"What are you talking about? Does whether I go home today have anything to do with whether I go to school tomorrow?"

"Of course it has something to do with it!" Speaking of this, Nan Xiaoniao's face also showed a rare blush, but she didn't care, and after a slight pause, she continued, "You guys will definitely come tonight Let's make trouble until midnight, I will go to work tomorrow if you don't go to school!"

"It's okay, Haiwei said that the soundproofing effect of this apartment is very good." Xiaoniao and Izumi Sagiri have also thought about the problem mentioned by Xiaoniao, but after Haiwei said that, she has nothing to worry about, and she is also directly facing Nanxiao at this time. Bird explained, "So don't worry, it won't affect you."

"So that's not the problem at all!" Speechlessly, Izumi Sagiri glanced at Haiwei, and Nan Xiaoniao really couldn't stand the two of them, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about you, I'm going to take a bath."

She doesn't care if she can go to work tomorrow or not, and she doesn't care if she hears strange noises from the next door in the middle of the night, but the question is, can these two guys consider how they feel about being single?

Even if you can't hear the voice from the next door, it's still hard to think of two girls doing that kind of thing next door, okay?

And one of them is one of his best friends.

But after thinking about it, Nan Xiaoniao still didn't say these words. After all, Haiwei is her good friend. If she can't let her show her affection, who else can make them show it?

Thinking of this, Nan Xiaoniao also silently returned to her room, found a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

It's better for me to take a shower and go to bed early, maybe I can fall asleep before those two guys start.


"Ah, these two guys! I'm so mad." It turned out that Nan Xiaoniao was overthinking. She was used to going to bed after ten o'clock in the evening. She couldn't fall asleep even if she lay on the bed after taking a bath, and then It didn't take long for all kinds of strange sounds to sound from the next door.

And it sounded like both of them were making noises... God knows what they were doing.

And the sound insulation effect is good.

To be reasonable, Nan Xiaoniao really wanted to go to the next door and knock on the door to make that guy keep his voice down, so that these two guys would know that there was someone beside them.

But thinking of interrupting others at such a time is really not good, Nan Xiaoniao still resisted this urge, and instead covered his head with the quilt, trying in vain to prevent himself from hearing what Kai Wei and Izumi Sagiri said. sound.

Then after a minute, she couldn't hold it anymore, and she couldn't bear it if she kept covering herself in the quilt.

"Ah, I won't sleep anymore!" After tossing and turning on the bed for a long time, Nan Xiaoniao finally couldn't take it anymore and lay down on the pillow, then picked up the phone.

Without doing anything else, Nan Xiaoniao directly called Honoka.

"Xiaoguo, save me!" The call was connected after a while, and then Nan Xiaoniao yelled without hesitation.

"What time do you think it is?" Takasaka Honoka's displeased voice was a little confused, it seemed that she had fallen asleep, and was woken up by Minami Kotori.

"Eleven past eleven."

"It's [-]:[-], and your time is slow." Honoka's voice gradually became clearer after Minami Kotori replied angrily.

"Ah, is that so? I guess the time in Chiba is a bit slower than in Tokyo." Almost subconsciously, Kosaka Honoka replied, and Minami Kotori came to her senses, "No, this kind of thing doesn't happen at all. Important, do you have time now? Well, whether you have it or not, I want to talk to you."

"I was woken up by you, do you think I have time?" Kosaka Honoka on the other end of the phone also showed a hint of helplessness, and then asked curiously, "So, you called me in the middle of the night What exactly do you want to talk about?"

"I want to fall in love!"

"Huh? If you want to fall in love, go find someone to confess. Why do you want me?." Speechlessly replied Minami Kotori, Takasaka Honoka was stunned, "And even if it is a proposal for confession, don't come to me. , it’s not that you don’t know that I’ve never been in a relationship before, so you have to go to Haiwei for this kind of thing.”

"Of course I want to go to Haiwei if I can, but..." Nan Xiaoniao's tone became helpless at this point, "Haiwei is now having sex with her girlfriend next door to me..."

As if afraid that Suo Naoguo would not believe it, Nan Xiaoniao walked directly to the wall and stuck the phone to the wall: "Did you hear that, it's so loud that I can't sleep..."

"Pfft, is Umi screaming so loudly?" Hearing the strange voice from the phone, Kosaka Honoka couldn't help but burst out laughing with a "Pfft", "But little bird, you are suffering It’s the excitement that makes you want to fall in love.”

ps: The first update~ I will strive for the third update today

Hundredth Chapter 17: too familiar to start

"Otherwise, what do you think! Originally, I wanted to be single for two years." There was no intention of denying or being arrogant, Minami Kotori decisively admitted what Honoka said, "Now I just want to have a relationship, and then I will be with you at night. Xiaohai has a louder voice than anyone else."

There is no need to be secretive when chatting with Honoka.

"Pfft, why are you so angry?"

"Just so angry! They are too much."

"Okay, okay, I see, so do you have a goal, little bird? If you have a goal, I can help you figure out a way."

"Of course I have a goal, otherwise why would I call you..."

"Hey? Who? Do I know you?" Gossip can be said to be a girl's instinct. When Xiaotiao said that she already has a goal, Honoka immediately asked curiously.

"Well..." Nan Xiaoniao's voice became a little hesitant when he thought of the person he wanted to talk about.

But now that the words have been said here, Nan Xiaoniao doesn't want to procrastinate any longer. After hesitating for a while, she also said directly: "Xiaoguo, do you know a person named Suo Naoguo?"

"Eh? Honoka? Is there anyone named Honoka besides me?" After two seconds of silence, Honoka asked curiously.

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid?" Hearing Honoka's reaction, Minami Xiaoniao finally couldn't help it, and simply said it bluntly, "The Honoka I want to fall in love with is none other than you Lai Xiaoguo!"

"Hey? Me?" Hearing Nan Xiaoniao's words, Honoka was stunned, and after a while she asked in surprise, "Xiao Niao, are you confessing to me? ?”

"Confession ghost, look, I want to fall in love, Xiaoguo and you are not in love, isn't it just right for the two of us to make a couple?" Nan Xiaoniao didn't want to admit that she was with Suo Naiguo confessed.

At best it's a suggestion.

"I really want to fall in love, and if the person in love is Xiaotiao, you can't do it..." After another long silence, Honoka finally said, "But... it's really true for the two of us to fall in love. Well, it’s not about whether girls can fall in love, after all, the ones Haiwei falls in love with are girls, the main reason is...we are too familiar with each other.”

"It's too familiar... What's the problem?" Honoka asked suspiciously, Minami Xiaoniao really didn't understand the relationship between being too familiar and falling in love.

To be precise, one needs to be familiar with things like falling in love, right?Too familiar to fall in love, do you want to talk to strangers?

"How should I put it... In short, I feel that you and I are just good friends, Xiaoniao. Although I like you very much, it should be just a liking between friends, right?" Honoka also said It's not very clear, so I can only explain it to Nan Xiaoniao like this, "And there is a saying, it's too familiar to start..."

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