just use the teleport command?

It seems that Jack's master is not familiar with the use of command spells, and he is not a regular magician.

While Luo Zhen was analyzing like this, Atalanta sent a cry for help that was almost mournful:

"Master is not good! This assassin is, actually——!"


Atalanta's hand that held the bow was trembling, and it was the first time that she felt the fear of running away without hitting.

In the dense fog around her, more than a dozen children walked out staggeringly!

They were real human beings, and some of them were even children from their daytime shopping trips.

They were obviously controlled by spells, and black mud-like spots could be seen on their cheeks or hands.

Jack the Ripper was originally a collection of wraiths.

In order to escape, she took the initiative to disperse her vengeful spirit, and possessed the children who were easy to control, and used them to buy time!

Atalanta glanced at it, but fortunately there was no love song in it.

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