An old man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Li, are you still in Liangcheng? Do you have time to have a cup of tea together and chat with me, the lousy old man?"

"Uh...this...I'm sorry, Wang Xiao, I'm in Hong Kong now," Li Mubai said. "If you have anything to do, just say it on the phone. I'm listening."

The old man on the other end of the phone was a little surprised.

"You went to Hong Kong? When did it happen?"

"I only arrived a few days ago," Li Mubai explained with a smile, "Aren't I free to do anything now? So I'm here with my friends for a trip. Does the royal school need to buy it? I'll bring you a few tins of milk powder. ?"

The old man on the other end of the phone laughed, "Why do I buy milk powder as an old man? Anyway, since you are traveling in Hong Kong, you should have fun, it's rare to go out, just take this opportunity to relax and open your eyes. . But Hong Kong is fun, but don't forget to come back. The school starts soon, don't miss the registration time for the school, your students are waiting for you."

Hearing these words, Li Mubai's expression froze slightly, as if he had thought of something.

Then he laughed, very fake, very hypocritical.

"Headmaster, you're joking. You seem to have forgotten that I'm no longer a teacher. Where can I get a student? Whether the school starts or not... It seems that it has nothing to do with me at all."

The old man on the other end of the phone sighed softly and said.

"Little Li, you have resentment in your heart when something like that happened, and we all understand it. But you can't be angry... If you lose a good teacher like you, it will be a loss for all of us. You are also reluctant to bear it. You students...if you don't continue to take them, they will definitely be very sad."

There was a sneer on Li Mubai's mouth, "Headmaster, you seem to have forgotten how they did it back then... and to be honest, now it's not a question of whether I can go back, but whether I can go back? Has it come to light?"

"Of course," said the old man on the other end of the phone, "I said it at the beginning. In any case, I will definitely return your innocence. Now that everything has come to light, it has been proved that you have been wronged, and it is time for you to come back. ."

Principal Wang continued, "I have communicated with Teacher Liu from Class [-]. Jiang Xinlan will be transferred to their class after school starts, and you will continue to come back and take Class [-]. I have already communicated with Jiang Xinlan's parents about this matter. , they all agreed."

After being silent for a while, Li Mubai asked slowly, "Then, Principal, let me ask one last question, since my innocence has been proved, how did the initiator of the incident deal with it? No punishment, right?"

Principal Wang said, "To correct Zhai Qian, who slandered you, we have decided to expel the accomplice. Jiang Xinlan will record a major demerit, and the whole school will report criticism. This is a decision we made after consultation. Do you have anything to add?"

Li Mubai thought about it and said, "I can come back, but I want to revoke the punishment against Zhai Qian, the school only needs to punish Jiang Xinlan. And Jiang Xinlan doesn't need to change classes, let her stay in the second class, I will come back to continue teaching She. If I can, then I'll report back when school starts."

Principal Wang on the other end of the phone was a little stunned, "Revocation of Zhai Qian's punishment? Jiang Xinlan continues to stay in the second class? Teacher Li, you... Are you sure you have considered it clearly?"

The corners of Li Mubai's mouth twitched slightly, and he sneered, "Of course."

Wherever you fall, you must stand up.

If I really want to go back this time, Jiang Xinlan... hum hum...

Li Mubai sneered and said, "I want to continue teaching them."

Chapter 251 Qianxu's Transaction (Three Updates)

After Li Mubai's request was finished, Principal Wang on the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

In the end, he said helplessly, "Mr. Li, don't be impatient."

Li Mubai's reply was very flat, even with a smile.

"Trust me, principal, do I look like someone who can do things with anger? If I don't have full confidence, I won't mess around."

Qingqing, who was on the side, muttered, "Does it mean that there will be chaos if you are completely sure?"

Li Mubai couldn't help but glared at her.

After finally reaching a consensus with President Wang, Li Mubai hung up the phone.

Then lying on the hospital bed, he let out a long breath, and Li Mubai smiled.

"I found a job again hahaha... how is it? Qingqing, are you happy?"

Qingqing glared at him and said, "Uncle, tell me honestly, do you want to go back and take revenge? At the beginning, you stopped me from messing with me, and I didn't care about it. What else did you say, 'We can't take it with you? Violence and violence, you must convince people with virtue. Now you plan to go back and take revenge? It's too much, uncle, only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light the lights?"

Li Mubai looked at her with a smile on his face, pinched the little girl's cheek happily, and said, "What is revenge? Your uncle, am I like that? Don't forget, I'm a people's teacher, teaching and educating Talent is my duty. Students make mistakes, it is my duty to lead them back to the right path, and my motto is to never give up any student. Public revenge or something... Am I that kind of person? Hahahaha... "

Amidst Li Mubai's wild laughter, Qingqing rolled her eyes, "You will be a ghost if you believe what you say, bad uncle."

The two laughed for a while and continued to play games.

Li Mubai was in a good mood after receiving this call from Principal Wang.

He even couldn't wait to fight back now, and then stood on the podium and shouted "I, Hu Hansan, is back again hahaha".

And I especially wanted to see how ugly the expression on Jiang Xinlan's girl's face was.

Probably this is called schadenfreude, building one's own happiness on the misery of others?

But why so happy?

Li Mubai thought with a smile on his face, without any embarrassment at all.

After all, that girl Jiang Xinlan did a bit too much at the beginning, and Li Mubai was very excited now planning how to avenge the original "revenge" after returning.

Humph... If you want to drive me away, of course you have to pay the price.

The villain Li Mubai was as successful as he was, and he had already started planning his own revenge.

He Qingqing stayed in the ward until the afternoon, when Qingqing went to the bathroom, a figure suddenly flashed outside the window.

Then, a girl named Chio Suzumiya walked in with a blank face.

Li Mubai, who was playing a game, was startled and almost didn't jump up.

"Fuck...Fuck! Chio, is it you? Why are you here?"

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