Fortunately, Haruhi Suzumiya knew about her drawing of the book, even if the drawing and the live broadcast were seen by Haruhi Suzumiya, it didn't matter.

In less than five minutes, a desktop computer that had been disassembled into various accessories was restored to its proper form and appeared on the coffee table in the living room.

"Wow, I'm awesome!" Looking at the computer in front of him turning on normally, Heizumi Sagiri also said nervously, and then stretched a lot.

She stretched her body, which had no lines, into a large bow shape, and her not-so-big breasts also showed a distinct shape.

Then Heizumi Sagiri found that her outstretched hands were caught, and the next moment, the familiar cold touch came from her wrist again.

"Well, you have a great figure!" At the same time, there was Haruhi Suzumiya's smiling voice.

"You attacked again!" Even if she didn't look, Izumi Sagiri knew that she was handcuffed by Haruhi Suzumiya again...

Could it be that this guy Haruhi Suzumiya is now ready to start what she said before...

Don't, it's not even dinner time now, is it really okay to do this kind of thing during the day?

"I came right behind you, who told you to assemble the computer so attentively?" He replied amusingly, and Haruhi Suzumiya took Heizumi Sagiri's handcuffed hands and walked towards one of the rooms. past.

"I've already made the bed for you while you're installing the computer, so..." While saying this, Haruhi Suzumiya gently pushed Izumi Sagiri onto the big soft bed, and then he also He pressed it up and hugged the body Heizumi Sagiri was trying to struggle.

Then the heads of the two of them also leaned gently together, and they were attached to the ears of Izumi Sagiri. Haruhi Suzumiya finished her words in a low voice, "Are you ready, Sagiri-chan?"

Feeling the touch from his body, Heizumi Sawu's face turned slightly red, and the strength of his struggle gradually became smaller.

But she still didn't mean to give up resistance. After being silent for a while, she turned her head and looked at Haruhi Suzumiya with a serious expression: "Whatever you want, but if you do, I will not What do I owe you, then I won't let you live in my house."

Choose one of the two, either get on yourself or make a bed in your own home. This is the solution that Heizumi Sagiri thought about for a while.

Presumably Haruhi Suzumiya will not choose one, right?

"Huh? Only children would make such a boring choice. I want all of them." Then Haruhi Suzumiya gave her answer without hesitation, and then he hugged Heizumi Sagiri's right hand and quietly placed it on Sagiri. On his chest, he squeezed lightly.

It caused Heizumi Sagiri to make a strange sound.

Hey, there's something wrong with the script, coach?What should I do if Haruhi Suzumiya is unreasonable?

Wait... Haru Nippon Suzumiya is not a person who can reason with others... How could he forget about this...

Thinking of this, Heizumi Sagiri simply closed her eyes and said something. Since she can't resist, then enjoy it.

However, what Izumi Sagiri imagined did not happen. After she closed her eyes, she suddenly felt that the weight that had been pressing on her body disappeared.

"However, I'm not an unreasonable person, since you said so..." Then came the smiling voice of Haruhi Suzumiya, "Forget it today."

Sagiri, who closed her eyes, could not see the thick blush on Suzumiya Haruhi's face, she was still thinking about when Suzumiya Haruhi became so talkative.

"But that doesn't mean this is the end of the matter. Remember, you owe me a shot." Unfastening the handcuffs on Izumi Sagiri's hand, Haruhi Suzumiya didn't wait for her answer, just turned and left. Room.

ps: The third update~ a little later,

I'm also very desperate, there are too many things on the weekend emmm,

Then continue to ask for blades, tickets,

Chapter 11: Seems to have discovered some terrible secret

"So what the hell is it that I owe you a shot..." Seeing that the door of the turning room was gently closed, Heizumi Sagiri also whispered.

Why is Haruhi Suzumiya that I met so H?

But the problem doesn't seem to be a big one. As long as I attack Haruhi Suzumiya before she is going to find him to get back the debt, won't this matter be solved?

Thinking of this, Izumi Sagiri, who was still sorting out her messy clothes, also showed a confident smile on her face.

And soon the smile disappeared.

Although I have a good impression of Haruhi Suzumiya, but I don't like her, why should I attack her?

No matter how you want to fall in love with someone like Haruhi Suzumiya, it's not a good choice, right?

Willful, very willful, super willful, she can count her three shortcomings in an instant, not only that, this guy never knows what is going on in his mind, as soon as he thinks of something, he immediately takes action, completely ignoring the consequences...

When I watched anime, I thought that such a character was cute and interesting, but when I thought of falling in love with a girl with this character...

Heizumi Saya shivered coldly.

Sure enough, I still can't go after Haruhi Suzumiya, I just need to treat her as a good friend, let's forget about the next step. As for what Haruhi Suzumiya said, "I owe her a shot", this kind of thing will be delayed slowly. When he really has a girlfriend, presumably Haruhi Suzumiya won't say anything to make him repay the debt even if he messes up again?

Having decided what attitude to use to face Haruhi Suzumiya, Izumi Sagiri after finishing her clothes walked out of the room again.

There's still a lot to sort out.


With the joint efforts of the two, they finally packed up all the luggage before dinner, and threw away all the cardboard boxes for moving, and the whole room finally seemed to have a touch of home.

Although it still looks very simple, there is no TV on the opposite side of the sofa, the coffee table is empty, and the walls are blank, which makes people not feel warm at all.

For Sagiri, these are not unacceptable things. After all, there is a computer at home, but Haruhi Suzumiya obviously cannot accept such things.

Just after finishing packing, Sagiri was about to turn on the computer to play a thrilling flying chess game, when Haruhi Suzumiya pulled her up from her seat: "Are you a god?"


"Only gods don't eat."

"But I'm not hungry yet."

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