Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't say anything more, just picked up the phone while holding hands with Kai Wei, and asked Izumi Sagiri where the dinner was.

Hequan Sagiri chose a Chinese restaurant, which is very close to the hotel, and it only takes a minute or two to walk there.

It is worth mentioning that Izumi Sagiri booked another private room this time, and when Yukinoshita Yukino mentioned this, Haiwei also made fun of it in his heart.

The place where they eat now is far away from Izumi Sagiri's house, okay, why is it necessary to choose a private room?Obviously the last time the two of them ate together, they chose the window seat.

While complaining funny in his heart, Haiwei followed Yukinoshita Yukino to the restaurant that Izumi Sagiri had booked.

But what puzzled her was that after Yukinoshita Yukino came to the door, she stopped suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly stop, Haiwei also asked in puzzlement.

Judging from the name of the restaurant, they should be right. Izumi Sagiri also told them the number of the private room before, and now the two have just arrived at the entrance of the restaurant. What are they stopping for?

"Don't mention Izumi Sagiri later, and then pretend to be my girlfriend." Yukinoshita Yukino quickly explained without any intention of explaining to Kai Wei, and then dragged Kai Wei into the restaurant door.

Anyone who hears Yukinoshita Yukino's inexplicable words will probably look confused, and Haiwei is obviously no exception, but although she doesn't understand what's going on now, she doesn't intend to fight against Yukinoshita Yukino, after all She must have had her reasons for doing so.

It's impossible to get nervous all of a sudden.

Just when Hai Wei was thinking about what was going on, a girl with orange double ponytails and two bandages on her hands suddenly walked in front of the two of them.

"Student Yukinoshita? Why are you here?" Anyone who knew Yukinoshita would still be dressed like this, who else could it be except Ivanie Maria?

"Where I am has nothing to do with you, classmate Evanli, right?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked a little dissatisfied as she was usually at school, "It's you, Izumi who won't be with you on weekends Sagiri, what are you doing so far away?"

"Do you think I don't want to? What can I do if there is something at home..." She didn't care about Yukinoshita Yukino's harsh tone. Evanlie Maria was obviously used to it. While explaining, she also pointed Pointing to a table not far away.

There were several adults sitting at the dining table. According to Evanli Maria, they should be members of her family.

But this kind of thing is not important at all, what is important is the location of that table, which happens to be at the door of the private room booked by Izumi Sagiri...

ps: Ahem, yesterday I was a dove, and I went to see two movies with my friends, as usual, I will make up for it on 4-5 today.

By the way, Li Cha's aunt is really ugly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Speaking of... who is this?" After explaining her situation, Ivani Maria also shifted her gaze to Sonoda Umi who was next to Yukinoshita Yukino. It looks a little too intimate, and...

"I seem to have seen it somewhere before."

This can't be blamed on Ivanie Maria's gossip. You must know that Yukinoshita Yukino's usual image in school is that standard iceberg snow girl. Ivanie Maria has never seen her so close to anyone before. Woolen cloth.

"I used to be a school idol, but that should have been a long time ago, maybe you met at that time?" After listening to the conversation between Yukinoshita Yukino and Ivanari Maria just now, Sonoda Kaimi also agreed. He almost guessed the identity of the other party, and immediately explained a sentence in a panic.

There is no way, the other party is Izumi Sagiri's real girlfriend after all, although she doesn't know it yet, but now she and Yukinoshita Yukino are dating Izumi Sagiri without telling her...

If you don't panic, there will be ghosts.

"Muse?" Hearing Sonoda Kaimi's words, Evanli Maria stared at her for a while before realizing, "Are you Sonoda Kaimi?"

" really know me?" Hearing his name, Haiwei was also shocked. How many years have passed, and in these two days, he can meet two people who know him in a row...

"Ahem, I used to prefer to watch lovelive's games." Embarrassed, Emily Maria would never tell Umi, she actually met Umi from the book drawn by Izumi Sagiri, "So Sonoda-san and Yukinoshita-san are?"

She figured it out, although Sonoda Kaimi just knew her, but this person was obviously much easier to talk to than Yukino Yukino, so why did she ask Yukinoshita Yukino?If you have any questions, just ask Haiwei directly.

Anyway, the relationship between the two of them seems to be very good, and Haiwei should know everything he wants to ask.

"Us? Yukino is my girlfriend." With a light movement of Yukinoshita's hand, Hai Wei quietly took Yukinoshita's waist and hugged her in his arms.

Anyway, it was Xue Nai who said to let herself pretend to be her girlfriend, but it shouldn't matter to this extent.

Things were similar to what Hai Wei thought, after Yukinoshita Yukino was held in her arms, her delicate body just shook slightly, and she didn't make any unnecessary movements.

"...Um, are you here for a date today?" Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino with a strange look, Ivanari Maria didn't mean to doubt what Hai Wei said, but this is too incredible, right?

Yukinoshita Yukino, who is usually so cold in school, is already in love?And the object is actually a girl...

"I don't want others to know about this, so please don't tell others casually, Evanli." Yukinoshita Yukino, who couldn't take it anymore, nodded lightly after being stared at by Evanli Maria's weird eyes for a while. nod.

"Why should I agree to you? Is our relationship good?" Then Evanli Maria refused without hesitation.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino's request is actually not too much, and it's normal for her not to let others know, but she and she are not even friends, and it can even be said that they have enmity, why should she agree to such a thing?

"Then you mean to let your family know that you are in a relationship at school?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked indifferently as she looked at the table behind Ivanie Maria angrily.

Although she certainly wouldn't really tell Evanli Maria's family about this, it's okay to use it to threaten Evanli Maria.

"Forget it, I promise, but I can't guarantee that I won't tell Sagiri." It's fine if the person I'm in love with is a boy, Yukinoshita Yukino wants to tell her family and let her tell, Anyway, my family doesn't stop me from falling in love, but the object of my love is a girl...

Ivanli Maria really didn't dare to let her family know about this kind of thing now, no matter what, she would have to wait for a while, and tell them after her family got acquainted with Izumi Sagiri first.

Now introduce Izumi Sagiri, who is still a stranger to them, to them in this way, isn't it a death sentence?

"Her? No, if you tell her, doesn't it mean that the whole school knows? It's not like you don't know that guy has a grudge against me." Originally, Yukino Yukino wanted to say that it doesn't matter if you tell her, but the problem is that in Yi In Wanli Maria's eyes, she has a bad relationship with Izumi Sagiri, so it would be strange if she agreed?

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if Izumi Sagiri finds out about this matter, I have something against her, she dare not tell it." Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino, Kai Wei also looked at her as if something was wrong Speak up.

I can hear that Ivanli Maria next to her is not feeling well...

Why did Haiwei know Izumi Sagiri?It must be because I saw her notebook drawn by Izumi Sagiri. As for the reason she must be this matter.

In this case, Izumi Sagiri really dare not tell this matter...

But since Kai Wei knew that Izumi Sagiri drew her book, would she also know that Izumi Sagiri drew her girlfriend Yukinoshita Yukino's book too?

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