Li Mubai received a call from the store manager.

But he didn't pick up.

He knew that because of his assassination of Park Zhengtai tonight, it was already muddy water outside.

But Li Mubai didn't care, or that these were what he expected, or even what he needed.

Because of the Pillar of the Gods, if Li Mubai didn't want to go to the United States, he would definitely have to stay in China, where the Pillar of the Gods was the weakest.

However, the top management or some members of the [-]st round didn't have a good opinion of him, Li Mubai, and there was no goodwill at all. Li Mubai had long felt this.

Unlike others, he has no backer to rely on for protection.At present, Mr. Luo and Miss Dian Zhang are the only ones who have released goodwill to him, and they don't know how long their goodwill can last.

Li Mubai would never leave his fate to others to control.

If he wants to live in the country for a long time in the future, then it is time to shine his fangs.

If everyone regards him as weak and can be bullied, everyone will feel that bullying him has no worries and costs, and then all kinds of oppression will come later.

Only by showing his fangs and showing his ferocity can those who want to hurt him stay away, and before every action, consider whether the price is worth it.

Taizu said that if unity is sought through struggle, unity will survive, and if unity is sought through concession, unity will perish.

Blindly compromise and concessions will not bring peace and friendship.

Li Mubai had to let those people in the country who looked down on him and harbored malice towards him know that he, Li Mubai, was not a soft persimmon that everyone could squeeze.Forcing him in a hurry, he won't sell anyone's face!

Taking a deep breath, Li Mubai lay down on the big soft bed.

Looking at the ceiling above his head, the expression on his face looked a little tired.

But life is not an easy and simple thing.

And now this pool of water in Hong Kong is completely muddled by him.

What will happen next depends on the follow-up.

What Li Mubai needed was to fetch chestnuts from the fire.

At the very least, protect the people you value from harm.

PS: I'm going to the hospital tomorrow, and I'm ready for surgery... tsk tsk tsk, I hope to meet a beautiful nurse, not a terrible aunt

Chapter 230 Let's Sleep in a Room Tonight

The morning sun fell on Li Mubai's face.

When he opened his sleepy eyes, he saw a man sitting beside the bed.

The familiar smirk and cynical playful expression stopped Li Mubai's subconscious attack.

"How did you come?"

Sitting up and rubbing his face, Li Mubai asked, "When did you touch my room?"

Fang Tianhang grinned, "Ten minutes ago."

Li Mubai glanced at him, "You watched me sleep for ten minutes? Are you gay?"

Fang Tianhang rolled his eyes, "You are gay, and your whole family is gay. It's okay for me to go to your room in ten minutes, but I'm only here now, okay? What powers have you awakened today? How do I feel from How long is the road from the door to here?"

Li Mubai frowned and thought for a while, then sensed it for a while, and said, "Illusion-like superpowers... It seems that the power was activated inadvertently when he had a nightmare."

Fang Tianhang blew a whistle, "This shows that your practice has not been diligent recently, and your ability has lost control when you sleep... Obviously, after the seal is lifted, your ability has grown faster than you can control. You are in danger now. Young people, if you don’t want to work hard and exercise hard, you will have to get out of the basket sooner or later. For example, if you awaken a superpower that penetrates walls, it activates it inadvertently when you sleep, and it falls from a building with dozens of floors all the way to the magma in the center of the earth… tsk tsk… ... Boy, do you want me to book a crematorium for you in advance?"

Li Mubai rolled his eyes and checked the time, it was nine twenty in the morning.

He got out of bed in a nightgown, "This topic is not discussed in a hurry, let me ask you a question - what are you doing in Hong Kong?"

Fang Tianhang smiled, "It's not me, it's us."

"You guys? Fang Tianhang?" Li Mubai asked, looking at the man across from him in amazement, "What are you doing here in Hong Kong? So many people?"

Fang Tianhang blew a whistle, "This is a military secret. Before you came, the eldest sister told me that military secrets must not be told to you, lest you mess up."

Then the guy winked and laughed wickedly, "But to be honest, Li Mubai, was it you who blew up Park Zhengtai's car last night? You are very capable, although you didn't kill that guy, you made Emperor Dongming feel uncomfortable. Disgraced, it's really a bad breath."

Li Mubai smiled and said nothing, neither admitting nor refuting.

He walked into the bathroom in his nightgown, washed his face and brushed his teeth.

Fang Tianhang came over, leaned against the door, whistled and watched Li Mubai wash his face and brush his teeth, and said, "In addition, based on our friendship for so many years, I have a good news for you, Xu Rou has left Hong Kong and returned to the mainland. , just after six o'clock this morning, took our plane back. She asked me to say goodbye to you. "

Li Mubai's movements paused, "Xu Rou left? So fast?"

Fang Tianhang shrugged, "Why don't you leave earlier and keep it? Wait for Lin Zeyu's southeast theater to ask for trouble?"

Li Mubai raised his head, "Lin Zeyu? Southeast Theater? Aren't they also from the [-]st round? Why did you want to trouble Xu Rou?"

Fang Tianhang sighed silently, "Haven't you heard a word, kid? There are no factions in the party, and there are all kinds of strange things. Lin Zeyu is right in the [-]st round, but he is from the Southeast Theater. He is not the same as us. , Xu Rou leaked their confidential information to cause trouble for you, disrupted their plans, and almost killed Park Zhengtai... You said that Lin Zeyu can be good? Not to mention there is a Park who was almost killed and was waiting for revenge. Zhengtai is over, Xu Rou doesn't leave and is caught by someone?"

Li Mubai coughed, "Don't talk nonsense, who said that Xu Rou leaked the information to me? Don't listen to the wind and rain, and put the shit in the pot."

Fang Tianhang smiled helplessly, "It's all this time, is it interesting?"

Li Mubai continued to wash his face, ignoring him.

Fang Tianhang looked at his back and sighed, "Look at you, how can you be as relaxed and free as you used to be? All day long, I'm trying to deceive me and try to assassinate the other. Isn't this kind of life interesting? Don't you think it's fun? It's more fun for Liangcheng to flirt with your little girlfriends of different styles?"

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