I, Become a God, a New World
Page 627
"Father's taste is still so weird..." Shaking her head, Karen seemed to be quite sensitive to Kotomine Kirei's eating, and made another meaningless complaint.
"Sakura, right? Let's eat..." Calmly picked up another bland dish for Matou Sakura, Karen gestured to her, and then started her own lunch time.
Matou Sakura didn't speak, just stared at Karen's cheek for a long time without saying a word, and then moved her hands silently.
The tastes of Kallen and Matou Sakura are relatively normal, or only Kotomine Kirei's taste is relatively strange.
Claudia also seemed to understand very well, so she only made a plate of this mapo tofu, which is full of portion and spicy, which can satisfy her husband.I also took care of my daughter's taste and made a lot of light...
Father Mapo deserves to be Father Mapo. Except for Mapo Tofu, I have basically never seen him eat other dishes. It seems that someone will argue with him...
Kotomine Kirei closed his eyes and calmed down after finishing his own rice and exclusive mapo tofu in a whirlwind.
"In the next few days, Shichen and I may disappear for a week or two, so you don't need to prepare for me..." Looking at Karen and Claudia calmly, Kotomine Kirei still gave an explanation, Hope they both worry.
Moreover, the term used was not that of a teacher, but a direct name of Tosaka Tokiomi.
"Has the fourth time already started... Don't worry, Sakura and Karen, I will take care of it... Kirei, remember to come back..." Claudia seemed to know a thing or two, holding Kotomine Ki Li touched it with his hand and smiled softly.
"En." Without saying any vows, Kotomine Kirei and Claudia nodded, making their own promise.
"Are you going to hurry back, then see you next time..." Looking at the clock on the wall, Claudia sighed rather reluctantly, but after all, she didn't make any reservations.
In fact, she and Kallen don't often get together with Kotomine Kirei, after all, because of the special nature of the two of them, Kotomine Kirei cannot meet them in public.
And Claudia and Karen also understood very well, didn't have any complaints, and treated him as always.
"...After this time, I will take you and Karen to see father." Opening the door, Kotomine Kirei paused, left a heavy promise, and walked out.
According to the time, he should also go back to church...
Claudia looked at the door speechlessly, then smiled with mixed sorrow and joy, without words...
"Mother..." Karen called softly, then hugged Claudia and buried her in her arms.
Matou Ying finished her share without knowing when, silently watching this mother and daughter, this deformed family, without any words...
"Maiya, how is the situation?" Emiya Kiritsugu, who had just arrived at Einzbern Castle in Fuyuki City, stood at the window looking into the distance, took out a mobile phone, and contacted Maiya Konon.
Not far behind him was his wife Irisviel von Einzbern, and his Servant Saber who was eating...
"Kiritsugu, 45 minutes ago Kotomine Kirei was observed leaving Tosaka Tokiomi's house. Just 4 minutes ago, Kotomine Kirei happened to return to the church."
"Really, that's it, Maiya, come back for a moment... The rules of the Holy Grail War have been changed this time..." Hanging up the phone, Emiya Kiritsugu took out a cigarette, and smoked it deeply.
"Kotomine Kirei, this is the first time we have come into contact face-to-face..." Mumbling softly, Emiya Kiritsugu put out the cigarette he was only smoking, and walked towards his wife...
"It's still so pure, Ellie..."
And Emiya Kiritsugu's words once again confirmed the fact that this Mapo priest is abnormal...not normal at all...
This magic killer Emiya Kiritsugu actually knew the church priest Kotomine Kirei...
The situation is indeed the same, the Kotomine Kirei in this world has long been a different person, leaving only the concept of Kotomine Kirei as a person.
As early as the moment of his birth, Kotomine Kirei had stepped out of his original origin and headed towards a new unknown future.
He is a traveler, a visitor from outside the moon world...
Although he kept his paralyzed face and the essence of mapo tofu fanaticism, this Mapo priest didn't say anything about Mine Kirei at all...
Kotomine Kirei should be ignorant of emotions, should have no desires, or he himself has desires...
And all this has long been different...
Kotomine Kirei is no longer the original Mapo priest...
But what does that have to do with me being a happy tax dodger?
-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------
西历1950年,现象记录电脑使魔·拉普拉斯研究成功,迦勒底开始设立。西历1990年,拟似地球环境模型·迦勒底亚斯完成(试作一号)由于资金、材料不足,迦勒底亚斯的启动被放弃。西历1999年,近未来观测透镜·示巴完成。西历2000年,名为玛修·基列莱特的英灵融合素体在迦勒底开始了开发,自此诞生。西历2004年,马里斯比利,于某处成功进行英灵召唤并获得第五次圣杯战争的胜利,自此得到了充分的资金,迦勒底亚斯开始试运行,守护“英灵召唤系统·命运”。西历2005年,名为罗马尼·阿基曼的人类不知通过何渠道赴任迦勒底,成为了其中的相关人员,并且和当时所长保持着较良好的关系。西历2010年,守护英灵召唤,成功召唤出第二号,却被拒绝灵基发现,罗马尼·阿基曼也恰巧开始成为了玛修·基列莱特的主治医生。西历2012年,阿尼姆斯菲亚所长,死亡。守护英灵第三号被召唤出来却拒绝缔结御主关系,作为落单从者留存下来,其名为达芬奇。西历2013年,新所长奥尔加玛丽·亚斯密雷特·阿尼姆斯菲亚,赴任迦勒底,继承父亲的意志。西历2014年,玛修·基列莱特,已经14岁,开始作为迦勒底的职员露面,并且工作,自始至终从未离开过迦勒底。西历2015年,灵子演算装置·特里斯墨吉斯忒斯完成。西历2016年,迦勒底亚斯观测到的文明灯火消失,也是这一年,玛修·基列莱特遇到了一名名为藤丸立香的平凡御主,和她成为了友人。但,刚刚收获的珍惜情感的玛修·基列莱特,却是遭遇到了生命的危险……人烟罕至的南极大陆,一座巨大的研究所突然燃烧起了熊熊浓烟,还炸出来不小的火花……这是为了能够使人类历史能悠久而又强韧地延续下去,不分魔术、科学,集聚了各领域的研究者的研究所兼观测所。它观测这个仅靠魔术则无法窥全貌,而仅靠科学又无法衡全盘的世界。它正是为了防止人类灭绝,各国共同建立的特务机构。就在这一天,迦勒底事发了……迦勒底的至宝阿尼姆斯菲亚突然蔓延开来危险的火焰,变得通红了起来,似乎就要爆炸一样…… “哈……呼……哈……”长长地喘息着,在阿尼姆斯菲亚面前,玛修擦了擦流血的伤口,剧烈地喘息了起来。 “这……这是怎么回事……为什么阿尼姆斯菲亚会这样,人理……”呆滞地看着眼前不复平静的阿尼姆斯菲亚,玛修十分不愿意相信。而迦勒底亚斯的广播也开始紧急运转了起来: 「系统灵子转移进入最终阶段。坐标公元2004年1月30日日本冬木」 「拉普拉斯进行传送保障已成立,为特异点追加因子位已确保。」 「反召唤系统,请御主进行最终调整。」听着广播的声音,玛修怔怔出神,最终只汇做一声长叹:“……啊……”也即是在这一刻,橘红色短发穿着白色迦勒底制服的女子匆匆跑了过来…… “振作一些,玛修,我马上救你!”焦急地说着,名为藤丸立香的女子上前撑住了玛修的身体,眼中的担心跃然脸上。 “……不,不用了……我已经……没救了,倒是前辈你……快逃吧……”感受着浑身糟糕的状态,玛修苦笑了一下,对着藤丸立香摇了摇头。而藤丸立香也是后知后觉地看向了阿尼姆斯菲亚,迦勒底的地球人理模型观测…… “……”呆呆地看着赤红的阿尼姆斯菲亚,藤丸立香脸色十分难堪。来到迦勒底,她自然是明白这是什么东西的,也不敢相信会发生这种变故……明明,明明只是一场意外的火灾而已……可迦勒底的系统广播却是给藤丸立香浇了一身冷水,告诉了她残酷的事实: 「警告观测成员,迦勒底亚斯的状态发生变化。」 「示巴的近未来观测数据已改写。」 [在近未来百年后的地球上,无法发现人类的痕迹。] 「无法确认人类的生存无法保障人类的未来。」听着广播的声音,玛修又一次摇了摇头看向了通道,十分苦涩地叹息着:“迦勒底亚斯...变得鲜....不,....重要的...是……” 「中央隔离墙已封锁,距离馆内清洗开始还剩180秒。」随着广播声的响起,整个筐体都封闭了起来,玛修与藤丸立香已经没有出路了……玛修闭上了眼睛,也是绝望了:“前辈,隔离墙...关闭了,已经......”反倒是藤丸立香点了点头,也似是释然了:“嗯,对啊。我们一样。”不管两人的心情如何,迦勒底的崩溃依旧在继续着,广播也没有停止: 「筐体内御主的生命体征未达到基准值,灵子转移未满足规定人数。] [正在搜索符合条件的御..已发现。] 「将适任编号48藤丸立香重新设定为御主。」 「反召唤系统可启动......开始进行灵子转换。」听着广播的话语,玛修却是突然松了一口气,看向藤丸立香,眼中满是复杂的情感。既然前辈是御主人选的话……灵子转移,看来前辈还是有可能活下去的呢……嘴角扬起苦涩的弧度,玛修带着期待和请求的眼神看向了藤丸立香:“请问……前辈,能够……握住我的手吗?” [灵子转移”倒计开始,3!]藤丸立香稍稍一怔,但也是听着广播反应了过来,不甘地看向了玛修。 [2!]藤丸立香对这个让人怜惜的少女伸出了自己的手…… [1!]手已经越来越近了……碰到了……马上就要碰到了……视线逐渐空白了起来,藤丸立香的感官也是骤然停止…… “玛修!”不知道自己到底有没有触碰到那只手,藤丸立香在意识停滞前再度喊出了玛修·基列莱特的名字……而玛修也是差不多,她也并不知道前辈有没有握到,只是感受着身体的痛苦遗憾地闭上了眼睛……就在意识将要消散之际,她突然猛地睁开了眼睛……一股温暖的力量蔓延了全身,减缓了她的不适。在她那白茫茫的视线之中,似乎看到了一人一兽的身影…… “芙芙……”轻声呢喃着,玛修似乎有点不堪置信,倒是认出来了那小兽的身份。而那另一道身影,却是完全没有印象…… “睡吧,就当做一场梦好了……玛修。”轻柔的声音落下,玛修虽然没有听过芙芙说人话,却直觉脑海中的声音就是芙芙的……但她已经顾不上这么多了,因为她的感知又要消失了……弥留之际,她只记住了那最后一句如梦似幻的话语…… “那么再见了,根源大人……”视线的最后,玛修只能够模糊地看到芙芙跳离开了另一道身影旁边,而那个身影也是一瞬间消失了…… “唔……”感觉着脑海剧痛无比,玛修下意识地摸了上去,然后一怔…… “我……没死?”轻声呢喃着,玛修乏累地睁开了自己的眼睛,入眼的是一片璀璨的星空。 “……真美……”玛修情不自禁地感慨了起来,说实话,对于星空她只在书中看到过,这还是第一次亲身所见。 “等等……外,外面……这里不是迦勒底!”玛修猛地回过神来,打量了一下四周……不再是冰川,这是……山丘?而且……藤丸立香前辈也不在呐,难道被灵子转移的……不是前辈,反而是我吗?怀中复杂的情绪,玛修情不自禁地发起了呆。而她的态度,却是惊愕到了一旁看着她看了许久的小萝莉与幼女。 “那个,樱……你这是成了?”卡莲看着身旁一脸淡漠的间桐樱,微微瞪大了眼睛。本来她只是对自己父亲言峰绮礼所参加的圣杯战争以及英灵好奇而已,偶然听到间桐樱有所了解便带她去看了看父亲残留下来的召唤阵。没想到,间桐樱本就没有抱有希冀的在卡莲眼前的小玩闹居然真的召唤出来了英灵!这怎么可能! “……不,不是,我并没有令咒,她并不是我的英灵,而且根据雁夜叔叔说的,圣杯战争的七方御主应该早就已经确定并且召唤出场了才对……”摇摇头,间桐樱并没有什么特殊的情绪,只是呆呆地看着这个比卡莲好像也只大了几岁的少女,指了指她的手,“而且,你看……”不仅是卡莲,就连玛修也是顺着间桐樱所指的方向看了过去,只见到自己手上出现了三枚令咒。这三枚令咒玛修见过,这是迦勒底的理想令咒,但尚且还没有开始在预备御主中进行实用,也就是说只是概念上的存在……可现在,这不应该存在的令咒却是出现在了她这个并没有御主素质的生命身上…… “我……御主?”感觉到手上令咒热得发烫,玛修若有所感地看向了自己的脚下,那是一个阵图……按照她的阅历,这是迦勒底某些权限书籍上所记录的召唤阵,用来召唤从者的。可是,为什么会出现在这里,自己怎么成为御主了?来不及想这么多,玛修看着手上的令咒,默默地蹲下了身子将手按了上去。至于召唤的咏唱,她并不知道,她只是在根据心中的反应而行动罢了。体内一股暖暖的力量正在跃着,似乎是在欢迎着什么……而卡莲与间桐樱两人,一早就看呆了……这是前面情况,怎么召唤阵召唤出来个第八号御主?庞大的魔力骤然在玛修脚下爆裂开来,掀飞了玛修和卡莲、间桐樱三人。与此同时,几道身影在那魔法阵中显现了出来,也有两道身影飞窜出来接住了她们。 “……这是什么节奏,不是说好了的御主吗,我怎么成了从者,我还没死呢……”那是一个年轻俊郎的男子,此时的他心情似乎并不是多好,闭上眼睛感受着什么,在其背后是一个漂浮着的“幽灵”。这正是叶邪,本来按照幻夜小契他们所说,自己应该会成为额外御主才对,没想到居然成了servant。这也不算什么,当叶邪从小契那里了解到这次圣杯战争的改制时,脸上的表情那叫一个精彩。随手放下自己接住的卡莲与间桐樱,冲田总司打量了四周一下,便上前对叶邪询问了起来:“少主,怎么不见式,啊不,织小姐呢?” “织吗,她应该已经去观布子市了,不用担心她,这个世界上还没有几个能够威胁到她的。”叶邪闻言倒是不担心织的情况,毕竟她可是有根源在啊。 “很快织就会过来了,到时候式也应该会一起到了,就是不知道会是怎么一个回来法。” “……额,少主,你的意思是说,这里……是式小姐的原世界,式小姐也是异物了?”而冲田总司待梳理好叶邪话语的意思后就炸毛了!什么鬼,自己怎么会让这么一个危险因素接近少主! “她们是我家人,总司,注意点语气。”没好气地敲了冲田总司一下,叶邪对着同样已经回来的符华点头示意了一下。这次来型月,叶邪只带了符华、奥罗拉、冲田总司以及两仪织。言和原本也想来的,不过似乎是打算主动磨合一下家中女孩子们的关系,就告吹了原本的私欲。虽然言和说的很大义凛然,但叶邪总觉得她似乎有点忌惮型月世界,又或者说是有点尴尬不怎么敢面对式了。多种元素综合作用下,她甚至对于叶邪单独带了人去型月都无所谓了,估计等反应过来后肯定会后悔吧……自顾自地摇摇头,叶邪看了看自己先前从罗曼那里构造出来的令咒摇了摇头。现在的令咒不再仅仅是能够帮符华和奥罗拉补充力量那么简单了,他还感觉到了一股莫名亲密的联系。 “……嘛,你就是我的master吗,玛修·基列莱特?Caster ,在此宣告与汝达成契约。”看到玛修·基列莱特的出现,叶邪虽然也有点懵逼,但也是反应过来了,对着她示意了一下。而奥罗拉三女也是差不多,对着似乎是成了叶邪御主的玛修·基列莱特开始了自我介绍…… “女武神,符华,跟从舰长来此。” “冲田总司,少主的家臣。” “吾乃……”
Hanhan author has something to say_2 (I'm about to explode!)
Well, it's been a little over two weeks and I'm back.
This chapter specifically responds to the neglect of the comment area and the book. First of all, I am happy that there are finally good-hearted readers who can hate me in the comment area!
The eyes of the masses are sharp indeed!I have been displeased with myself for a long time!Especially the code text at this stage, the style is becoming more and more strange...
Do you still remember the black history code words in my first volume? It was full of dubious atmosphere, and the text after that became inexplicably semi-serious.
Even so, from the publication of this book to the present, I still have the cheek to vote for a total of about 100 recommendations for myself, well, about 1/17 are mine, I am really shameless.
To say that the protagonist is compelling, I don't even know that I wrote a stupid thing!Tell a bird story! (I wrote this book in a random way, without an outline, so it is super messy!)
There may be a few kind readers who said that my writing is not bad, thank you for your comfort, but I can’t stand myself who is so perfunctory and complacent!
So, readers who are still reading, and friends who have been patiently reading my book, please tell me in this chapter, please!
I want a beating from society!The more poisonous the better!Better wake me up!
I felt like I was dripping chili oil on my eyes!How did you write such a plot...
I'm serious!In the next time, I will continue to finish this black book with my stiff and serious style of writing, and try my best to make this book still readable by you.
And I also said in the comment area that the 5000 collections and building groups feel suspended, let’s start after a while, and then prepare the second book, I plan to focus on the rhythm of Honkai, Ship Girl, Knight, and Iris Layers fill in the mess of the first book.
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