As for a better future, we can only hope for future generations...



Fang Tianhang put down the stone in his hand and looked at Li Mubai with a strange expression.

"When did you get this stone?"

"Just last night, Luo Yongxiang gave it to me," Li Mubai said, "how is it? Is this the original stone?"

"Yes, but..." Fang Tianhang's expression was very strange.

Li Mubai was a little confused, "But what?"

"...This original stone seems to be abolished," Fang Tianhang said, looking at Li Mubai up and down with a suspicious expression, "By the way, when you took the stone, was this stone just like that?"

"Uh... what are you referring to?" Li Mubai was at a loss, not knowing what the other party meant.

Fang Tianhang sighed and said, "Although this stone is the original stone, I tested it just now and found that the energy inside the stone has been exhausted... This is very abnormal. You must know what the original stone contains. The peculiar energy is very massive, even if it is radiated for hundreds of years, it will not be exhausted, but the original stone in front of me is obviously depleted of energy, and there is not much energy left..."

Fang Tianhang said, and glanced at Li Mubai, "When you got it, didn't you feel anything wrong with it? Generally speaking, as long as you are capable, you can easily perceive that the original stone is constantly radiating outward. It's invisible energy, right? But now the energy of this stone is obviously sucked dry, and I can't feel its external radiation anymore... When you got this stone, was it already like this?"

Li Mubai's heart skipped a beat.

Indeed, when he first got the Primordial Stone, he could feel the invisible energy that was constantly radiating outward.But half an hour ago, the energy that was constantly radiating out disappeared inexplicably.

At first he thought it was a normal phenomenon, but it turned out to be because the energy in the stone was sucked up and exhausted?

But in the past few hours, no one but him has touched this stone at all.

Why is the energy of this stone inexplicably depleted?

It can't be sucked by me...

Li Mubai remembered the source of his superpower, and it was because he absorbed a primordial stone that he became what he is now.

So, do you have the physique to absorb the energy of the original stone?

Li Mubai was fascinated by his thoughts, but did not speak for a long time, and Fang Tianhang became more and more suspicious.

"Hey, Lao Li, tell me honestly, what did you do? Did you lose the energy in this stone?"

Li Mubai came back to his senses and denied it immediately, "How could it be possible! It was like this when I got it, who knows who lost its energy, it wasn't me who did it anyway, it has nothing to do with me, you can't take it away. Sewage splashed on me."

Fang Tianhang glanced at him, "You really didn't do it?"

"Of course," Li Mubai said with a straight face, "it has nothing to do with me."

Fang Tianhang glared at him for a long time, and finally he could only curl his lips and said, "Forget it, anyway, this stone is scrapped, and it is basically worthless. Give it to me first, I will take it back and turn it in, maybe there may be some research value. ."

Then he squinted at Li Mubai and said, "Is it okay for you to take the stone away?"

Li Mubai smiled all over, "No opinion, no opinion, take it if you like it, who are we with whom?"

"Cut..." Fang Tianhang cut, and couldn't help laughing after thinking about it, "Okay, I'll take that stone first. But don't worry, I'm not trying to cheat you, you sell this stone to you. Our... um, do you want cash or transfer?"

How much is a broken stone worth?

Li Mubai thought about it in his heart and shook his head, "When talking about money hurting feelings, they said I gave it to you. What kind of money are you giving? You don't need to give it."

Fang Tianhang stood up with the box in his hand, "That's not good, one yard is one yard, what should be given is still given, I can't cheat you. Don't look at this broken stone, but it is also a meteorite from outside the sky, anyway. It's still worth some money... I'll have someone evaluate the price later, and then convert the money into an equivalent gift for you. Since you don't want the money, you can't refuse the gift from your brother, right?"

Li Mubai was about to finish speaking, but Fang Tianhang had already slipped away.

"It's settled so happily, I'll go back first. You can go back to Liangcheng after playing for two days. What Xu Rou is looking forward to is your elementary school girl. Liangcheng has a lot of beauties waiting for you. Happy to go home hahahaha…”

In Fang Tianhang's cheerful laughter, Li Mubai was speechless.

After watching this grandson leave, Li Mubai couldn't help shaking his head.

Ah, which pot should not be mentioned, he finally cleaned up here in Hong Kong for a few days, why does he have to remind him of these bad things... eh... beautiful women are fiercer than tigers, fiercer than tigers.

Looking back at Qingqing, who had been silent by the bed, Li Mubai looked innocent.

"Qingqing, why are you looking at me like this? Do I have flowers on my face?"

Qingqing glared at him and hummed heavily.

"I'm embarrassed to say that, I ran around before the injury was healed, and now my condition has worsened and I have to continue to be hospitalized...Are you happy?"

Viciously peeling the apple in her hand, the girl gnashed her teeth as if she was holding the apple in front of Li Mubai, "This time, if you run around until you are healed, I will castrate you! Let's see if you still run!"

Li Mubai grabbed his legs subconsciously, and his back felt cold.

It seems that Qingqing is very resentful about his privately running out of the hospital before...

But no matter how resentful he is, there are many times when he is helpless.

With a helpless sigh, Li Mubai looked at the sky outside the window.

This trip to Hong Kong is really not a pleasant trip.

But at least for now, I can finally calm down for a while.

It's almost time to go back.

As Fang Tianhang said, there are still several girls waiting for him in Liangcheng...

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