The person outside the door said respectfully, "Since your last awakening, nothing major has happened in the past month, and the international situation is very stable. Except for Aden, the remaining four pillars of the five pillars of the pillar of the gods. The gods are currently vying for the position of leader. The four major factions are inextricably fighting. The interior of the Pillar of the Gods can now be said to be a mess, and there is no time to take care of themselves. The rest of the organizations have not responded at all, and are all waiting for the Pillar of the Gods. A new leader will emerge from the battle."

"What about Aden?" the old man in the dark asked hoarsely. "He didn't participate in the power struggle. Where did he go?"

"Aden's current whereabouts are erratic. Since he fled from our territory, he has appeared in more than a dozen countries such as Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Afghanistan, Egypt, Kenya, Ethiopia, etc. for more than half a month, almost every day. Staying in different countries, our escaping team could only follow behind him, exhausted, but couldn't find out his specific whereabouts," the person outside the door reported.

"Is that so..." The old man in the door said slowly, "Try to keep an eye on him, Aden is a very difficult person, you must figure out his purpose as soon as possible. It is also necessary to make him give up the fight for the leadership position. What you do must be unusual..."



Near the equator, the African savannah.

The scorching sun hung high in the sky and scorched the earth, and the galloping beasts stirred up the dust on the grassland.

Less than three minutes after a cheetah slaughtered an antelope, a pack of hyenas surrounded it.

After a few minutes of confrontation between the two sides, the cheetah could only hate the prey it had caught and fled.

And the dead antelope lay there bloodstained, completely unqualified to decide his own belonging.

Seeing such a scene with a telescope, Aden on the hill shook his head and handed the telescope to the person beside him.

"Although the weak and the strong can survive, the hyena is really unpleasant... A villain who doesn't do anything about production or hunting, and only loves to snatch the results of other people's hunting. Living is simply a mockery of the so-called gods. If there really are gods in this world, how can such vicious creatures be allowed to multiply and grow?"

Beside him, a dark-skinned black man grinned, showing his white teeth.

Aden glanced back at him, "Samael, what are you laughing at? Do you think my opinion is ridiculous?"

Samael, the legendary seven monarchs of hell, the terrifying demon king in the mythological code, is now a black man-of course, he is not the real demon Samael.

Samael is just his name.

The name of one of the Five Pillars of Gods.

Just as Aton's original name was not Aton, Samuel originally had his own name.

But after he became the Five Pillars of the Pillars of the Gods, it didn't matter what his original name was.

Since then, he has only had one title.

That's Samuel...

In the face of Aden's question, Samuel smiled brightly, "I really appreciate the art of living of hyenas. They haunt in groups and wait for opportunities. They oppress the weak and get the food they need to survive. In the face of strong enemies, they retreat decisively. , they prove once again that only smart people deserve to live in this world... don't they?"

Aden glanced at him, "People must have some bottom line and ideas to live, right? If they have no bottom line like a hyena, what value and meaning can such a person create even if they live to the end of their lives? It's just a large incombustible lump. It's just rubbish."

The two looked at each other and fell into a strange silence.

A gust of wind blows, and the hill here is awkward and silent.

After a while, Samuel grinned and said, "Why are we discussing this? I didn't come to you today to discuss the meaning of life with you, I came to ask you for help... how? About me Are you interested in what I just mentioned?"

Aden looked at him sideways and shook his head, "I'm sorry, please forgive me for refusing. I'm not interested in any of you being the boss, I won't interfere in this matter, but please don't harass me, this is Did you agree from the beginning?"

Samuel smiled, and frowned at Aden in a very indifferent manner, looking extremely wretched, "The decision can be changed... Come on, come on, give your conditions. I don't believe you don't need anything. where I help."

Aden looked up at the sky and sighed long, probably very speechless.

——Maybe he also felt that the people around him were too annoying.

Finally, he made a request.

"Well, there is a very powerful man named Qin Hao in China. I am very interested in this gentleman. If you can invite this gentleman to see me, I will promise to help you... How about it?"

After speaking, Aden also gave Samuel a meaningful look, "But let me remind you first, this Mr. Qin Hao is very powerful."

Samuel grinned, "No problem, leave it to me!"

Obviously, he didn't listen to what Aden said in the last sentence.

Or rather, I didn't care if I heard it...

In this regard, Aden didn't say a word, just gave him a deep look and smiled strangely.


"Then deal."

Chapter 260 Before

The sky at the institute was a strange dark blue.

It is a dome made of special materials, which can isolate all signals and detection.

As long as you enter this area, most of the communication tools will completely fail, and almost all contact with the outside world will be cut off.

Occasionally, however, the researchers of these institutes will also come out with one or two freaks, and develop some interesting little things to decorate the interior of the institute.

For example, this special dome originally only added the function of signal isolation, but later a researcher from Hawaii thought that the dome was too monotonous and not cool enough, so he added a function to the dome to synchronize with the outside world.

When night falls, the dome will appear full of stars like the real night sky. At first glance, it really has a peculiar beauty.

Later, there were other researchers who learned something similar, and everyone made a similar transformation to the dome.

So later this dome added a lot of messy functions.

For example, precipitation, snow, firepower, automatic detection of enemy situation, pregnancy test, blower...etc.

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