But why is there no trace of the target in sight?

Li Mubai was a little confused.

Standing at the end of the dark alley and looking around, Li Mubai couldn't find any clues.

His expression was a little dejected.

It looks like it should be lost...

Li Mubai sighed and walked back in the direction he came from, intending to join Qingqing and the others.

However, when he turned around, the whole person was stunned.

A pitch-black shadow stood not far behind him like a ghost, dead silent.

I don't know when it appeared, Li Mubai didn't even notice it.

He was taken aback.

"You... are you Chio?"

After settling on the frightened mind, Li Mubai asked with a frown.

However, the shadow in the darkness looked at him coldly, without the slightest heat in his eyes.

On the contrary, a crystal clear and delicate dagger slowly fell down.

In the air, there was suddenly a dangerous aura.

Li Mubai's brows furrowed even tighter.

"You're not Chio... Who the hell are you?"

If it was Chio Suzumiya, he wouldn't be facing him with a blade.

At least Li Mubai had this confidence.

So who is the person in front of you?

"Who are you? I ask you, who are you! Who are you? Why are you attacking us one after another? Talk to you! Are you dumb?"

Li Mubai shouted angrily, looking extremely angry.

However, in secret, he dispersed his mental power and controlled everything that could be controlled around him.

That loud shouting and scolding, just to hide the rustling of small objects moving slowly in that corner in the dark.

This time, the figure in the darkness finally raised his head.

Under the hood that was taken off, there appeared a face that Li Mubai was familiar with.

The icy eyebrows, the ruthless eyes, and the cold face seem to be a robot without the slightest emotion.

It was such a girl who appeared in front of Li Mubai.

Chio Suzumiya...

"Li Mubai, I'm here to find you," the girl named Qianxu Suzumiya said calmly and indifferently, her indifferent expression still did not fluctuate.

There is no enthusiasm for reuniting after a long absence, no excitement for seeing each other again, there is only a dead silence and coldness like a thousand years of cold pools.

The atmosphere in the alley seemed to freeze.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Li Mubai's face showed an expression of disbelief.

"Chio?! Why did you..."

After regaining his composure, Li Mubai recovered from his astonishment.

He took a deep breath and looked at the girl in front of him, frowning slightly.

"Qianxu, it's really you...why? It turns out that you've been attacking Qingqing and Xu Rou? Why did you do this? What happened? Why did you attack them?"

The girl looked at him blankly and said calmly and indifferently.

"because of you."

"Because of me?" Li Mubai's face was slightly stunned, "Because of me, you attacked Xu Rou Qingqing and the others? Why?"

The girl looked at him coldly and said, "You said that you will take care of me for the rest of your life. That is the so-called marrying me, but you betrayed your oath, you were with other women, you betrayed me , I betrayed my trust in you, so I'm going to kill those women, that's all, very simple."

Li Mubai's teeth were sour, "Even so, it's my fault, right? Why do you want to take anger on innocent people? Why do you want to hurt Qingqing and the others? It's not necessary at all!"

Chio Suzumiya stared at him with cold eyes.

"No, of course it is necessary, and it is very necessary."

She looked at Li Mubai with an indifferent expression and said, "You betrayed me, but I can't kill you. Because if you kill you, no one will take care of me. So I can only kill those women who get in the way, kill them, No one will rob me, and you will no longer have the idea of ​​betrayal."

"Because all those women who wanted to pester you have been killed by me, and you have no goal if you want to betray me," Chio Suzumiya said coldly, "The only way is to cure your fascination from the source. That is If you like someone, I'll kill one, until you don't dare to like other women anymore."

Li Mubai heard it loudly. Although he knew that this girl was a little different from ordinary people before, he often felt a little careless.

But in the previous interactions, Li Mubai didn't realize that the other party would be so extreme... He actually regarded murder as the only way to solve the problem. Are you the legendary country quack doctor?Headache beheaded, foot pain beheaded?

Li Mubai looked helpless, "Qianxu, your thinking is wrong. Killing is not the only way to solve the problem, you shouldn't be so extreme!"

Chio Suzumiya looked at him coldly and said.

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